EA server issues are causing frustrations among Star Wars Jedi: Survivor players on PC, as they're unable to access the single-player game and on Star Wars Day of all days. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has drawn a significant amount of criticism on PC for a poorly optimized experience on the platform. Despite that, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor remains incredibly popular and is well-reviewed apart from its optimization issues. Now EA's server problems appear to be adding insult to injury.Even though Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available through multiple PC storefronts, all PC versions of the game require players to connect through the EA app for PC, even the Steam version. Online verification systems like EA uses are relatively common in the PC gaming space. They're used for DRM purposes, to make it more difficult for pirates to play the game, and secondarily to keep PC players within each publisher's PC gaming economy. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor currently has no microtransactions, but it may have add-on content in the future.RELATED: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Is Already On SaleUnfortunately, EA's servers used for PC verification appear to have temporarily gone offline on Star Wars Day. The result is that many Star Wars Jedi: Survivor players, as well as players of other EA games on PC, have been unable to access their games. No online verification means no permission to play the game, even if it's a single-player experience.

It's unclear when the EA server issues began, though reports have been shared as early as 2-3:00 AM PT on Thursday. A confirmation of ongoing EA server issues was confirmed via official EA customer service around 7:00 AM PT. EA followed up three hours after its first communication to say that it had fixed all connectivity issues, but it should be noted that servers have gone off and on several times over the past 24 hours.

No cause for the server issues was provided. It may be a coincidence, but scheduled server maintenance for Madden NFL did align with some of the downtime. That could indicate that EA was making changes to some servers and that a bug led to a larger problem across all servers. There are any number of other possibilities for why the servers have had issues, though. Downtime for EA's online servers has not been infrequent over the years.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor players are justifiably angry about the situation. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a single-player game, after all. Being able to play Star Wars Jedi: Survivor shouldn't depend on when online servers are online or offline. That's just the reality of modern gaming, though. The alternative is not purchasing or playing Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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