Star Wars star Daisy Ridley has definitely had a most interesting ride through the film world ever since her breakout role in 2015's The Force Awakens, and she seems fully aware of how unique her experience has been. With her new movie Chaos Walking having just released, she spoke about the journey that brought her to this point.

Ridley has more than proven her own acting prowess, and definitely stacks up to her peers. In terms of acting ability, she's gotten to the point where a career based entirely on luck would have completely given out long ago. Having held her own beside acting giants like Harrison Ford and the rest of the veteran Star Wars cast, she could definitely succeed as the lead in a film without the star power behind it. Even so, she maintains a humble outlook.

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"I've always felt really lucky because I never felt like anything was really resting on my shoulders," Ridley said when speaking with Yahoo! Entertainment, "I always really felt part of a team." She then went on to name her co-stars as part of that team. It's an admirable perspective to maintain, especially when one just finished headlining arguably the biggest film trilogy in recent history. It maintained its popularity even as it maintained a disjointed continuity with elements like Rey's lineage, which has got to count for something. She continued, "There were so many components to Star Wars that it never felt like I was out there by myself."

She compared the group effort of Star Wars to the Spider-Man movies, currently represented by Ridley's Chaos Walking co-star Tom Holland. In her view, even though Spider-Man does sport a cast of more than just Holland himself, the titular hero is still the historical focus of the story. Meanwhile, Star Wars has never been just one character. She used this opportunity to demonstrate her humility even further, praising Holland's talent and drive while admitting she doesn't fully understand what it's like to be the epicenter of a franchise.

Chaos Walking, set in a future where the thoughts of men are audible but not those of women, seems to be similarly lucky, as both Ridley and Holland seemed to want to be part of the film rather than just being asked. Having two big stars like that is sure to bring in the audiences, and their proven acting abilities are sure to keep everyone's attention. They've both got a bit of a humble streak going, which is great to see in an industry where fame can rather easily go to someone's head.

Hopefully both Ridley and Holland keep up their momentum for many years to come. Even though Holland still has some more Spider-Man left in him, the release of Chaos Walking is just the latest stop in both of their fiery careers, and those flames look to be illuminating a bright future.

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Source: Yahoo! Entertainment