With the influx of new stories in the Star Wars franchise since its takeover by Disney, there have been a few in the gaming sphere that have treated the franchise with care, and some that have faltered somewhat. Jedi: Fallen Order was a resounding success that has a sequel on the way, but the reemergence of Battlefront was cause for hesitation. Now that EA's exclusivity with the IP is over, there are other creators who can have a go at doing something, too. Quantic Dream is one such studio, with Star Wars Eclipse being revealed at the 2021 Game Awards.

Being in such a well-known license, there are some significant pitfalls that Star Wars Eclipse could fall into. One of which is an over-willingness to lean on past successes to push its story forward. It's easily done, as the toy box that Star Wars has created is littered with story beats, characters, and settings that have become iconic. Quantic Dream games can go in any direction because of a few simple choices, and with more narrative freedom comes more of a chance of tainting pre-existing lore. Instead, Star Wars Eclipse shouldn't overuse familiar themes.

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Star Wars Eclipse Needs to Stand On its Own Two Feet


There is a plethora of spin-offs and time jumps that litter Star Wars lore, and while Quantic Dream's upcoming adventure will surely have visual, audial, and presentational flourishes that are in-keeping with the George Lucas-created IP, it has to forge a legacy all its own. Callbacks to old material are enough to warrant a giddy moment of excitement from fans, but have the potential to disappoint if handled incorrectly, like some recent efforts have proved.

Star Wars Eclipse opting to be more self-contained could also help expand the horizons of the property to new places, too. Exploring Star Wars' Unknown Regions could provide clarity to an otherwise murky area, allowing the developer more creative freedom to do something different and add more jewels to Star Wars' already impressive crown. A choice-based adventure in the style Quantic Dream is known for is not a format that the franchise is used to, so erring on the side of caution and staying away from overt references could be the way to bring more to the series without risking having a negative impact.

More Existing Star Wars References Means More Can Go Wrong

Star Wars Eclipse Jedi Master Yoda Appearance

As Star Wars has increased in size and scope, it has also faced more scrutiny than ever before. The Star Wars prequel trilogy was the first indicator that the franchise has the capacity to make mistakes, and since the acquisition by Disney, the number of shows, films, and games has increased tenfold. As such, people are often more defensive of the pocket of Star Wars they love.

When new developers or creators have the ability to forge a fresh story using beloved characters, the likelihood of them not living up to expectations gets higher. Like The Book of Boba Fett showed, sometimes more exposition can damage a character's image rather than improve it, and as Quantic Dream has yet to dive into the galaxy far, far away, it could be cause for concern if it uses pre-existing personalities.

Sometimes it works to great effect, as Rogue One's Darth Vader moment was one of that film's best moments. However, not everyone director, developer, or creator has the same opinion of a character, and the fabric of that character is altered, sometimes for the worse. Yoda in the Prequels is fast, agile, and proficient with a smaller lightsaber, which is directly the opposite of how the original trilogy portrayed him as a slow, wise, but supremely powerful Jedi. Star Wars Eclipse could be best served opting to reduce the references to elevate its story, not just to help casual audiences enjoy the narrative but also to introduce seasoned fans to a new corner of the galaxy they know so well.

Star Wars Eclipse is in development.

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