Zynga's mobile third-person battle game Star Wars: Hunters brings the Star Wars universe to mobiles and Nintendo Switch consoles in a free-to-play setting that pits teams of four against one another in arenas inspired by the franchise. While the characters may not be household names for Star Wars fans, they are inspired by some of the iconic personalities in the series and each bring their own unique flavor to the title.

While competitive games can sometimes be daunting to newcomers of the shooter genre, the fact that Star Wars Hunters has launched primarily as a mobile game makes it more accessible to the wider gaming community. Increased accessibility means a wider audience will be partaking in the game, so newcomers may benefit from these beginner tips and tricks for Star Wars: Hunters.

Star Wars: Hunters - How To Play With Friends

While Star Wars: Hunters is a competitive PvP game, players will still have the opportunity to link up with friends and take on rival teams together.

Beginner Tips for Star Wars: Hunters

Sentinel from Star Wars: Hunters approaching a purple pick-up

Star Wars: Hunters is a pretty approachable game for players of all skill levels, but beginners may find the competitive nature of the title to be a little overwhelming. While there are a small number of controls to wrap your head around and the maps are pretty approachable after a few matches, there are still some aspects of the game that will require some practice before rookies find themselves topping the leaderboard regularly. With these beginner tips, Star Wars: Hunters will become second nature in no time.

Use Pick-Ups Regularly

One facet of Star Wars: Hunters that isn't really covered in the tutorial are the pick-ups you will find littered throughout the battle arena. There are two main types; health and ultimate. Both of these will be crucial in getting players out of tight situations and can really turn the tide of a combat exchange when timed right.

Players struggling with low health and don't have an ability or teammate that can help them should find the closest green pick-up. These are easy to identify, but it would be wise to take note of where some of them are, in case you need a quick health boost. Similarly, players should grab purple pick-ups at every possible opportunity, as these will significantly shorten the cooldown time on your ultimate ability, meaning you can use your character's strongest attack sooner rather than later.

Play To Your Character's Strengths

A player using Grozz in a match in Star Wars: Hunters

All characters in Star Wars: Hunters are split into three classes at the time of release; Damage, Support, and Tank, all of which serve distinctly different purposes. Even after choosing a character that suits the class you generally choose in other competitive shooters, the difference in abilities can draw a bold line between what strategy you may take with one over another.

With this in mind, players should adopt a game strategy that best suits their character's strengths. If you're a Support with healing abilities like Zaina, you may want to pair up with a Tank or Damage character and work together with them by giving them health boosts and support them with your weapon while they lay down the primary fire. Alternatively, a character like Imara Vex, who can do damage from range and has abilities to help her get out of tight situations, you may want to use the environment as cover and always keep a getaway point handy, depending on which iconic Star Wars: Hunters location you are battling in.

Play To The Game Mode

Similarly to characters, there are a limited number of game modes to unlock in Star Wars: Hunters, but each of them has a different winning objective. With this in mind, players may want to consider tweaking their approach to a match according to the winning method.

If you're playing in Squad Brawl, you will naturally want to preserve your life as best you can while you attempt to eliminate opposition players. In either of the Control game types or Trophy Chase, far less emphasis is placed on kills/deaths, so the primary focus should be on controlling objectives and eliminating any threats to your lead.

Study Your Favorite Character

Upon launch, Star Wars: Hunters doesn't have an overwhelmingly-large roster, which means you'll have more than enough chance to become familiar with the character that best suits your playstyle. What makes this free-to-play game even more user-friendly is that each character only has a select number of abilities, so understanding the tools in your arsenal won't be an arduous task.

Given the small roster in Star Wars: Hunters, players should make the most of this by studying their favorite character and understanding how best to use their abilities. Most characters will be able to effectively put away their adversaries or support their teammates when using abilities in combination with others. For example, Grozz's charge ability is better utilized when followed by his slam and a slew of melee attacks. Most of the time, this would knock out an opposition player.