Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is an action-adventure game set before the events of Star Wars: A New Hope and casts players as "Starkiller" the secret apprentice of Darth Vader. Starkiller's journey across the galaxy to destroy threats to the Empire takes him to a number of locales from the movies and expanded universe. Starkiller hunts down surviving Jedi, and along the way uncovers the origins of the Rebel Alliance as it is seen in the first Star Wars film, A New Hope.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed features the tremendously powerful "Starkiller," who performs a number of incredible feats with the Force. Of these feats, one of his most incredible is the act of bringing down an Imperial Star Destroyer using the Force. Here's how players can achieve this within the game.

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Facing the Empire

Star Wars The Force Unleashed_Star Destroyer

The Star Destroyer is found at the end of the "Imperial Raxus Prime" level (Starkiller's second visit to Raxus Prime). After defeating some Storm Troopers and powering up a rail cannon by electrifying all four nodes on it, Starkiller will come face to face with an oncoming Star Destroyer and several Tie Fighter Squadrons.

Using Force Grip and Force Lightning, players should first eliminate all the incoming Tie Fighters. Only with them out of the way can Starkiller attempt to rip down the Star Destroyer. Tie Fighters move quickly, but should be easy enough for players to hit with lightning. With the Tie Fighters out of the way, the Force Grip can be used to grab the Star Destroyer.

Pulling Down The Star Destroyer

Star Wars The Force Unleashed_Star Destroyer Pull

Match the analog stick directions on screen to move the Star Destroyer into position, and then hold both sticks down once it is in place to begin bringing it down. Fresh waves of Tie Fighters arrive after a set period of time, so players should take cover if their health gets too low and then eliminate the fighters before continuing the attempt (Lightsaber Throw is also useful for eliminating Tie Fighters).

After holding both sticks down for a while, a cutscene will play, and the Star Destroyer will crash into the ground, cementing Starkiller's status as a tremendously powerful wielder of the force in the Star Wars Legends Canon.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is available for PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PS2, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - How To Get The Dark Side Ending