
  • The Nihil, a ruthless group from Star Wars' High Republic era, is a formidable threat to the galaxy and disrupts the peace.
  • Led by Marchion Ro, the Nihil attack the Republic and oppose its expansion into the far reaches of the galaxy.
  • The Nihil's unique ability to travel through hyperspace using "Paths" makes them difficult to trace and adds to their chaos.

The Star Wars franchise has featured a wealth of antagonistic groups over the years. Whether it's the imposing and iconic Galactic Empire, or the still-mysterious First Order, the galaxy's heroes have had no shortage of foes to take down. This much is true across Star Wars' video games as well, with recent titles like Star Wars Jedi: Survivor featuring the Empire and the Bedlam Raiders. These groups served as the main obstacles in the way of Cal Kestis' quest for Tanalorr, but Star Wars Jedi: Survivor also gave players a brief look at a recently established group in Star Wars lore, the ruthless Nihil.

The Nihil is a creation of Star Wars' High Republic era, a recent addition to the timeline that takes place a few hundred years before the films. This era began and persists today through a series of Star Wars books and comics, and has since expanded into television and video games. The Nihil's effect on the galaxy can be felt somewhat in Jedi: Survivor's narrative, and its influence may be even greater in Star Wars Eclipse, which will be set during the High Republic. Seeing as Star Wars seems intent on fleshing out the High Republic beyond its books, it's worth evaluating one of the era's greatest threats.

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The Nihil: One Of The Jedi's Greatest Threats

The High Republic was marked by great peace across the galaxy, a peace that the Nihil saw fit to disrupt through raids of Outer Rim worlds, and direct attacks on the Republic itself. Though it was first thought of as a minor nuisance by the Republic and the Jedi Order, it demanded more respect once Marchion Ro became the Nihil's leader. Ro ascended to the Eye of the Nihil following the murder of his father, and with this new power, he used the group to attack the Republic as it tried to expand into the far reaches of the galaxy.

Ro saw this expansion as an infringement on his and the Nihil's way of life, which thrived on anarchy and taking whatever they want. This philosophy of anarchy spread to every aspect of the Nihil, from its brutish weapons to the crude ships that contrasted the Jedi's elegance. What made the Nihil particularly threatening, however, was its ability to travel through hyperspace in ways that were near-impossible for other starships. Using special routes called "Paths", the Nihil was able to travel the galaxy in unpredictable ways, adding to their chaos and making it difficult for its members to be traced.

Nihil Hierarchy Breakdown

The Nihil was made up of thousands of marauders, each of them organized in various groups that denoted their power within the criminal organization. Power was one of the few things respected in the Nihil, and promotions were treated with great distinction.

  • The Eye of the Nihil: The Nihil's leader, responsible for controlling the Paths and guiding the group's criminal endeavors.
  • Tempest Runners: Comprised of three members, Tempest Runners led their own unit of Nihil and took direct orders from the Eye of the Nihil.
  • Storms: Where Tempest Runners answered to the Eye, Storms answered to Tempest Runners and often carried out medium-to-small scale missions.
  • Clouds: Nihil Clouds didn't have much more agency than those of a lower rank, but nevertheless carried a special amount of respect for contributing to the Nihil cause.
  • Strikes: The Strikes were at the bottom of the Nihil food chain, but their role was made important through the goal of recruiting additional members. If a Strike brought in enough recruits, they could be promoted to a Cloud.

The Nihil's exploits in Star Wars' High Republic stories have made it a formidable antagonist, and its emergence in the world of video games may only increase that threat. Star Wars Eclipse will have numerous opportunities to address the Nihil throughout its story, and time will tell if the next Star Wars Jedi game explores these pirates more than Survivor did.