The Star Wars franchise has produced some of the most venerable characters in pop culture. Icons such as Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Qui-Gon Jinn are but a few of these notable figures. However, none have garnered unprecedented fame quite like the notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett. Despite limited appearance in the Star Wars original trilogy, the intrigue that Boba Fett inspired was enough to engross fans.

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Many factors influenced Boba Fett's popularity, although his armor is among the most prominent. It was unlike anything seen before, in terms of design and function. To this day, there are many details regarding Boba Fett's armor that fans do not know. These hidden or esoteric aspects of his armor are by far the most interesting.

7 Its Colors Have Meaning

Star Wars Original Trilogy Boba Fett

Upon inheriting his father's armor, Boba Fett repainted it green, red, and gold. While many perceive this to be a stylistic choice, there is a purpose behind it. In Mandalorian culture, the colors of one's armor typically represent them and their experiences.


The most prominent color of Boba Fett's armor, the color green in Mandalorian culture symbolizes one's value of duty. Being a bounty hunter, Boba Fett has a distinct responsibility to himself and his employers. This is a sense of duty he values dearly, a commitment that is representative of his identity.


Boba Fett's armor bears numerous red accents. In Mandalorian culture, the color red represents honor towards a parent or beloved leader. With the death of Jango Fett, it is understandable that Boba Fett would seek to glorify his father in some manner.


Some features of Boba Fett's armor are of a gold coloration. In Mandalorian culture, the color gold reflects one's lust for vengeance. Jango Fett's death at the hands of the Jedi Mace Windu was especially traumatic for young Boba Fett. He sought revenge not only against Jedi Master, but the Jedi Order as a whole.

6 It Is Remarkably Durable

The Mandalorian Boba Fett

Like most Mandalorian armor, Boba Fett's set is extraordinarily durable, chiefly due to its durasteel-beskar alloy plating that can withstand extreme damage, even lightsaber strikes. However, numerous other features contribute to the armor's exceptional resilience.

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Power Armor Liner

Underneath Boba Fett's armor plating, he wears a sleek Power Armor Liner shirt. While it does not look particularly protective, it offers numerous resistances against otherwise lethal threats. It protects against impacts — both physical and energy-based — while granting resilience to acid and extreme temperatures.

Reinforced Armor Mesh Battle Suit

Underneath Boba Fett's Power Armor Liner shirt, he wears a Reinforced Armor Mesh Battle Suit. Despite its unimpressive appearance, its inner lining defends against frequent hazards. Specifically, it blocks poisonous and corrosive materials from coming in contact with Boba Fett's skin.

5 It Bears An Arsenal Of Weapons

Boba Fett Wrist Lasers

Mandalorians are known for their prowess in battle and sheer force of will. They are skilled combatants in their own right, but their weaponry contributes to much of their power. Alongside blasters and blades, Mandalorian's armor possesses a multitude of weapons hidden away. Boba Fett's armor, however, is by far one of the most well-armed suits of its kind. His armor implements numerous armaments in obscure parts of his suit.

Modifiable Wrist Gauntlets

Boba Fett's armor features a pair of Modifiable Wrist Gauntlets with numerous points of attachment for whatever weapon Boba Fett wishes to add to his arsenal. While he has the option to customize, Boba Fett's gauntlets typically possess several staple weapons: a Fibercord Whip, a Miniature Flame Projector, a Mini Concussion Rocket, and Wrist Lasers.

Mitrinomon Z-6 Jetpack

Many Mandalorians utilize jetpacks as a means of transportation and a beneficial tool in combat. Boba Fett himself possesses a Mitrinomon Z-6 Jetpack . While it cannot travel long distances, the Mitrinomon Z-6 Jetpack grants Boba Fett remarkable maneuverability, akin to Force-sensitives. This makes him a difficult opponent to pin down, even for enemies with great skill or supernatural abilities.

Kneepad Rocket Dart Launchers

By far, the most unique and unpredictable weapon Boba Fett wields is his Kneepad Rocket Dart Launchers. These covert devices launch a series of rocket darts that have various effects depending on their tips. Rocket darts could have nerve toxins, molecular acids, stun agents, or explosive material within them.

4 It Grants Superhuman Senses

Boba Fett Helmet

For a bounty hunter like Boba Fett, an awareness of one's surroundings is vital. While Boba Fett's awareness alone is keen, numerous devices in his armor grant him superhuman senses to aid him even further.

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Macrobinocular Viewplate

Boba Fett's visor utilizes a Macrobinocular Viewplate, a device that provides many sight-enhancing functions. It grants up to fifty times magnification in a 360-degree radius, thus allowing Boba Fett to near-effortlessly find and track targets. Moreover, it includes an infrared scanner that can augment light and display heat signatures.

Integrated Motion And Sound Sensor System

The back of Boba Fett's helmet features an Integrated Motion and Sound Sensor System. It can detect almost any movement or audio up to one hundred meters away. Even the slightest motion or obscure whisper is discernible to this advanced sensor system. Therefore, it is difficult to avoid detection or sneak up on Boba Fett without extraordinary capabilities or devices.

3 It Has Life-Saving Countermeasures

Boba Fett Within The Sarlacc Pit

Boba Fett survived one of the greatest dangers ever imaginable on Tatooine, a Sarlacc pit. When Boba Fett took the unfortunate (and somewhat anticlimatic) plummet into the Great Pit of Carkoon, most fans thought him to be dead. Fortunately, his suit and its many life-saving countermeasures allowed him to escape an otherwise grueling demise. Few characters have survivability as great as Boba Fett.

Environmental Filtration System

Boba Fett's armor has an advanced Environmental Filtration System integrated within, which prevents poisons and other contaminants from being inhaled. Moreover, if there is no oxygen, it has a reservoir with two hours' worth of breathable air. While its functions are relatively simple, they allow Boba Fett to survive prolonged exposure in unfavorable environments.

Under Armor

Boba Fett's Under Armor is chiefly responsible for his escape from the Sarlacc's grasp. It is resistant to various elements and forces, thus allowing Boba Fett to endure the Sarlacc's acidic bowels and plan his escape. Though he sustained damage regardless, Boba Fett likely would have perished without his armor's protective devices.

2 It Can Intercept & Send Transmissions

Boba Fett In The Slave 1

As a bounty hunter, Boba Fett needs to be well-connected and well-informed. Therefore, his armor possesses devices capable of intercepting and sending encrypted transmissions. Though a seemingly simple function, it proves to be an indispensable resource for bounty hunters.

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Broadband Antenna

The Broadband Antenna on Boba Fett's helmet is capable of much more than fans believe. Not only can it receive transmissions, but it can also intercept and decipher broadcasts, allowing Boba Fett to receive bits of otherwise hidden knowledge to be used to his benefit. Another helpful quality of this device is that Boba Fett can use it whenever he pleases, allowing him to receive information constantly.

In addition to his Broadband Antenna, Boba Fett's armor possesses an Internal Comlink for outgoing communication. However, every message sent through this communicator is immediately encrypted, preventing unwanted sources from intercepting them. The most alluring quality of Boba Fett's Internal Comlink is its ability to summon Slave 1 from up to fifty kilometers away.

1 It Follows Verbal Commands

Boba Fett In A Firefight

A lesser-known fact about Boba Fett's armor is that its many devices work voice through verbal commands. While this might seem ridiculous, it makes sense considering the number of weapons and functions of his armor. It would be impossible for Boba Fett to control the technologies without such a feature.

Fire Control Battle Computer

When Boba Fett issues an order, the Fire Control Battle Computer performs it with remarkable speed and precision. Not only is this efficient, but it also allows Boba Fett to carry out actions without moving. Therefore, he can get the jump on enemies before they suspect anything is amiss.

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