C-3PO is one of the funniest characters across the Star Wars franchise, mostly because he does not mean to be. His fears concerning the galaxy inform his reactions, he often comes across as annoying or even inappropriate towards other characters. Not to mention, his ability to communicate in more than six million languages means that he has even more potential to be funny and complain to others.RELATED: Star Wars: Most Villainous Droids From The FranchiseMost of C-3PO's funniest moments featured in this article are from the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy. These cement his unintentional humor, as well as close friendships with humans and droids alike.

11 "What do you mean, naked?"

C-3PO in the Star Wars Original Trilogy

This scene in The Phantom Menace is not only slapstick-level comedic, but speaks to the numerous times that Artoo mocks his counterpart. The Phantom Menace continues a complicated and comedic relationship between the two droids that fans grew quickly accustomed to and this quote is an example of that.

In this moment, C-3PO had just woken up for the first time and had not seen what he looked like. As he did not yet have the memorable gold armor, Artoo makes a joke about his appearance. His beeping sounds like giggling, further adding to the scene as C-3PO further remarks: "My parts are showing? Oh, my goodness, oh!"

10 “A pleasure to meet you. I am C-3PO, Human-Cyborg Relations.”

C-3PO with young Anakin and Padme in the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

During the same scene, C-3PO introduces himself to Anakin and Padme for the first time, as fans get to see the droid's origin. It is revealed that Anakin built him as a young boy as a protocol droid to help Anakin's mother around the house and with menial tasks.

It is an incredible scene to consider when looking at the journey C-3PO ends up going on in the original trilogy and at the time, even more exciting to consider where he would end up in the prequel trilogy.

9 “No, I don’t think he likes you at all.”

C-3PO and R2D2 bickering in A New Hope

After C-3PO and Artoo meet Luke Skywalker for the first time in A New Hope, C-3PO utters one of the funniest lines. It is always the case that C-3PO cannot resist being mean and short-tempered with Artoo, particularly when Artoo has the upper hand. However, in this instance at the start of the franchise, it is hard not to laugh.

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What adds to the scene is Artoo's sad beeps afterward. It is just one of the reasons why some Star Wars fans find him annoying, but it does make for some memorable moments.

8 “Sometimes, I just don’t understand human behavior.”

C-3PO and Han Solo in the Star Wars original trilogy

In The Empire Strikes Back, when C-3PO informs Han Solo aboard the Millennium Falcon that a nearby asteroid may not be "entirely stable," Solo has the witty retort: “Not entirely stable? I’m glad you’re here to tell us these things.”

C-3PO's deep insight into everything ultimately causes other key characters to grow frustrated with him, as he often cannot read the room. This quote attests to C-3PO's lack of understanding as to why humans react with emotion instead than logic in some situations — particularly towards him.

7 “It’s against my programming to impersonate a deity.”

C-3PO being worshipped in Star Wars original trilogy

In a hilarious turn of events, C-3PO quickly becomes the most popular character among the locals on Endor in Return of the Jedi, as the Ewoks begin to worship him like a God. They bow to him and chant songs much to C-3PO's delight, as he is not used to being so well-regarded.

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Despite his inability to break protocol, the fame and glory quickly goes to C-3PO's head, and he nearly forgets himself. As he somehow bends the rules, this is a laugh-out-loud scene that sees key characters in shock and dismay at their annoying droid quickly becoming popular.

6 “I suggest a new strategy, R2. Let the Wookiee win.”

When Artoo defeats Chewbacca in a game of chess, C-3PO is quick to attempt conflict resolution. This scene encounters these characters getting to know each other in A New Hope and learning that Chewbacca is just as, if not more, stubborn that Artoo.

Despite C-3PO wanting a droid's feelings and emotions to be considered, he is resigned to accept that it would be in their best interests to surrender the game of chess. Despite these moments, the droids and the Wookie do become firm friends — just without chess.

5 “R2-D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer.”

C-3PO and R2D2 in Star Wars original trilogy

This is another excellent droid debate between this fantastic duo in The Empire Strikes Back as C-3PO lectures Artoo on being too trusting. Apparently, Artoo claims he knows the hyperdrive is deactivated, because the city's central computer told him so. In response, C-3PO gives him a relevant and important lesson in computer safety and stranger danger that should not be overlooked, making this a very funny scene.

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It becomes clear during these moments that C-3PO must accept that he needs to trust Artoo implicitly, as he always seems to save the day. Whilst trying to re-attach C-3PO's leg, he fixes the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive, which allows them to escape the Imperial fleet.

4 "The Great Jabba the Hutt has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately."

C-3PO and Jabba the Hut in Star Wars

Fans are always given a true sense of C-3PO's incredible abilities as a translator, but most brilliant of all are scenes with the iconic Jabba the Hut. His delivery of Jabba's translated speech is very matter of fact, which makes it all the more amusing.

This is particularly the case in this scene when Han Solo yet again quips a quick reply, unafraid of the threat: "Good, I hate long waits." C-3PO, on the other hand, is incredibly nervous to be in the presence of such a brutal space gangster.

3 "What message? [...] The one you're carrying inside your rusty innards."

C-3PO and R2D2 in the original Star Wars trilogy

From the start of the franchise in A New Hope, C-3PO is eager to please Luke, which becomes all the more apparent when Artoo is unable to uncover Princess Leia's message straight away. C-3PO's loyalty is unquestionable as he deftly whacks Artoo on the head to try and retrieve it.

As well as comical, this moment speaks to C-3PO's attempts to try and keep Artoo on the best path before they encounter Luke. They truly are a great duo from the start.

2 C-3PO: "You watch your language!"

R2D2 and C-3PO in Star Wars, with C-3PO telling R2D2 to watch his language

It is hilarious to imagine Artoo swearing as the two droids yet again insist on tormenting each other in a love/hate way. This scene in A New Hope highlights how C-3PO's anxieties always take over as he blames Artoo for their shortcomings, but proves that Artoo always knows how to argue back — if only in angry beeps.

In pushing his buttons, Artoo always finds a way to outrage a very scared and concerned C-3PO. Although fans were unable to understand his choice words, it is funny to imagine what he could have said to irritate C-3PO so much.

1 "Help! I think I'm melting! This is all your fault!"

C-3PO blames Artoo yet again here, causing Artoo to laugh uncontrollably at his misfortunes. This is a theme that continues throughout the franchise as, time and time again, C-3PO believes that he is 'doomed' and sure to die.

It has been rumored that this scene was moved to later in A New Hope to provide a light relief burst of humor following the intensity of the fighting. It is great that these two sweet-natured, yet badass, droids were used in this way throughout Star Wars.

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