Star WarsJedi: Survivor allows new characters like Dagan Gera and Rayvis to breathe fresh life into the Star Wars franchise, but that doesn’t stop Star WarsJedi: Survivor from including some entirely awesome cameos from the best Star Wars characters. Star Wars fans are certainly in for a treat with Star WarsJedi: Survivor thanks to the carefully crafted gameplay and narrative that builds upon the Star Wars lore, but perhaps the biggest treat is in the cameos.

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There are plenty of easter eggs in Star WarsJedi: Survivor, with plenty of callbacks and references to past Star Wars content from the films, shows, and comics. However, something that deserves talking about alone is the Star WarsJedi: Survivor cameos from some iconic characters that certainly need no introduction. Like all Star Wars things, many fans may want more than what they got, but sometimes the story needs to come before the cameos. Star WarsJedi: Survivor treats its surprise appearances with the respect these legacy characters deserve, while never shining away from the central cast that makes Star WarsJedi: Survivor work.

The cameos in Star WarsJedi: Survivor don’t take away from the story-centric moments and the intimate development of Cal Kestis and crew, yet they’re a fun ride to experience, especially with such big names in the Star Wars series making the rounds in the galaxy far, far away for Cal Kestis’ second video game adventure.

3 Ninth Sister

image showing the ninth sister in star wars jedi survivor.

As Cal Kestis attempts to escape Coruscant after a heist went wrong, he is interrupted by none other than a former adversary, the Ninth Sister. The Ninth Sister was a female Inquisitor, and a former Jedi Knight during the Jedi Order, before the Purge of Order 66. Now working under Darth Vader and the Grand Inquisitor, she’s back for a rematch with Cal Kestis, along with a new robotic hand and foot.

Cal and the Ninth Sister first fought on Kashyyk, where the Sith Inquisitor battled the Jedi Padawan, only to be defeated, and assumed dead. The Ninth Sister’s surprise appearance in Star WarsJedi: Survivor proves that no one’s ever really gone until their head is separated from their shoulders, as that will pretty much spell the death of anything.

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Cal Kestis proves just how far he has come as a Jedi Knight, as he calmly states the Ninth Sister’s real name Masana Tide, before delivering a final blow to set her free from her Sith ways. Cal beheads the Ninth Sister in their battle on Coruscant, bringing an Inquisitor to her end, and thus extinguishing the flame of a former Jedi.

2 Darth Vader

Cere and Darth Vader in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Cere Junda and Eno Cordova had developed a refuge for the Jedi Order, a temple on Jedha where they have salvaged and kept safe the records of the Jedi Archives. These two Jedi Masters worked tirelessly to ensure that the Jedi Order would not become extinct. This is exactly why Darth Vader himself was sent to crush this futile resistance from the Jedi with his intense power in the Force.

Darth Vader arrives on Jedha alongside an army of Imperial soldiers and weaponry. Vader’s appearance is always menacing and always ends in death. Darth Vader may not have the iconic voice of James Earl Jones in this cameo, but Scott Lawrence does a good job at keeping the rageful and tired voice of Vader present in Darth Vader’s Star WarsJedi: Survivor appearance.

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The scene itself is thrilling, as players take control of Cere as she battles Darth Vader. The Darth Vader boss fight in Star WarsJedi: Survivor is intense, where any strike from the red lightsaber could be fatal. Players need to bring their a-game against the Dark Lord of the Sith, but even their best will not be enough, as this cameo ends brutally, with Cere damaging Vader, but ultimately being impaled by his red blade, killing her soon after.

1 Boba Fett

boba fett vs cal kestis

There is perhaps no bounty hunter as feared as Boba Fett. Although Boba Fett may be a simple man just trying to make his way in the universe like his father before him, it doesn’t stop him from being a ruthless hunter. There is no bounty too great for the mighty Boba Fett, and he makes that very clear when he interrupts a fight between Caij and the Jedi Knight Cal Kestis.

Boba Fett appears once players have defeated 16/16 bounty hunters in the ‘Bounties’ Rumor chain, but only after they fight the secret 17th bounty target of Caij. Boba Fett interrupts in typical fashion, shooting first and asking questions later, claiming Caij as his bounty and telling Cal Kestis that it’s time for him to leave, or share a similar fate.

Boba Fett is voiced by Temuera Morrison, the original actor of Jango Fett and the clone troopers, as well as the new and revised Boba Fett thanks to his numerous appearances in Disney Plus’ The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. It’s always great to see Boba Fett, especially when voiced by the actor himself, showing a clear dedication to the role of the bounty-hunting legend.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is now available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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