Fans of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order have been chomping at the bit for any information about a seemingly inevitable sequel. One of the most successful games in the Star Wars franchise in recent years, Jedi: Fallen Order was well received by fans and critics alike. With a sequel hopefully on the way, it stands to reason that Cal Kestis and the other members of the Mantis will be introduced to more of the Star Wars world at large. However, that might have dire ramifications for Cal and crew that echo the tone of the Rogue One prequel movie.

Fallen Order is considered a canon part of the Star Wars universe, taking place several years after the execution of Order 66 and well into the Empire's establishment across the galaxy. This timeframe has some interesting opportunities for the game going forward, like possibly including Ahsoka Tano in Fallen Order 2, but also has some pitfalls that are eerily similar to those in the film Rogue One. Since Cal and his friends are canon members of the universe, their absence in later adventures will need to be addressed. Like in Rogue One, this probably means a grim fate for Cal Kestis.

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Jedi: Fallen Order 2 Could Have a Rough Ending for Cal Kestis

Cal Kestis has become one of the few (albeit growing) list of Jedi who survived Order 66 and the betrayal of the clones. Having never fully finished his Jedi training, however, a large thrust of Fallen Order is the path Cal takes to complete his journey towards being a Jedi Knight. Becoming a full-fledged Jedi Master in Fallen Order 2 is likely to be a big part of that game, but by the end of the first title Cal has already become a Jedi powerful enough in his own right. His prowess as a Jedi and accomplishments in the first Fallen Order will mean that he's likely high on the Empire's list of troublemakers.

While things about Cal will likely change in Fallen Order 2, by mere virtue of having defeated an Inquisitor and survived an encounter with Darth Vader mean that he will be pursued more diligently than ever. A Jedi shown to be as powerful as Cal will be sought after not only by the Empire, but by Rebel forces and perhaps other Jedi. Bringing Cal into the wider canon has a lot of interesting possibilities, but doing so likely means that Cal Kestis will end up experiencing either an early death or some other grim fate. Whether that happens in Fallen Order 2 or beyond, his absence later in the series will need to be addressed. This isn't necessarily a bad thing from a narrative perspective.

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Rogue One Could Serve as a Good Inspiration for Fallen Order 2

Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso in Rogue One A Star Wars Story

The film Rogue One handled such a dilemma in a well-received way. Jyn Orso and her other compatriots are on a suicide mission from the beginning. Going into the film, fans already knew that these characters were likely to die by the end. A similar tone may pervade the next chapter of Cal's journey. While some would argue for Fallen Order 2 to move away from canon in order to avoid such a fate for Cal and his friends, embracing that inevitability could give Fallen Order 2 a tragic tone that helped make Rogue One one of the better received Star Wars spin-offs.

Again, whether this happens in the next game or not is anyone's guess. Cal's existence will need to be handled eventually. Avoiding common series pitfalls will be crucial for Fallen Order 2 and emulating some of what Rogue One did well could help elevate the eventual Fallen Order sequel. Continuing to build the characters out and their relationships with each other could become even more impactful if fans know that a tragic ending is inevitable. This was a big part of what made Rogue One successful, and could help do the same for Fallen Order 2.

Since Fallen Order 2 hasn't been officially announced yet, any assumptions about where it might go is purely speculative. It's totally possible that some kind of banishment or self-imposed exile awaits Cal Kestis. It's also worth noting that the fate of every Jedi that survived Order 66 has yet to be revealed, even in the extended universe. A Jedi already shown to be as powerful as Cal needs to be reckoned with much in the way that Ahsoka Tano will likely be in her upcoming Disney+ show. His abilities and personality mean that it's unlikely Cal would just ignore the events throughout the galaxy without at least attempting to help out.

There's already a lot of Star Wars content for Fallen Order 2 to pull from, and that will likely be one of the game's strengths. Between the novels, series like Clone Wars, and other media there's no shortage of events to tie Cal's adventures to. While it's likely to feature mostly original plotlines, Cal's association with the Jedi and now the Night Sisters after the events of the first game could mean that Cal gets wrapped up in any number of major events throughout the Star Wars universe. But a likely impending doom is going to hang heavy over any of his adventures in Fallen Order 2.

Using the same kind of dread that permeates Rogue One could prove a great narrative device for any sequel to Fallen Order. Juxtaposing a likely death or exile for Cal Kestis against helping build hope for the Rebellion in Fallen Order 2 could create an incredibly engaging story. Self-sacrifice was part of what made the heroes in Rogue One feel important to the overall canon, despite their brief moment in the bigger picture.

There are many themes Fallen Order 2 will likely deal with: Cal continuing his journey towards Jedi mastery, the inevitable conflict between the light and dark sides of the Force for a masterless Jedi, and trying to find a way to help the galaxy. Underpinning those more traditional Star Wars concepts with the sense of impending doom for a character likely to meet an early death could help cement Fallen Order 2 as not just a great Star Wars game, but one of the most memorable experiences in a galaxy already filled with such moments.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 hasn't yet been confirmed to be in development.

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