Seen as a race of thieves and villains in the Star Wars universe, the Hutt serve their purpose as unseemly creatures who are as unpleasant to look at as they are to deal with, even to those who are just as crooked as they are. It was partly because of the Hutt that Mos Eisley was a hive of scum and villainy, but it was their strict and often brutal mafia tactics that kept the worst elements of Tattooine in check.

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The audience is more familiar with the Hutt in the role of a villain, and often the storyline doesn't need to have any more details than that. However, the Hutt in Star Wars are their own unique race with a lot of history and lore. Given they're generally ruled by gangsters and get through life through wealth, tyranny, and schemes, it makes for some great storytelling.

8 Native To Nal Hutta

Nal Hutta Hutt home planet

It's both fascinating and terrifying to discover there's a whole planet of Hutts out there. Welcome to Nat Hutta, a steaming jungle planet oozing with mud and aggressive plant life. Once it was a civilized place of cities and technology, but it was attacked and overrun by the Drengir.

When the Force closes a door, it opens a window, and what drove one form of life off the planet made it perfect for another. The Hutt Clan actually helped the Jedi contain the Drengir and embraced the changes to their homeworld, which consisted of boggy terrain and oily rain, which suited them just fine.

7 Descended From Huttlets

huttlet Clone Wars Rotta with Ashoka

How could a Hutt be cute or endearing in any way? How about a cuddly little baby huttlet? Really, a baby Hutt is called a huttlet, and they are pretty cute. It's hard to believe that the massive, plodding slug-species like the Hutt could grow out of those big eyes, but it was enough to get one featured as a character in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie.

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​​​​​​​Rotta the Hutt, nicknamed Stinky by his reluctant ward Ahsoka Tano and Punky Muffin by his father Jabba, became the subject of an interstellar plot to discredit the Jedi. The plot of this story revolves around Ahsoka's efforts to save baby Rotta and return him to his family.

6 A Group Is Called A Bulge


Too obvious, or maybe a writer was having some fun here, but a few Hutts in a group would be a bulge of Hutts. We're not sure about the cargo bay or freighter that would be used to transport a bulge, but perhaps the large, opulent homes that Hutts insist on building for themselves have a practical use.

The structures on Nal Hutta that serves as homes for the Hutt wouldn't be hospitable to many other species, being made of the viscous mud and plant life of their home world, but the way it can support a lot of weight is perfect to house a bulge of Hutts. It's slimy enough that they can move over it easily but firm enough to support their bulk.

5 A Family Is Called a Kajidic

Jabba Pod Race

The Hutt society is made up of different houses and families, organized into a strict hierarchy depending on the influence they have as a crime syndicate. The term "kajidic" refers to both a family and a mafia organization, which makes sense for Hutt society where they are both one and the same.​​​​​​​

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Jabba himself was from the Desilijic kajidic, and his full name is Jabba Desilijic Tiure. The tattoo he has that marks him as a member of the Desilijic crime family is often visible.

4 Had A Role In The Clone Wars

Clone Troopers Star Wars

The Hutts have consistently been influential enough to act as an independent organization when it comes to politics on a galactic scale. When Ahsoka Tano rescued Jabba's huttlet child Rotta, the head of one of the galaxy's most powerful crime families agreed to help the Republic with logistics and supplies during the Clone Wars.

Like most of the arrangements the Hutts tend to make, however, things went sour when the Republic fell apart from within. The Hutts didn't stop doing business but instead switched sides to find even more money and power.

3 Ran Imperial Black Sites

Darth-Vader Star Wars

Naturally, war is great for a crime syndicate, since they can play both sides of the fight. The Hutts might have helped the Republic during the Clone Wars, but when the Empire took over the Hutts saw the balance of power shift and adjusted their business plans accordingly.

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Not only did the Hutts run several of the secret prisons and arms caches the Empire had hidden throughout the galaxy, but they also took advantage of the prohibitions and extra taxes the Empire put on certain goods. This gave rise to the already active smuggling trade, making it even more profitable, and the Hutts made sure to get a big slimy piece of that pie.

2 Happy Boonta Eve

Pod Race Boonta Eve

It's easy to miss under the twists and turns the plot of this movie makes, but there's a scene in the Phantom Menace that's centered on a famous Hutt holiday. It might seem strange to think that the Hutts even have holidays, because what does a race of crime families celebrate?

It turns out the military victories that insured their independence as a race are what Hutts value as a civilization. The evening before the Hutts claimed victory over the Parliament of Moralan and Xim the Despot at the Third Battle of Vontor, their leader Boonta the Hutt gave a rousing speech to rally the troops. The holiday is enthusiastically celebrated on several Hutt-dominated planets, and always includes some kind of gambling event.

1 The Huttslayer


This isn't exactly an obscure fact about a Hutt. It's about someone who killed one of the most powerful Hutts in Star Wars history, and the title she acquired because of it.

This title was floating around for a while just among fans, but it wasn't until a Star Wars: Bloodlines novel that it officially became canon. The novel goes into more detail about how killing Jabba destabilized the whole Hutt cartel for a time, another blow to the Empire who was using them for support.

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