Some gamers were left feeling a bit apprehensive when Quantic Dream, a developer primarily known for narrative-focused and deeply cinematic titles, revealed its upcoming game, Star Wars Eclipse, at the 2021 Game Awards. Whether letting players wield a lightsaber against the forces of the Empire or step inside the cockpit of an X-Wing for some deep space dogfights, Star Wars games have traditionally had a heavy focus on action up until now. But with a developer like Quantic Dream at the helm, Star Wars Eclipse’s High Republic-era storyline is likely to be filled with more dramatic intrigue than blaster fire.

Even though Star Wars Eclipse is unlikely to be the sort of action-heavy title the franchise is known for, its unique setting is sure to appeal to many franchise fans. Much of the game is reported to take place in the Outer Rim, an area of the galaxy that has received very little screen time in previous Star Wars games, films, and shows. Between this exotic new setting and Star Wars Eclipse’s politically tinged storyline, it’s clear that Quantic Dreams hopes to deliver a new type of Star Wars experience, one where player choice will have a real impact on the world. But as exciting as this idea may be, letting gamers determine the story’s outcome could lead to unintended consequences.

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Star Wars Eclipse’s Multiple Protagonists Create New Storytelling Possibilities


One of the most intriguing aspects of Star Wars Eclipse is that it features multiple protagonists, giving players the chance to experience the game’s storyline from different perspectives. With the story rumored to be focused on the political intrigues of Star Wars Eclipse’s Zaraan race, a new species created for the game, watching and influencing the unfolding events through the eyes of multiple characters could make this one of the most engaging Star Wars stories yet.

Although it’s doubtful that Star Wars Eclipse will be as singularly focused on its branching narrative as many of Quantic Dream’s previous games, and will likely include a healthy dose of action sequences befitting its space opera setting, player choice is certain to play a big role. Studio founder and gaming auteur David Cage stated in a 2022 interview that Star Wars Eclipse will retain the “fundamentals” of Quantic Dream’s past games, indicating that players’ actions will almost certainly play a role in shaping the story.

A User-Influenced Narrative Could Make Star Wars Eclipse’s Canon Connections Tricky


After decades of having the same characters, planets, and families play a central role in the majority of Star Wars media, many players are sure to be excited by the prospect of exploring a game blissfully free of Skywalkers, Solos, and Palpatines. Avoiding overused archetypes and keeping references to classic Star Wars to a minimum should help Star Wars Eclipse and its player-driven story stand out, but could make it difficult to tie the game into the franchise’s overarching timeline.

With the High Republic era set to receive an increased focus in upcoming TV and film entries, and even making an appearance in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor’s storyline, Star Wars Eclipse could be left in an awkward position. If Disney decides to make only a specific end-game outcome canon in order to tie it into the broader universe it could diminish the fun for players whose stories played out differently. On the other hand, leaving the game’s finale open-ended would make it difficult to include anything more than loose, casual references to Star Wars Eclipse in other media.

Letting players influence the storyline in Star Wars Eclipse is both a bold and brilliant choice for the property, but it could force the game to walk a difficult tightrope between true freedom of choice and toeing Disney’s canon line. No matter how the final game comes together, though, it’s certain to be a wholly unique entry in the ever-expanding Star Wars universe.

Star Wars Eclipse is currently in early development.

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