Gamers have been pining for a single-player Star Wars adventure in the vein of the old Jedi Knight games for years until EA and Respawn Entertainment came forward and delivered Jedi: Fallen Order, arguably the best narrative-driven Star Wars video game of all time. It really had it all: fun, responsive gameplay, a story that hits all the classic Star Wars tropes, and a cast of characters players couldn't help but care about.

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The recent confirmation that a sequel to Fallen Order is in the works was unsurprisingly met with a lot of enthusiasm from the fans. The 2019 title left plenty unanswered questions, providing writers with an opportunity to create a direct continuation that unravels the mysteries behind some characters and events that transpired in the first entry.

7 The Chemistry Between Cal And Merrin

Romance was definitely the last thing on the minds of Cal Kestis and his crew as they followed in Eno Cordova's footsteps to recover a holocron containing the location details of Force-sensitive children. However, the introduction of Nightsister Merrin in the final act of the game led many fans to speculate on the future of her relationship with Cal.

Although it was never explicitly stated in the game, it is safe to say that there was a certain level of affection between Cal and Merrin, and it could be easily sensed in the cutscenes. The pair has a lot in common: both of them are among the last representatives of their respective orders and considering her actions in Kujet's Tomb, it is clear that Nightsister Merrin cares a lot about Cal. Giving the young Jedi a romantic interest in Fallen Order 2 could be a good way of fleshing out his character even more.

6 Eno Cordova's Findings

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Screenshot Of Eno Cordova

Basing the sequel to Fallen Order around the same premise as the first game (i.e. following Eno Cordova's messages around the galaxy) is probably not the best idea, but it doesn't mean that Respawn and EA should abandon the Cordova storyline entirely. The Jedi Master's research into the Zeffo civilization uncovered some fascinating lore, but its depiction in Fallen Order created more questions than it managed to answer.

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The visions Cal experienced in the Bogano crypt towards the end of the game revealed that the Zeffo were an advanced civilization, capable of things that deeply puzzled Eno Cordova. Given his track record of meticulously documenting his findings, it is more than likely that he has left a lot more information behind, which should be explored to a certain degree in the upcoming sequel to Fallen Order.

5 Cere's Connection To The Dark Side

Jedi Fallen Order Screenshot Of Cere Junda Aiming Blaster

The plotline involving Cere and her past as a Jedi Master was as intriguing as it was worrying. She has definitely made some questionable choices in the past, going as far as letting the Empire capture and brainwash her padawan, Trilla, who became an Inquisitor and the main antagonist of Jedi: Fallen Order.

The retrospective cutscenes and an encounter with Darth Vader at the very end of the game have shown that Cere was capable of tapping into the Dark Side on multiple occasions. While she was shown struggling to sever this connection and avoid using the Force altogether, it was clear that she is able to conjure great destructive powers when letting go of her self-imposed barriers. The exploration of Cere Junda's complicated relationship with the Dark Side of the Force would make for a compelling narrative in Fallen Order 2.

4 BD-1's Secrets

As revealed in a rather dramatic (albeit heartwarming) cutscene taking place in the Jedi temple ruins on Ilum, Cal didn't stumble upon BD-1 on Bogano by chance. The tiny droid has singled him out as a candidate for completing Eno Cordova's mission and purposefully crossed paths with the Jedi.

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Although it is not a certainty, Star Wars fans speculated that BD-1's holding of Eno Cordova's findings was not the only secret the robot had in store. Throughout Fallen Order, he has exhibited a tremendous capability for modification and adaptability to surroundings. Judging by the droid's popularity, the sequel is likely to explore BD-1's secrets and further elaborate on his backstory.

3 Greeze's Backstory


The Stinger Mantis and its commander, Greeze Dritus were a central part of Jedi: Fallen Order. The starship and its captain may not have contributed to the unfolding of the game's overarching narrative, but without them, Cal, Cere, and BD-1 would not have been able to accomplish their goals.

A direct sequel provides Respawn with the opportunity to expand upon Greeze's background and explore the events he already mentioned in the cutscenes of the first game. Given his affinity for gambling and run-ins with smugglers and criminals of all sorts, incorporating these elements of Greeze's past into the main narrative of the sequel would allow the Fallen Order saga to take players into more urban environments, as well as introduce more interesting NPCs and side quests.

2 Will Cal And Cere Avenge Trilla?

Trilla Suduri, better known under her Inquisitor name, Second Sister, was a very tragic antagonist. Her resentment and hatred towards Cere, her former Jedi Master were understandable, given the circumstances under which she fell into the hands of the Empire. She met her demise at the hands of Darth Vader, as punishment for failing to complete her quest of obtaining the holocron before Cal and Cere.

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It can be safely assumed that during her last moments, Trilla became regretful of the life she led as the Empire's Inquisitor. As she was dying, her last words were: "avenge us." This was more than likely a reference to herself and other Inquisitors who became brainwashed to do the Empire's bidding. This poses a question of whether Cal and Cere are willing to set out on a vengeance quest, and how exactly they would go about it, seeing as Fortress Inquisitorius was destroyed in the final chapter of Fallen Order.

1 What's Next For The Inquisitors?

star wars jedi fallen order inquisitors

With the headquarters of the Inquisitorius organization destroyed after Cal and Cere's visit in Jedi: Fallen Order, the remaining Inquisitors of the Empire find themselves without a place to recruit new members (i.e. torture them into submission). This leaves the Empire facing a difficult decision: abandon the Inquisitorius initiative, or find a new place for converting Force-sensitive individuals to the Dark Side.

Seeing as the entire narrative of Jedi: Fallen Order revolved around the aftermath of Order 66 and the fate of Force-sensitive people, it can be safe to assume that the sequel will follow a similar theme. The question of how Fallen Order 2's writers will go about doing so will have to remain unanswered until EA decides to share more information about the upcoming title.

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