Star Wars created some of the most iconic weapons in the science fiction genre. Though swords and guns with lasers weren't new ideas, the creative team behind the 1977 classic built the most memorable versions of each concept. Most Star Wars blasters mirror real firearms, but Chewbacca's classic bowcaster looks more like a medieval armament. Why does Chewie stick to this old-fashioned design, and does it offer benefits over the traditional rifle?

Chewbacca's role in the first three films is minimal. He has plenty of screen time, but the language barrier separates him from the other central cast members. Chewie plays comic relief at times, but he's just as likely to lead an action scene. Chewbacca held a role in the sequel trilogy, but the lack of a famous face keeps him away from many new permutations of the franchise. He's an icon, but there isn't as much to say about him as Luke or Leia.

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Chewbacca isn't the only Wookie worth remembering from the Star Wars universe. These great Wookie characters deserve equal glory.

How does the Bowcaster work?

Chewbacca Star Wars Battlefront 2

The bowcaster is a projectile weapon that mechanically eschews the usual blaster technology. The standard blaster superheats energy-rich gas into a dangerous plasma. They fire particle beams that burn or melt most matter. Bowcasters fire solid projectiles called quarrels. The metal quarrel is bathed in plasma, making it resemble a laser. The large spheres on either side of the bow are polarizing orbs, which provide positive and negative magnetic charges to fire the quarrel. Though they look like a crossbow, they function most like a railgun. Most bowcasters were made of a combination of metal and various organic materials, like wood or bone. Magnetic weaponry fitted with a plasma-enhanced bolt makes the bowcaster far more lethal than a standard blaster, capable of destroying armored foes and damaging vehicles. Conversely, a physical projectile presents significant recoil, limiting the potential users to the very strong. A bowcaster could defeat a lightsaber, as Mandalorian slugthrowers did in earlier times. The first time Han Solo used his best friend Chewbacca's bowcaster, he was blown away by its stopping power. As he put it,

"I like this thing."

How did Chewbacca improve the Bowcaster?

Chewbacca In Star Wars

Chewbacca's talent as a mechanic and technician goes understated. His bowcaster followed traditional design philosophies but improved with new technology. The bowcaster developed naturally from similar old-fashioned weapons. Wookies on Kashyyyk crafted ancient crossbows to shoot poison darts, bolts, and arrows. Wookies are known for their tremendous strength and ingenuity. Instead of replacing their favorite weapons, as humans and other species did over generations, Wookies improved their crossbows into bowcasters. Replacing strings with magnetic poles and bolts with quarrels coated in plasma let their outdated ideas compete with space-age blasters and lightsabers.

Chewbacca added additional improvements to the bowcaster he used during the Imperial era. Chewbacca borrowed the power pack battery and empty frame of a stormtrooper's E-11 blaster rifle to create his unique bowcaster. Most models required the user to cock the weapon between each use. Chewbacca's design allowed him to fire repeatedly without the long wait between shots. Chewbacca used his bowcaster as a melee and projectile weapon. He would craft several iterations over his long life. He's an immense threat, though he often solves problems without using his iconic laser crossbow.

Who else used the Bowcaster?

Star Wars The Clone Wars Embo

Most Wookies built and wielded bowcasters. Their strength let them operate the sizable weapons as easily as a human would use a standard blaster. Aside from Wookies, the most famous bowcaster user was a bounty hunter named Embo. Embo was a member of several legendary crews who carried out dangerous jobs across the galaxy. He worked with Boba Fett and Cad Bane, often taking gigs to fight heavy hitters like Darth Maul's Shadow Collective. At six and a half feet tall, Embo was considerably smaller than the average Wookie, but his might allowed him to use a bowcaster with expert precision. He favored carrying only a bowcaster and a weaponized hat into combat with technologically superior foes, using hand-to-hand combat to fill gaps. Though he deliberately wielded outdated tech, Embo was one of the most feared bounty hunters of his era. He shared little in common with the Wookie people who perfected his favorite weapon, acting as a cold-hearted killer who worked for the highest bidder.

The bowcaster looks like a bizarrely outdated weapon among its peers, but the fascinating sci-fi concepts that propel its projectiles keep it engaging. Chewbacca is one of the most capable mechanics in the series, so it stands to reason that his weapon would be a feat of engineering. Though only physical powerhouses can carry a bowcaster, it's a spectacular armament for those who can handle it. It started as a way to outline Chewbacca's old-fashioned design, but the bowcaster is a fascinating element of Star Wars's science fiction universe.

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