Star Wars Celebration is just a few days away, which means the much-anticipated reveal of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is too. According to known insider Jeff Grubb, this sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be at the event and is set to release on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X in early 2023. One thing Jeff was not sure of was how many playable characters there would be.

He added that the game continues Cal Kestis’ story, but he didn’t know for sure if Cal was the only playable character. The Bespin Bulletin also chimed in to add that it heard there would be a second playable character in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, with Cal remaining the focus. Should this be true, even if fans should take all of this with a healthy grain of salt, there’s a strong case to make Merrin the second playable character.

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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – Merrin Would Make for a Unique Jedi

Following her introduction in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Merrin skyrocketed in popularity as a unique and tragic character. She is a survivor of the Clone Wars, where the Dathomirian Nightsisters were slaughtered by General Grievous. A fallen Jedi named Taron Malicos manipulated her into believing the Jedi were responsible for the death of her people, and once all of this is resolved, she joins Cal and friends.

Jedi Fallen Order Screenshot Of Cal Holding Hands With Nightsister Merrin

If there is meant to be a second playable character, there’s not a better pick than Merrin. After all, assuming the subtitle could be in reference to her past, not Cal’s, she’s a survivor by definition. It’s likely Cal (or perhaps Cere) is training her in the ways of the Jedi, making her their padawan. That would be the best way to work her into a closer story, as well as a solid connection for the gameplay. How the action RPG elements, as well as the lightsaber customization in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, would work remains to be seen, but it’s not impossible.

It would likely be distinct, no matter how small Merrin’s role would be, because she would be a unique Jedi. As a Nightsister, Merrin has used the dark side of the force to wield Magick, which is sometimes known as Shadow Magic, Force Magic, or Force Sorcery. These are usually tied to the Dark Side of the Force, something dangerous to all Jedi, yet Merrin is seen using this power for good at the end of Fallen Order.

Having her completely turn away from her roots, as well as the Magick of her people, would not be a good look. It’s not something Merrin is likely to accept. Instead, allowing her to perhaps find a way to use Magick without the Dark Side or, at least, show how Merrin has control over this element of the Force could put her on a unique path. It wouldn’t be surprising if she managed to walk the line between and be a proper Gray Jedi. Ultimately, it all remains to be seen, but hopefully, Merrin is standing alongside Cal in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor reportedly releases in early 2023 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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