The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Those were the words of the iconic Sith Lord, Darth Sidious in Star Wars, and words that ring true to players of Star WarsJedi: Survivor who might be seeking to indulge in evil and power rather than the ways of the Jedi.

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With an intricate build system, players can create their version of a Sith Lord in Star WarsJedi: Survivor by taking inspiration from Darth Maul and other villainous aspects of the Star Wars series. With this Sith build, perhaps even Darth Vader will show some fear.

8 Power Lift

power lift skill

It’s not a Sith's ability to be strong in the Force, but it is more Sith than Jedi to abuse those larger than one's self, especially if it’s a creature without sentience. Power Lift will allow players to hold R1 and Triangle to lift larger enemies into the air, opening them to attacks, and keeping them suspended and helpless against the flurry of a Sith.

By using Power Lift, players can make themselves intensely strong in the Force to control the bodies of powerful and large enemies. This isn’t exactly a peaceful move like a Mind Trick, as it will allow players to abuse an enemy that cannot reach the ground.

7 Power Slam

power slam skill

Holding R1 and the jump button will see a bigger hit reaction from affected enemies. This means that those that are held into the air will be slammed into the ground with a damage boost, as well as an ability to force down larger enemies. Power Slam is a manipulation and abuse of the Force, allowing Cal to use his power to hurt others rather than to defend himself.

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Power Slam is a Force move that those seeking Sith power might want to use. It may not allow players to Force Choke, or even shoot lightning from their fingers, but Power Slam is nonetheless a great Force ability to show the strength of the Sith.

6 Redirected Strength

redirected strength skill

The manipulation of others, innocent or otherwise, is an ability that only a true Sith can master. Redirected Strength will see players hold the left trigger and press R1 whilst holding a Force Pulled enemy, which will then force this enemy to fire their weapon towards their allies.

Redirected Strength is a great way to turn enemies on each other, as it is not like a Mind Trick, as the enemy is completely unwilling to participate in this evil scheme, which sees Cal make Stormtroopers kill their allies with blaster fire.

5 Superior Hold

superior hold skill

Manipulating the Force through anger can give a Sith power that the Jedi could never obtain. Superior Hold controls the fight, allowing Cal to increase the duration of Force Slow’s effect on enemies. If players have progressed far enough into Star WarsJedi: Survivor’s story, they will have an added ability that makes Superior Hold even better.

With this new Sith-inspired Superior Hold, players can release a flurry of violent attacks with their lightsaber for an extended time. It’s the perfect move for a Sith Lord, providing violence and rage, channeled through the Force and the lightsaber.

4 Controlled Throw

controlled throw skill

There’s nothing scarier to someone that cannot wield the Force than a lightsaber spinning toward them in a tornado of violence. Controlled Throw will do just that, allowing players to hold L1 and Triangle to throw their double-bladed lightsaber. Holding Triangle will allow players to keep the saber spinning, and the left stick allows players to move the blade around.

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With Controlled Throw, players will be able to dominate the battlefield, causing enemies to flinch and fear the weapon that can cut through their limbs like butter. It’s a great move to influence fear, a grand weapon of the Sith.

3 Wrenching Pull

wrenching pull skill

Wrenching Pull will allow players to press the left and right triggers at the same time to forcefully group enemies closer. It’s a powerful and risky Force move, one that will force unexpecting enemies into the range of Cal Kestis’ lightsaber. Wrenching Pull is efficient for the aggressive nature of a Sith Lord. It'll make the best bounty hunters think twice before attacking Cal.

No longer will players have to bring forth enemies one by one, or to target a single person. Wrenching Pull will allow players to bring all enemies towards them, showing each Stormtrooper that their numbers matter not in the presence of a Sith.

2 Gathering Tempest

gathering tempest skill

Utilizing the rage of Darth Maul, players can use Gathering Tempest as a violent double-bladed lightsaber attack. This move will allow players to hold their attack button down to deal fast strikes, targeted toward a single enemy that probably is not expecting a barrage of lightsaber strikes.

Gathering Tempest uses the sheer anger Sith experiences to gain power. It’s a powerful move, and its Sith power comes from the fact that it will single out an opponent, bringing out their fear as Cal Kestis attacks the target relentlessly.

1 Rising Storm

rising storm skill

Double-bladed lightsabers are perfect for Sith Lords thanks to the iconic Darth Maul. Rising Storm further proves how effective the Double-bladed lightsaber stance is, as it’s a skill that allows players to hold the heavy attack button to perform a move that pulls enemies into a small and vulnerable area, causing them to be attacked while Cal launches into the air.

Rising Storm is just one of the many dangerous attacks that players can use with the double-bladed lightsaber, a violent move that will make the Sith feared amongst the galaxy, outside of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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