With every new piece of Star Wars content, a new chapter is added to the vast and ever-expanding franchise. Star WarsJedi: Survivor does a great job at telling its unique Star Wars story without interfering with the known Star Wars canon, but that doesn’t stop the game from adding its details into the lore.

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There are a lot of risks that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor takes, and most of them pay off. Whether it’s for story or gameplay, technically it’s all canon, and further expands and grows what audiences know of the canon Star Wars lore.

This article contains spoilers for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

10 A Hidden World For The Jedi

Traveling to Tanalorr in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Ever since Order 66 began the Jedi Purge, the galaxy has not been a safe place for surviving Jedi or those that are Force-sensitive. Yet, there is hope in the galaxy, as Cal Kestis and the Mantis crew discovered a space anomaly that would lead them to a secret planet known as Tanalorr.

Tanalorr was first discovered by a Jedi Knight, Dagan Gera, during the era of the High Republic. It was here that Gera wanted to build a Jedi Temple, to become a bastion of the Order. Now, Cal Kestis will use Tanalorr as a home, free from the Empire, and a place where Force sensitives can be at peace.

9 Another Gen’Dai

Rayvis in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

For a long time, the Gen’Dai were placed into Star Wars Legends, but have been desperate for a comeback. Their warrior spirit, regenerative limbs, and keen minds make them a true danger to the Jedi, which is exactly why the inclusion of Rayvis in Star WarsJedi: Survivor is so impactful.

Although the Gen’Dai has been canon for some time in Star Wars again, the inclusion of Rayvis marks the first appearance in a video game, as well as a different Gen’Dai, as most people are only familiar with Durge the bounty hunter.

8 Fragments Of The High Republic

Dagan Gera and Cal in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

An interesting aspect of the Star Wars timeline makes its video game debut with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The High Republic has been the latest focus in Star Wars canon, taking place a few hundred years before the fall of the Jedi with Order 66. Star WarsJedi: Survivor puts a large focus on the High Republic, with droids, Jedi training rooms, and a surviving member of the Order.

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One of the most important characters in Star WarsJedi: Survivor is Dagan Gera, perhaps the last surviving Jedi from the High Republic era. It’s great to see how a member of the High Republic reacts to the death of the Jedi Order, and the takeover from the Galactic Empire.

7 Jedha’s Importance

Star Wars Jedi Jedha-1

Jedha is an important moon for the Jedi, a location where pilgrims could seek spiritual guidance, and those strong in the Force could feel its presence. Jedha was a base of operations for the Hidden Path, as well as the surviving Jedi, Cere Junda, and Eno Cordova.

Jedha housed a library of surviving Jedi archives, including contacts that would help Force sensitives find safe passage across the galaxy. However, despite Jedha’s importance, it does not halt its fate, as it was destroyed by the Death Star before the events of A New Hope.

6 Darth Vader Strikes Again

Cere and Darth Vader in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

It’s no secret that Darth Vader is one of the most feared Jedi killers in the galaxy far, far away. Darth Vader has another mission in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, which is to arrive on Jedha and kill any surviving Jedi that might be present. Vader is a man to fear, yet that doesn’t stop Cere Junda from making a final stand.

Darth Vader is a killing machine, and murders Cere, destroying the Jedi archives with her. Vader’s mission is complete with this surviving Jedi now dead, and it begs the question of what mission will he be forced to take from Emperor Palpatine next, since Star WarsJedi: Survivor is set during the same year as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

5 Remnants Of Separatist Forces

Fighting Battle Droids in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Across Koboh, remnants of the Clone Wars are still active, with reprogrammed battle droids acting as troublemakers alongside the Bedlam Raiders. The resurgence of Clone Wars era technology shows that despite the war being over for well over a decade, and the Separatist forces abandoned and discarded, some civilizations seek to use the battle droids for hostilities.

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The Bedlam Raiders have access to many Separatist forces, whether it’s tanks, space crafts, or even the fearsome Magna guards. It makes audiences wonder where else the battle droids could be seen next, and if their production truly ever stopped.

4 Jedi Spies

Bode and Kata in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

During the Clone Wars, Bode Akuna was part of the Republic Intelligence, an espionage detail for the Galactic Republic that would further sabotage the operations carried out by the Separatists. Bode was a Jedi Knight and learned many skills during his time in the Clone Wars as a spy. These skills would carry over through the Jedi Purge, where Bode would become an asset to the Empire.

Bode Akuna may not be safe from the Inquisitors, but it shows the division of power between the Empire and the Imperial Security Bureau. Bode was kept at the ISB as a spy, a puppet to the Empire, but one that doesn’t have to worry about the Inquisitors.

3 The Crossguard Stance

Cal’s Crossguard Stance in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

There are many famous fighting styles in Star Wars. Jedi and Sith alternate and train in the many different lightsaber styles, including the many forms and blades that Force sensitives can wield. One of the newest stances to Star Wars is that of the Crossguard stance, which sees Cal Kestis wield his lightsaber like a heavy claymore.

This is the first time Star Wars fans see this stance, and feel the true weight of a lightsaber. Players can commit themselves to slow swings, which deal an incredible amount of power at the cost of defense. Cal’s creation of this stance has fans wondering if they will see it again.

2 Bleeding A Kyber Crystal

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Red Lightsaber

Bleeding a Kyber Crystal is the act of succumbing to the Dark Side, embracing the anger and fear that would make one a Sith that has their Kyber Crystal corrupt, becoming the red blade that many fear. Although this has been heard of many times, audiences have never actually seen a lightsaber Kyber crystal bleed red until Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

The Jedi Knight Dagan Gera wastes no time upon his freedom to bleed his Kyber Crystal, which is something players might want to do when fighting Spawn of Oggdo. Audiences get to witness the strain and the rage that bleeds a crystal. Bleeding a Kyber crystal takes an intense amount of power, and it’s great to witness that for the first time.

1 New Force Powers

cal kestis vs dagan gera

The Force works in mysterious ways, and Cal Kestis is certainly strong within it. Cal has unique Force powers already introduced into the canon, such as searching for Force Echoes. However, the game adds even more Force powers that were unheard of before, such as a Force Dash, and a super Force move that allows Cal to embrace the Dark Side, and freeze time with a flurry of rageful attacks.

Even the High Republic Jedi, Dagan Gera has some great Force powers that have not been seen before. Dagan can use the Force to flip gravity, as well as to make use of his amputated right arm. Through the Force, Dagan can reuse a limb that isn’t there, whilst also projecting multiple versions of himself. Perhaps these teachings were lost in the High Republic era.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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