
  • Luke Skywalker's Jedi Mind Trick showcases the power of diplomacy over brute force, proving his wisdom and compassion in conflict resolution.
  • Mnemotherapy is a rare and advanced Force ability that allows Luke Skywalker to delve into memories, preventing emotional and mental manipulation.
  • Precognition gives Luke Skywalker a tactical advantage in battle, showcasing his exceptional piloting skills and ability to anticipate enemy moves.

Luke Skywalker is one of the most popular and beloved characters in movie history, and that's partly due to how his character evolved. Star Wars fans have watched him grow from an awkward farm boy to a Jedi Master, defeating a fearsome galactic empire and later teaching students of his very own.

Star Wars: 14 Best Lightsaber Duels, Ranked

Star Wars is full of tense and emotional battles, but not all of them are as iconic as others. Here are the best lightsaber duels from the franchise.

Being one of the most powerful force users in Star Wars history, Luke Skywalker can do the same things as most of his Force-using peers, including those of Sith origin. However, he also has a few difficult and rare abilities that are accessible only to him or those of equal power. These can be seen in the movies and also in other parts of the Star Wars universe, including the novels, television shows, and comic books. Luke Skywalker is capable of many things, but what are his most powerful Force abilities?

5 The Jedi Mind Trick

A Peaceful But Powerful Skill

Luke Skywalker with a green lightsaber in Return of the Jedi
  • Luke uses the Jedi Mind Trick in Star Wars: Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi

The Jedi Mind Trick was one of the first Force-related powers introduced in the 1977 movie, and in the tradition of most Jedi teachings, its use was intended to help the user avoid or resolve conflict. This was a nice bit of "show, don't tell," in which Obi-Wan Kenobi not only demonstrates the ability's power but explains who it works on and why. Fans have attempted to replicate this power in countless scenarios ever since.

Luke uses this power to gain entry to the palace of Jabba the Hutt at the beginning of Return Of The Jedi, a callback to the famous scene with Obi-Wan. It was also interesting to see that it didn't work on everyone; Jabba might have been ruthless, but he wasn't weak-minded.

4 Mnemotherapy

The Power To Eradicate Memories

Rey And Luke Skywalker
  • Luke uses Mnemotherapy in Fate of the Jedi: Conviction

Nam Chorios is a planet famous for its Force-sensitive crystals and the indigenous population of Therans, who formed some strong religious beliefs regarding both the Dark and Light side. The Theran Listeners were a group that perfected a Force-ability called vein routing, also known as Mnemotherapy. It was a rare force power that Luke Skywalker sought to learn when he battled the creature Abeloth in the novel Fate of the Jedi: Conviction by Aaron Allston (2011).

Star Wars: 14 Most Powerful Women Jedi, Ranked

Star Wars is filled with a history of great Jedi Knights, but there are fewer than there should be when it comes to truly great female warriors.

Mnemotherapy was like an advanced form of telepathy. Not only could it grant the user the ability to read someone's thoughts, but it could also be used to delve even more deeply into the recesses of one's mind and uncover the target's memories. It could isolate them, destroy them, or swap them with the memories of another person. This could free the subject from any kind of emotional or mental manipulation, but it also had a lot of potential for Dark Side Force users.

3 Precognition

Useful For Light Saber And Space Battles

Luke Skywalker with Lightsaber
  • Luke uses Precognition in Star Wars: Episode 5 - The Empire Strikes Back

Precognition isn't quite the same as visions of the future, which was one of Anakin's natural force abilities; it is the ability to anticipate the next move of one's enemies or allies, should the need to do so arise. This power is one of the reasons why both Anakin and Luke were exceptional pilots, even without the use of targeting devices, and Luke demonstrated as much when he blew up the Death Star in Star Wars: Episode 4 - A New Hope.

Star Wars: 10 Best Space Battles

Space battles are an integral part of the Star Wars experience, and these battles from throughout the series represent the very best in the franchise.

Knowing an enemy's next move is always an advantage, and it's equally useful in melee fighting and against blasters when a Jedi needs to dodge incoming fire. This version of the ability was known as Battle Precognition. Luke Skywalker spent as much time being a warrior as he did a mentor and teacher, and Precognitions was one of the most powerful Force abilities he had access to.

2 Electric Judgement

The Light Side Version Of Force Lightning

Force Lightning in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and The Force Unleashed 2
  • Luke uses Electric Judgment in The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force

Force Lightning is a power often associated with the Sith, but there is a light-side version called Electric Judgement (or Emerald Lightning). It was a controversial power that was forbidden according to the Jedi Order, but several famous Jedi learned how to use it. Luke Skywalker was one of them, along with his nephew Jacen Solo and Plo Koon of the Jedi High Council.

The power was forbidden because it requires anger to channel, a negative emotion that's connected to the Dark Side. However, like the Jedi Mind Trick, it could also be used to peacefully resolve a dangerous situation by incapacitating an enemy instead of killing them. Plo Koon discovered as much when he saved a child from a hostage situation and resolved to develop the technique further. When Luke Skywalker used Electric Judgement, he had the title of Grand Jedi Master, and he used it to fight Shimrra Jamaane in the novel The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force by James Luceno (2003). One method that a target can use to escape this attack is to use Tutaminis, a power that is also known as energy absorption.

1 Similfuturus

A Rare Force Technique That Was Almost Lost

Luke skywalker crait star wars the last jedi
  • Luke uses Similfuturus in Star Wars: Episode 8 - The Last Jedi

More casually known as Force Projection, the official name of this ability is Similfuturus, and it was developed by the Fallanassi and recorded in the sacred Jedi texts. It requires an incredible amount of concentration in which the Force-user pours their life-essence into the Cosmic Force and can project a copy of themselves virtually anywhere in the galaxy.

At the Battle of Crait, which was one of the most important events of Star Wars: Episode 8 - The Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker used this technique to distract Kylo Ren and give the rebel fighters a chance to escape. Even for a Jedi of his skill, the strain of using this ability cost Skywalker his life. His physical body disappeared, as his mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi did before him, and he became one with the Force.

The Most Powerful Mandalorians In Star Wars, Ranked

Mandalorians follow the same creed and code but they aren't comparable in terms of strength. These strongest Mandalorians stand out above the rest.