
  • The Star Wars franchise has introduced many unique characters, some of whom are fan favorites known for acts of bravery.
  • The Clone Wars TV series has explored the backstories and introduced iconic characters that have aided the main cast in crucial events.
  • Characters like Lolo Purs, Korkie Kryze, and Senator Kharrus have demonstrated their strong political views or heroic actions despite their seemingly gentle or lesser-known appearances.

The Star Wars franchise over the years has introduced fans to a variety of unique characters. In each of the movie trilogies, character's backstories were expanded upon, and many new faces were introduced. Some of these characters, in particular, are well-known for many acts of bravery and have become fan favorites.

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The Clone Wars television series is no different. With the first season airing in 2008, the series has explored the events between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith in great detail, expanded upon, as well as introduced, many iconic characters. However, many of those who appear in this series have been left out of the limelight, even though certain aspects of their personality should stand out as more memorable. Whether they're a hero or notorious criminal, these characters have aided the main cast in many ways. Without them, certain crucial events might have turned out rather differently.

1 Lolo Purs

First Appearance: "Senate Murders" S2 E15

Screenshots of Lolo Purs from the clone wars

The aide to Senator Onaconda Farr, Lolo may seem like a quiet and humble character, but she proves herself a cunning mastermind, secretly harboring a cold and unforgiving hatred against her mentor. Despite being nobly dedicated to her home planet, Rodia, and its people, Lolo did not forgive Farr’s dealings with Nute Gunray and the Separatists.

Though Farr later deeply regretted his actions and was forgiven by his allies, Lolo did not and became furious with him. She went so far as to murder him in cold blood by poisoning his drink. Thus, she took his place as the Senator of Rodia. She also went as far as to eliminate Senator Deechi to keep her true motives concealed. Lolo’s brutal acts demonstrate her strong political views despite her seemingly gentle character.

2 Korkie Kryze

First Appearance: "The Academy" S3 E6

nScreenshots of Korkie Kryze from the clone wars episode "The academy"

Korkie is a young, heroic Mandalorian cadet, who helped expose corrupt leader Almec and his treasonous ways. When Ahsoka is assigned to teach his class about corruption among governments, Korkie responds to her teaching. He doesn’t let anyone deter his mission to discover the truth behind Mandalore’s food shortage, not even when his aunt, Duchess Satine, doesn’t believe him. Leading his friends Amis, Lagos, and Soniee, the group unveils Almec’s black market deals.

Later in the series, he valiantly tries rescuing his captured aunt from Death Watch. Though the plan fails, and Satine is re-imprisoned, that is the last appearance the ambitious cadet has ever made. Fans don’t know what happened to him after the Clone Wars, but whether he could return seems unlikely, seemingly reiterated by his other aunt, Bo-Katan Kryze, in The Mandalorian, who says she’s “the last of her line.”

3 Senator Kharrus

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Movie)

senator kharrus screenshots from the episode "The Gungan General"

In the TV series, this Senator is tasked with meeting pirates, to give them the ransom in exchange for the captured Count Dooku. Accompanying Representative Jar Jar Binks and a small clone squadron, Kharrus journeyed to Florrum. However, Kharrus dies after his ship crashes due to helping a clumsy Jar Jar secure his seat. Was this the work of "Darth Jar Jar," the ever-popular fan theory?

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When evading a pirate attack, Jar Jar behaves very clumsily, breaking the ship’s seats and ending up in the cockpit. This causes the clone pilots to get distracted, and thus their ship gets hit. As they lose altitude, Kharrus helps Jar Jar into a secure seat but leaves no time to secure his own. Thus, he dies upon impact on the planet's surface. Interestingly, before the journey, Jar Jar tried asking Chancellor Palpatine a question, but viewers never found out what he asked. Was he secretly working for the disguised Sith Lord in this mission, to stop Dooku from being handed to the Jedi? If so, Kharrus became an unfortunate victim in the Sith's hands.

4 Jaybo Hood

First Appearance: "Mystery of the Thousand Moons" S1 E18

jaybo hood from the episode "Mystery of the Thousand Moons"

This young boy played a pivotal role in helping Obi-Wan and Anakin recover a vital antidote and escape a planet-wide laser grid. When the fatal Blue Shadow virus was released within a Naboo bunker, the two Jedi were forced into a desperate search for the only known antidote, the “Reeksa Root.” It only grew on the planet Iego.

Upon arrival on Iego, the Jedi meet Jaybo, who demonstrates great skill as a mechanic. After helping them locate the Reeksa plant, the boy aids in the destruction of the Separatist’s laser grid surrounding the planet, by reconfiguring abandoned Separatist vulture droids. It’s thanks to his great skills that Anakin and Obi-Wan could get off Iego unscathed, and bring the antidote to Naboo just in time to save Ahsoka, Padmé, and the Clones’ lives. With a character reminiscent of a young Anakin, Jaybo is an unsung hero.

5 Queen Miraj Scintel

First Appearance: "Slaves of the Republic" S4 E12

Screenshots of Queen Miraj and Anakin Skywalker together

Debuting in the Star Wars comic of the same name, Miraj is the queen of Zygerria, once a powerful slave empire. Her character and story were revised for the television series. Miraj is a wily and merciless character, who seeks to reestablish Zygerria as a dominant slave kingdom once again by allying with the Separatists. There is a notorious slave "processing" facility under her control. Any slave that tries to revolt against their masters is tortured here.

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The cunning queen seeks to manipulate Anakin, a former slave. She’s intrigued by his demeanor and loyalty to his friends, which helps her work out correctly that he has a history of slavery, and plays on this weakness. When Dooku reveals his plan to kill the Jedi, Miraj refuses to aid him, as she has developed feelings for Anakin. Dooku does not hesitate to eliminate her. As she dies, she realizes she was a slave to the Separatists all along. Despite being a lesser-known monarch, Miraj's ambition and ruthlessness should make her memorable.

6 Wag Too

First Appearance: "Jedi Crash" S1 E13

Screenshots of Wag Too from the Clone Wars

An underrated hero, Wag Too is a Lurmen villager who finds himself caught up in the Separatist occupation of his homeworld, Maridun. Before this, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Aayla Secura crash-landed on his planet, Anakin gravely injured. Seeking help, the two female Jedi, alongside Captain Rex and Commander Bly, went to find aid. Wag Too, a skilled physician, helped heal Anakin.

His planet is attacked by Separatist forces under General Durd, who chose Maridun to test a deadly superweapon. However, Wag Too rallies a group of other Lurmen, and together they assist the Jedi in defeating Durd’s army. This was a unique move among his people, who had a strong pacifist tradition. Even though he went against his father’s wishes, Wag Too demonstrated bravery and helped protect his people.

7 Sugi

First Appearance: "Bounty Hunters" S2 E17

Screenshots of the bounty hunter Sugi, from the clone Wars

Sugi was a fearless bounty hunter, who also had a strong sense of loyalty. Hired by farmers who feared attacks from Hondo and his pirates, Sugi and her team were tasked with protecting their valuable crops. Even when Hondo offers to double her payment if she steps aside, Sugi firmly states that her team “don’t break deals.”

Confident and brave, she defends herself and trusts her team’s abilities, even when the Jedi doubt their loyalty numerous times. Later in the series, she even fights Darth Maul, holding her own before escaping. Though she is a strong leader, she’s often lesser known than her bounty hunter counterparts like Embo and Aurra Sing.

8 Moralo Eval

First Appearance: "Deception" S4 E15

Morallo Eval screenshots from the clone wars

Moralo Eval is a dangerous criminal and an evil mastermind, committing atrocious acts similar to those of the notorious Cad Bane. He devised the plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine on Naboo. Even in his overall brief appearance in the series, he leaves a strong impression of how rotten he is. He sinisterly refers to himself in the third person.

It was Eval who created “The Box,” a ruthless simulator designed to kill any except the strongest and cleverest bounty hunters. The survivors were selected to participate in his plot against Palpatine. Though the plan fails and he’s taken back into custody, the evil genius should be one of the series’ most memorable villains.

9 Peppi Bow

First Appearance: "Blue Shadow Virus" S1 E17

Peppi Bow screenshots from the clone wars

The humble Gungan animal herder became a vastly underrated heroine, even saving the entire galaxy from a deadly plague. With mad Separatist scientist Dr. Vindi recreating the highly contagious Blue Shadow Virus, Peppi helps discover his facility and aid the Jedi in stopping his evil plans.

When Vindi threatens to unleash the plague if Anakin attempts to capture him, Peppi intervenes and attacks the doctor from behind, allowing the Jedi to catch the contained virus. Her noble act stopped a most devastating galactic plague and allowed the Jedi to arrest him. She’s only in a single episode, rendering her largely forgotten when she deserves the hero’s treatment.

10 Sionver Boll

First Appearance: "The Zillo Beast" S2 E18

sionver boll from the episode "The zILLO Beast"

An intelligent and gifted scientist, Dr. Sionver Boll makes only two appearances in the entire series. She developed an extremely powerful and revolutionary weapon for the Republic, an electro-proton bomb that would destroy droids but not sentients.

Known for her high moral stance, she performs extensive research on the Zillo Beast but ultimately submits to Palpatine’s orders to kill it. After the escape and unfortunate death of the beast, the doctor receives orders from the Chancellor to clone it. However, this plot was never explored again in the series. Thirteen years later, in The Bad Batch episode “Metamorphosis,” a cloned Zillo appears. The Empire used Sionver Boll’s pioneering research without her. Instead, she was replaced by another doctor, Royce Hemlock, and the Kaminoans. This renders her a largely forgotten character.

Star Wars_ The Clone Wars
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Release Date
October 3, 2008
George Lucas
Netflix , Cartoon Network