While its predecessor contained a plethora of its own unique abilities and capabilities for players to explore in the Force, Star Wars Jedi Survivor takes this to another level. As the opening segment of the game reveals, including the five-year time jump, Cal Kestis is now a seasoned and dangerous Jedi compared to Jedi Fallen Order.

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From having to relearn and focus within meditation to regain his Force abilities after surviving "Order 66," Respawn Entertainment was sure to avoid the common mistake of removing abilities and regaining them all again in a sequel. This time around, the Force abilities are bigger and better, and showcase a far more relaxed Cal Kestis as opposed to a frightened and nervous one.

5 Twin Pull

Cal Kestis

If there are any new Force abilities that stand as one of the highlights of Cal's massive leap in power and capabilities, it would most certainly be the new "Twin Pull." While maintaining the original Force pull from Jedi Fallen Order, players now have the ability to pull in two enemies at once, resulting in an easier task in eliminating multiple at once.

Not only does this make the task of tough enemy encounters much more manageable, but it certainly makes Cal look even more intimidating while doing so. This ability intertwined with the new stances, and faster and stronger maneuvers, make the combat experience step further beyond Jedi Survivor's predecessor.

4 Radial Push

Cal and Merrin

As mentioned previously, Respawn Entertainment doubled down on the original Force abilities, one of which is the standard Force push. When upgraded, similar to Fallen Order's increase in standard Force push, Cal can now knock back multiple enemies at once with greater ferocity, causing a stun. It allows players to gather themselves much more quickly, especially when overwhelmed with enemies rushing at them.

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As a Jedi Knight, these abilities showcase the amount of progression made by Cal in the space of five years, and without including spoilers, it is a huge indication as to what he may be capable of going forward.

3 Unrelenting Pull

Cal force pull

One of the biggest difficulties many players face in Jedi Fallen Order is the inability to use many Force abilities on bigger enemies, or ones who were well-versed themselves, most especially the Force pull. Jedi Survivor's "Unrelenting Pull" throws that annoyance out of the equation, and introduces a more powerful Force pull that can trouble many of those who are Force-resistant.

Once again, this highlights Cal's extended focus within the Force, and players are able to showcase their skills and play in a more casual and relaxed manner, which was very unlike Fallen Order, which often contained a Cal that felt more reserved and cautious in combat. On this occasion, especially within cutscenes, Respawn Entertainment was sure to have Cameron Monaghan evoke a more confident character, one who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty for his survival and other innocent lives.

2 Greater Confusion (Mind Trick)

Mind Trick

As many would have speculated prior to the game's release, Cal now has the ability to use the famous Jedi mind trick, featured both in cutscenes and gameplay. While many would likely highlight how impressive it is on a surface level, it is a crucial Force ability that can give players the upper hand in combat, when there are numerous enemies with blasters and others at close range.

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"Greater Confusion" will take the ability to be able to set not only one enemy against his own allies, but it will give players an additional target to mind trick, evening the odds for a limited amount of time. On the verge of death, this could very well be a lifesaver, giving players more space and time to use healing stims from BD-1, and distracting some of the more aggressive and relentless enemies who are pursuing Cal.

1 Redirected Strength

Redirected Strength

If players were ever thinking of an ability that would allow for a skillful showcase, while simultaneously humiliating enemies that are encountered throughout the game, the new "Redirected Strength" ability is the way to go. In addition to a Force pull, as mentioned earlier, rather than dismembering enemies for an instant kill or pushing them away, Cal can force them to shoot at their allies, notably those with blaster cannons. These were incredibly frustrating to face at certain points in Jedi Survivor's predecessor, especially if players did not upgrade their block meters or Force abilities.

Now, players can make quick work of enemies that wield blaster weapons, using their trigger-happy selves to inflict damage on supporting allies, which offers a great spectacle and shortens the number of threats all at once. Taking all of these into consideration mixed in with new stances, move sets, perks, and much more in the game's late stages, Jedi Survivor is one of, the if not the best, Star Wars games out there for fans to experience, despite the performance issues on both PC and consoles plaguing the experience. Once it is in a better state, these Force abilities are just the tip of the iceberg for what the game has to offer.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor is now available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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