Spoilers for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Ahead

Before Disney purchased Lucasfilm, one of the few ways Star Wars fans could get new stories was through The Clone Wars or the video game industry. One of the most popular gameplay experiences during this era was combat in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It went a long way in expanding the franchise in exciting ways, but it has been retconned since the acquisition. Instead, players have had to turn to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor for their force user fantasy.

As of now, it does not seem like Starkiller will ever crop back up in the new Star Wars canon. There just does not seem to be a place for him currently, but Respawn's Star Wars Jedi: Survivor seems to be picking up the slack. While Cal Kestis may not be Vader's secret apprentice, he may be as close to Starkiller as modern Star Wars video games will get.

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Cal Kestis is Starkiller on a Different Journey

Jedi Survivor Cal Kestis-1

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed told a brand-new story set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. It followed Darth Vader's secret apprentice Starkiller as he hunted down Jedi survivors after Order 66. At the same time, he planted the seeds for the Rebel Alliance which Darth Vader was going to use to overthrow the Emperor. As the story progressed, Starkiller would slowly begin to question his actions and ultimately head toward the light.

The biggest highlight was that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed gave raw power to the player. Not only were players able to cut down foes with their lightsabers, but they also had incredible force powers at their disposal. They could unleash devastation on their enemies and would only grow in power as the story progressed. It felt like the perfect force user power fantasy, even if he may have been a bit overpowered at times.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor tells a similar story from a different perspective. Instead of being Vader's secret apprentice, Cal Kestis is a Jedi on the run after Order 66. On his journey, he sees some of the earliest forms of rebellion and must question his role in all of this. As the story progresses, he even begins to teeter towards the darkness in the face of insurmountable odds and immense pain.

Respawn has also given players the tools to devastate their enemies, and these abilities only grow stronger as the story progresses. Cal can utilize all sorts of lightsaber techniques and unleash powerful force powers to accomplish his goals. Near the end of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Cal feels almost unstoppable with hatred on his side. While his actions may be purer than Starkiller's, they both do whatever it takes to win the day.

Cal Kestis and Starkiller come from vastly different places, but they may be two sides of the same coin. One was forged by Vader while the other one was forged by rebellion, but they both ultimately do what is right in the end. Their journeys see them grapple with both sides of the force, their own mortality, and what their role in the universe is. They are also powerful force users during the rise of Star Wars' Empire and are relatively unknown to the greater galaxy outside their respective series.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was a pretty special game that gave players the tools to unleash devastation, and it seems like Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is carrying on that legacy. Starkiller and Cal Kestis may be different people, but both seem to fulfill the same purpose in the end. While Starkiller may be canonized one day, Cal Kestis seems to be filling his immensely powerful shoes fantastically so far.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S

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