The Star Wars franchise boasts its fair share of outstanding video games. There is a myriad of titles of varying genres, all of which capture the essence of the venerable franchise. However, some of the most compelling Star Wars video games are those with choices. After all, the decision between the Light Side and Dark Side define much of the franchise. So, it only stands to reason that games following the same struggle would be especially noteworthy.

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These choice-based Star Wars games allow players to make good, neutral, or evil decisions. There is no limit to what is possible, allowing players to take whatever path they desire, regardless of how moral or immoral it may be. This freedom grants players the opportunity to make heinous decisions only a Sith Lord could consider, let alone follow through. Here are the evilest decisions players can make in Star Wars video games.

5 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II - Attempt To Kill Darth Vader

Star Wars The Force Unleashed II Starkiller Fighting Vader

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II continues the story of Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Galen Marek — best known as Starkiller. The game sees this conflicted character's journey to discover who he is and find his place within the galaxy. Starkiller's morality is challenged constantly throughout the game, but players never get to choose a path until the end. Following a heated battle with Darth Vader, players must either take him into custody or kill him while he is vulnerable. This decision will set Starkiller on the path of the Light Side or the Dark Side and have a lasting impact on the galaxy.

Choosing to kill Darth Vader proves an unwise and wicked decision. Starkiller gives in to his anger, falling to the Dark Side and failing to apprehend the most dangerous Sith Lord in the galaxy — second only to Darth Sidious. Before he can deliver the killing blow, Starkiller meets his end at the hands of none other than himself — or, more accurately, a clone of himself developed by Darth Vader. This selfish decision cost the Rebel Alliance the opportunity to arrest the face of the Galactic Empire and left them at the mercy of a dangerous new adversary. While this decision seems justified, it is unfathomably and indisputably evil.

4 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic - Poison The Manaan Kolto Supply

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Kolto

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic frequently tests a player's morality, presenting them with conflicting choices. One such trial of character happens on the ocean planet of Manaan. Following an intense court hearing, players must respond to trouble at Hrakert Station, an underwater base that produces the life-saving liquid known as Kolto. Players eventually learn that a Firaxan Shark named the Progenitor has wreaked havoc in the facility, driving scientists mad using supernatural abilities. This creature is supposedly the creator and guardian of Kolto, hence its rebuke against the researchers who sought to harvest this tonic from it.

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After learning of the happenings at Hrakert Station, players must determine the best way to handle the situation. They can quell the Progenitor by poisoning it or destroying the Kolto harvesting machine. By choosing the former, players not only poison the only supply of Kolto in the galaxy but the waters of Manaan as well. While the impact of this choice is not readily apparent, Kolto prices will skyrocket, and the ecosystem of Manaan will suffer greatly. Therefore, dooming the millions who now cannot afford Kolto and the inhabitants of Manaan. Players could have very easily destroyed the Kolto harvesting machine and found another way to produce this remedy.

3 Star Wars: Knight Of The Old Republic II - Kill Your Friends At Trayus Academy

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II Darth Traya

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II leaned more toward the path of evil than its predecessor. It presented players with far more nefarious options to effectively establish one's penchant for immorality. A perfect example of this happens at Trayus Academy, an ancient Sith institution residing on Malachor V. Players must defeat the Sith Triumvirate — featuring Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, and Darth Traya — but in this pursuit, their friends become imprisoned. While pursuing this mission, players must decide to either free their incarcerated allies or kill them with deadly poison. Many fans ridicule this decision for its one-sided nature and lack of any real difficulty.

Players that choose to kill their friends will find no benefit or considerable changes from it. There is no substantial reasoning for why players would poison their only allies. Doing so grants them no reward, nor does it make the upcoming fight with Darth Sion and Darth Traya any easier. The only motivation for going through with this blatantly sinister decision is to embrace the Dark Side as any Sith would. By eliminating all attachments, one can effectively utilize hate, anger, and sorrow to achieve ultimate power. However, this proves untrue in the game, as deciding to kill your friends is a pointless and needlessly evil decision that only serves roleplay.

2 Star Wars: The Old Republic - Side With Darth Jadus

Star Wars The Old Republic Darth Jadus

Star Wars: The Old Republic has a nearly endless number of moral quandaries for players. The vast amount of decisions allows players to define the morality of their characters in an effective and meaningful way. One of the most notable choices players can make involves a coup against the Dark Council of the Sith Empire by Darth Jadus, an idealistic Lord of the Sith. Following the Imperial Agent class storyline, players must investigate weapons of mass destruction — Eradicators — developed by this conniving Sith Lord. Upon confronting Darth Jadus in the story's climax, he reveals his plan to use these armaments to reshape the Sith Empire in his image.

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Players are then left to make a complicated decision with several outcomes. Of these choices, one involves players siding with Darth Jadus and helping further his ambitions. This decision will result in the firing of the Eradicators and have players kill the Sith Lord's daughter — Darth Zhorrid — so he can assume her place on the Dark Council. Therefore, resulting in the death of millions and instating Darth Jadus in a position of power, one he can exploit to do further harm. This single decision ends with untold destruction and loss of life, all to further personal ambitions and pursue a new Sith Empire.

1 Star Wars: The Old Republic - Prevent Civilians From Escaping

Star Wars The Old Republic No Escape

Another instance of downright evil decisions in Star Wars: The Old Republic involves the Sith Empire's plight to destroy Taris. Throughout this mission, players face numerous difficult choices, but none as wicked as a decision presented during the finale. Players must lead an assault on the Olaris Reclamation Base, where the Galactic Republic's forces and Jedi Master Cerik are leading Taris restoration efforts. After defeating the parties stationed at the base, players must launch explosives to raze Taris and cement the Sith Empire's claim to the planet. However, during the bombardment, a convoy of civilians attempt to escape the destruction.

The Sith Empire already proved to be the victor at this point. They defeated the Galactic Republic's forces and evoked fear in Taris's population, solidifying their dominance. Even so, players have the choice to prevent this fleet of civilians from escaping by trapping them in a hangar. This decision will result in the needless death of dozens of innocents for absolutely no reason. The only advantages of this choice are bonus credits and the cementation of a character in the Dark Side. While this degree of death and destruction is incomparable to the previous entry, it serves no purpose and is simply pure evil.

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