Star Wars portrays the classic battle of good versus evil, but labeled it as the Jedi versus the Sith, or better yet as the Rebel Alliance versus the Galactic Empire. In the years since George Lucas' original vision was brought to life, the series has explored the moral spectrum, placing an emphasis on the idea that the world is full of gray and most things aren't exactly black or white through various Disney productions.

It's easy to point at an Imperialist working for the Galactic Empire and label them as evil and unredeemable. Though that's valid in certain circumstances, there are a number of Star Wars antagonists whom audiences find relatable for one reason or another. The best villains in the world of science fiction and storytelling are often the ones with the best intentions, or whose perspective is understandable.

8 Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker

Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperialists Darth Vader

Anakin Skywalker's journey from a child into the mass murderer he morphs into during his time as Darth Vader is hard to stomach for some viewers. A descent into madness, despite having all the tools to be the hero of the story, is a tragic downfall most people fear to avoid.

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At the end of the day, though, the love and empathy Anakin still holds deep in his core are strong enough to overcome Emperor Palpatine's manipulation. Everyone has inner demons they fight on a daily basis, and though it may seem as though the battle is being lost, Darth Vader is a great example that there is always hope for redemption and the ability to come out of the darkness.

7 Armitage Hux

Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperialists Armitage Hux

Armitage Hux is very much a ruthless jerk who is capable of pure villainy. That doesn't mean he's not relatable, though, especially considering his circumstances. Due to his lack of experience and results in his field, he's often the butt of the joke and deals with extreme imposter syndrome.

Hux was gifted his status in large part due to nepotism, but it's the lack of qualification that leaves him doubting and wanting to prove himself. Most people may not lack empathy in the same way he does, but feeling a need to prove oneself and overcome imposter syndrome is something many can relate to.

6 Trilla Sudur

Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperialists Trilla Sudur

Known as the Second Sister, the inquisitor Trilla Suduri is a perfect example of how the Galactic Empire was able to indoctrinate an entire generation of prospective Jedi. Trilla, and others like her, believe that it was the Jedi Order that failed them, and not the Galactic Empire's appetite for destruction that overwhelmed all in its path. Given how smart and strategic she was, it's a shame that her potential was twisted into a machine for violence.

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In her final encounter with Cal Kestis in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, the true Trilla broke through, but she ultimately met her demise at the hands of Darth Vader. A common pattern with people as they approach death is facing their deepest regrets and wondering what could have been if they choose the high road. For Trilla, this thought likely crossed her mind. Darth Vader's cruel punishment was handed down as a result of her failing to acquire the object of his desire.

5 Alexsandr Kallus

Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperialists Alexsandr Kallus

Alexsandr Kallus is initially introduced to the Star Wars universe as an Imperialist spy who wholeheartedly believed in what the Galactic Empire was trying to accomplish. He's a perfect example of how one's perspective can be altered by their environment. Humans aren't born hateful, racist, or bigoted. Those are behaviors learned from the people they are surrounded by in their formative years. When those individuals become adults, that's when it's up to them to seek alternate perspectives and use logical reasoning and empathy to find a better understanding of the world around them.

For Alexsandr Kallus, the time he spent surviving being trapped on a frozen moon with the Ghost crew opened up his eyes to the rebellion's purpose, and allowed him to question the Galactic Empire's motives and his place in it all. Humans are never too old to educate themselves and change opinions in an attempt to become better people.

4 Bodhi Rook

Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperialists Bodhi Rook

There are thousands of individual Imperialists who serve the Galactic Empire and never think twice about the greater picture. Just because someone is working a job it doesn't mean they love their employer, and often, thinking about said employer's demise is a welcoming thought.

Bodhi Rook was a pilot for the Galactic Empire, but hated that he did work for such a vile and evil entity. He played a pivotal role in delivering Galen Erso's Death Star weak point information. Every person believes they're brave and honorable enough to do the right thing, even with their life on the line, but Rook backed his beliefs with action. His efforts led to the destruction of the Death Star, which in turn saved countless lives. He may have been a bit temperamental and anxious, but when the galaxy needed him, he answered the call.

3 Reva Sevander

Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperialists Reva Sevander

Reva Sevander served as the primary antagonist in Disney+'s Obi-Wan Kenobi series. At first, she was presented as a spiteful, arrogant tool for the Galactic Empire. However, as more of her story revealed itself, it was clear that she was a broken child looking for revenge. Reva wasn't the embodiment of pure evil often associated with Imperial Inquisitors, but she let the traumatic experiences of her past shape her goals and ambitions as an adult.

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By the time the series comes to a close, Reva's altruistic and good-natured true self steps in the way of her need for revenge. Far too often, humans avoid healing the wounds of their childhood, and in turn, the world must deal with a broken human looking to be pieced back together.

2 Galen Erso

Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperialists Galen Erso

Ruminating on 'what-ifs and contemplating how one would act in a given situation is a fairly common pastime humans tend to fall into when daydreaming. Galen Erso was a scientist who played a key role in the development of the Death Star, arguably the vilest and most destructive weapon ever created. He did, however, build in the fail-safe weakness that could be used to destroy the very thing he created.

Galen was in a difficult position, with his life threatened numerous times by the Galactic Empire. His intentional design flaw was a beautifully ambitious idea that anyone in his position could have thought of. But though many people aspire to be that type of person, the reality is that human nature can often be much more self-serving and preservative when push comes to shove.

1 Tala Durith

Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperialists Tala Durith

One doesn't easily obtain the rank of a captain in the Galactic Empire, but Tala Durith managed to do just that with the intention of doing some good in the face of evil. It was the act of killing Force-sensitive innocents that opened her eyes to the reality of working as an Imperialistic under the direction of the Galactic Empire. Her work with the Hidden Path saved countless Force-sensitives, and felt like a personally imposed penitence for the atrocities she witnessed and participated in.

Tala gave her life for the cause, and if there's one thing humans yearn to be, is the change they want to see in the world. Anyone can be tricked by war propaganda and the right messaging, but in the same breath, anyone can enlighten themselves and work toward dismantling the very thing they once believed in.

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