It’s been a long time since Star Wars fans have been able to truly dive into a single-player Star Wars campaign that has some real depth to it (take that, Star Wars Battlefront 2. Shots fired). With the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, however, it seems that longtime fans are not only getting an excellent game packed with locations old and new, but also brilliant new characters and faces fans will remember, hidden pieces of lore and easter eggs.

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And also an adventure that actually adds to the Star Wars Canon. So before fans dive into the game, here’s a few things that may help them on their way to becoming one of the greatest living Jedi in the galaxy far, far away.

10 Change The Difficulty Settings

jedi fallen order 2

Though Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has already drawn many comparisons to the Souls games and games like God of War, the series does manage to differentiate itself in several ways. Perhaps one of the most useful differences to fans who are solely playing the game to appreciate the story it tells and the adventure it adds to the Star Wars canon is the ability to change the difficulty setting.

Unlike other (cheaper) games, when the difficulty is changed in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, the settings for enemy aggression, parry timing, and incoming damaged are adjusted to the players’ level of comfort.

9 Scan Enemies For Weakpoints

star wars jedi fallen order bd-1 with boots

Another thing that Star Wars Jedi: Fallen order doesn’t exactly make clear to new players is just how helpful their new droid pal, BD-1, can be as they make their way through the game. Though BD-1 can be very helpful when it comes to pointing out areas of interest as well as opening crates throughout the game, BD-1 is capable of much more than that.

Perhaps one of his most useful abilities is his ability to scan downed enemies in order to give better insight into the areas in which they are weakest as well as providing players with additional information. This information can be vital to the players’ survival as they make their way through the game.

8 Get XP Back From The Enemy That Killed You

The Ninth Sister

Like many of the games that can be considered to be in the same style of the Souls games, in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, players gain experience as they make their way through the many worlds of the game. However, as players make their way through the many worlds of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, should they fall to any enemy, they will lose all of the experience that they have accumulated.

Much like in games of the Souls franchise, however, should players manage to make their way back to the enemy that best them and land a strike (unlike Souls where players would need to down said enemy), they will be rewarded with all of their dropped experience.

7 Lose To Sub-Bosses You’ll Never See Again

star wars jedi fallen order saber battle

While gamers may be able to typically work their way back to their lost experience points and slice their way back into their XP, there are certain cases through the game which that simply will not be possible. Though most enemies on the various maps will reappear where they last spawned, there are certain sub-bosses that will only appear the once.

Should gamers manage to lose their lives to these sub-bosses, not only will they never see them again (a completionist’s worst nightmare), but they’ll also permanently lose all of the experience that they had accumulated before the fell to their enemy.

6 Check The Map For Secret Areas

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a game filled with numerous worlds with maps that are pretty enormous. With all that space to roam around, it’s easy for some players to skip over areas that may provide them with that oh so precious loot. However, should gamers open up their maps as they enter new rooms and areas, the map will display all the things that may have been overlooked.

RELATED: 10 Games To Play If You Loved Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

In fact, the map is even color-coded to display the areas in which players will be able to explore further and areas where they shouldn’t bother heading towards as they won’t be able to progress. Pretty handy for anyone hoping not to miss any loot as they make their way through the game.

5 Interrupt Unblockable Hits

Much like the Souls games, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a game of precision. The enemies found in the game are incredibly tough, and death (along with a loss of precious experience points) lies in wait around every corner.

However, with the correct timing, parrying, and attacking, players can get through anything. Even though the opponent may be attacking with an unblockable attack, that doesn’t mean that it is unstoppable. With the correct timing, a skilled Jedi could, for instance, attack at just the right time and stop an opponent just before they unleash a devastating attack.

4 Get The Double-Sided Lightsaber Early On

jedi fallen order 2

Throughout the promotional material, fans have been introduced to probably the greatest lightsaber variant available in the game, the double-sided lightsaber. While it seems as though the developers had planned on players getting the double-sided lightsaber much later on in the game, it is certainly possible for players to find the coveted double-sided saber very early on in the game.

RELATED: 10 Unresolved Mysteries And Plotholes Left Hanging In Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

In fact, players can actually find the saber as soon as Dathomir becomes available as a planet to explore. The downside is, however, that players will have to do a significant amount of running past foes in order to avoid being utterly dominated by opponents that definitely outclass them this early on in the game.

3 Use The Double-Sided Lightsaber As A Single Blade

Now that players have managed to cheat the system and won the coveted double-sided lightsaber for their troubles, it’s time to see what the double-sided saber is capable of. Not only is the double-sided lightsaber capable of really mowing down a crowded area filled with baddies galore, but its also incredibly versatile.

Though the double-sided saber is quicker while attacking and very useful when trying to handle a group of enemies, it also can be used as a single blade with just the tap of the d-pad. The best of both worlds for any Jedi in training.

2 The Double-Sided Flashlight

Cal holding a double-ended lightsaber

While this one may seem like a bit of a no-brainer, it shouldn’t go without being said. There are many dark and creepy caves and caverns as players traverse the many worlds of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and while a single lightsaber blade does help a significant amount as players make their way through a dark cave--what’s that old adage? “Two lightsaber blades are better than one”?

Suffice it to say, while making their way through dark caves, players are going to need all the help they can get if they hope to discover every piece of loot, every easter egg, and every surprise.

1 Travel To Starkiller Base

Ilum Puzzle Solved

Though Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a game that filled with new and exciting additions to the Star Wars canon, but perhaps one of the most interesting additions comes in the form of a planet called Ilum. Or as fans of the films might remember it, Starkiller Base.

For many, many years Ilum was a sacred site for the Jedi as it was home to perhaps the greatest concentration of cyber crystals in the galaxy far, far away. The origins of Starkiller Base have been a mystery since it first appeared in The Force Awakens, but Fallen Order seems to confirm that Ilum was, in fact, the planet the First Order eventually turned into Starkiller Base.

NEXT: 10 Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order