It goes without saying that Jedi Fallen Order turned out to be a massive hit. Before it released in 2019, gamers had been starved of a proper single-player Star Wars experience for far too long. Except for the excellent Knights of the Old Republic games, narrative-driven games set in a galaxy far, far away were simply not good enough to satisfy the Star Wars fan base.

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Enter Jedi Fallen Order. With a storyline that checks all the boxes a Star Wars story should, Dark Souls-inspired combat, and enjoyable platforming sequences, fans of the series have proclaimed the 2019 title to be the game they've been waiting on for decades. Gameplay-wise, Fallen Order was already a great sci-fi game, but it doesn't mean that the sequel, recently confirmed to be in the works, couldn't do with some improvements.

8 Dual Lightsaber Wielding

Ahsoka Dual Sabers Cropped

Technically, Fallen Order did allow players to use two lightsabers, but only for a brief moment while executing a deadly combo. The sequel should expand upon this functionality and give Cal Kestis the ability to power through hordes of enemies while wielding two lightsabers. It would add more variety to the gameplay and provide developers with the opportunity to add new combos.

Including the dual-wield option in Fallen Order 2 would also give players more agency when it comes to pursuing specific character builds. Role-playing elements were present in the first game, but they were rather shallow. Adding more combat styles and lightsaber wielding options would allow fans to mold Cal into a truly unique Jedi knight, as well as increase the importance of choices made when upgrading the character.

7 More Transportation Options

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Gorgara Fight

The sequel to Fallen Order should remain faithful to the original's core gameplay loop of exploration, challenging combat, and traversing diverse terrains on foot. However, including sequences where Cal is made to pilot vehicles or ride majestic creatures could be a nice change of pace. It would also make for a good opportunity to show off the graphical capabilities of the game's engine.

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The first game missed a huge opportunity to let players take control of the Gorgara on Dathomir, instead reducing the flight sequences to an uninspired set of quick time events. Adding other modes of traversal to Fallen Order 2 can right that wrong and add more variety to the gameplay.

6 Larger Areas to Explore

star wars jedi fallen order cal

One of the most frequently praised aspects of Jedi Fallen Order were the diverse environments and multitude of planets Cal traveled to while on his journey to recover the holocron. The sequel should double down on this, while making the exploration aspect more open-ended.

There were many reasons for players to revisit the planets in search of missed collectibles and unlockable areas, once they gained new Force and BD-1 abilities. However, all of these levels were fairly linear and straightforward. Fallen Order 2 would benefit from introducing semi-open world environments, in the vein of levels present in games like The Witcher 2 or the Deus Ex series.

5 A Better Hub Area

Jedi Fallen Order Kashyyk

The Stinger Mantis was a fantastic starship, and the developers from Respawn have done a great job modeling its interior to faithfully resemble spacecrafts from the Star Wars movies. Unfortunately though, it wasn't the best hub area, and didn't really encourage players to spend more time there.

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Of course, the Mantis should be present in Fallen Order 2, but the sequel could use a space where Cal could take a break from his adventures and engage in meaningful side activities. Turning a canteen or even an entire town into a hub area would be a step in the right direction, one that would enable the developers to incorporate more Star Wars lore elements into the game.

4 Improved Parrying


The lightsaber combat of Jedi Fallen Order received some well-deserved praise, but that doesn't mean that there is no room for improvement in that area. The parry system in particular could do with a few changes.

While blocking blaster shots and sending them off into the direction of the shooter felt great, parrying melee attacks in Fallen Order was often a nuisance, especially on the higher difficulty levels. The window of opportunity was simply too brief, and even when one got the parry right, the counterattacks were rarely satisfying. Polishing the defense mechanics could take the game's combat to the next level.

3 More Force Abilities

Games to Play Like Jedi Fallen Order

Using the force in Jedi Fallen Order was a blast, but the three abilities Cal could use in that game were fairly basic. The Force can be used for many things other than just push, pull, and slow. The sequel should reflect that. It could also play into the narrative of Cal continuously improving as a Jedi and expanding his force capabilities.

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Of course, one of the problems here is that many of the "cool" Force abilities such, as choking or lightning, are reserved for Dark Side users. Allowing Cal to use them would result in a huge conundrum for the writers. However, there are still plenty of powers that the Jedi used that could be included in the game. Playing mind tricks on stormtroopers, Obi-Wan Kenobi style, is one that immediately comes to mind, but the possibilities are endless and include useful abilities, such as healing or the projection of false avatars to confuse enemies.

2 Better Side Content

Cal holding a double-ended lightsaber

Additional boss fights and collectibles formed the bulk of Fallen Order's side activities. While some gamers found it refreshing to play a game that does not drown them in side content, many others rightly pointed to the fact that the game's rich environments could have been populated by more interesting things to do.

Whether side missions play into the main narrative or are self-contained, separate stories would work really well in Fallen Order 2. Just like expanding upon the game's hub area or including more traversal options, they make for great opportunities to squeeze in more Star Wars lore.

1 Improved Dodging


Just like parrying, dodging in Fallen Order was incredibly difficult to time. In lightsaber duels, it was almost useless, as single-press dodges often failed to escape the range of the boss's weapon, and the double-press rolls were too time-consuming and rendered Cal vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

The sequel should let players carry out quicker dodge rolls, as well as make dodges more worthwhile. Similarly to enabling the dual-wielding of lightsabers, this would also make character builds much more intricate and interesting.

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