Throughout Star Wars history, there are several eras that mark the development of the Galactic Republic. The Old Republic timeframe immediately follows the High Republic Era, and runs from 25 thousand years before the Battle of Yavin until one thousand years before the Battle of Yavin.

The Old Republic Era is one of the most important for the establishment of the Jedi Order. Holocrons, Jedi scouts, the construction of the first Jedi temple, and the Jedi Order itself were all introduced during the Old Republic Era. It's also a time when some of the best Jedi of the Star Wars universe were first introduced.

10 Satele Shan

Satele Shan

Satele Shan served as a Grand Master of the Jedi Order, and was a descendent of Bastila Shan and Revan. She was well versed in multiple forms of combat using a lightsaber. Satele was also considered to be powerful and gifted in the Force.

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Satele trained as a Padawan under Ngani Zho and Kao Cen Darach. She warned the Republic about the return of the Sith Empire following her battles with Vindican and Malgus. She also rediscovered the Jedi home planet of Tython.

9 Bastila Shan

Bastila Shan

Much like her descendant, Bastila Shan was a legendary Jedi during the Old Republic. Bastila served as Consular of the Jedi Order during this timeframe. She was very proficient in Force stabilization and battle meditation. Her Force abilities made her a crucial part of the Jedi Civil War.

While many Jedi of the High Republic shared militaristic views, Bastila was more open-minded in her beliefs. That quality helped guide new philosophies for Jedi years after her tenure as Consular came to an end.

8 Revan


The main character in the Knights of the Old Republic video game, Revan served as both a Jedi and a Sith, but ultimately found redemption. He was an instrumental Jedi in the Mandalorian War despite the Jedi Council's refusal to authorize assistance. Unfortunately, that also put him on his path to the Dark Side of the Force.

Revan's time on the Dark Side made him one of the most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars canon. He was already a powerful Jedi before gaining the knowledge of the Dark Side. Revan also battled the Sith Emperor during the Old Republic.

7 Meetra Surik

Meetra Surik

The Exile actually prevented the Jedi from going extinct during the events of the Old Republic. Meetra Surik served as a Jed Knight under Revan until Malachor V is destroyed. The devastation of that destruction caused Surik to be cut off from the Force.

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During the Great Jedi Purge, Surik returned, now strong in the Force, and defeated the Sith Triumvirate. She is the main character of the video game Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

6 Kao Cen Darach

Kao Cen Darach

Satele Shan's Jedi Master, Kao Cen Darach served as a beacon of light, always opposed to the Dark Side of the Force, who warned about the return of the Sith. But, due to his lack of political prowess, Darach was left to oversee the ancient Sith birthplace of Korriban, despite him being right, as the Sith Empire starts the Great Galactic War.

Darach was known to be very good with a lightsaber. But during the attack on the Republic, he gave his life, ensuring the Republic's survival and giving Satel Shan a chance to fight the Dark Side moving forward.

5 Nomi Sunrider

Nomi Sunrider

Nomi Sunrider didn't start her Jedi journey in the usual way. Married to a man who wanted to be a Jedi, she took up his mantle following his death. She became a prodigious Jedi Knight who defeated the Sith uprising under Ulic Qel-Droma.

Sunrider didn't kill Qel-Droma though. Instead, she used her powers to sever him from the Force. Qel-Droma was able to find redemption this way, demonstrating Sunrider's ultimate devotion to the Light Side. She served as Grand Jedi Master for her role in bringing peace to the galaxy.

4 Rohlan Hoth

A native of Kaal, Rohlan Hoth dreamed of ending the threat that the Sith posed to the galazy. His actions during the time of the Old Republic helped usher in a near millennium long period without tyranny from the Sith. His exploits earned him the titles of Jedi Battlemaster, as well as Supreme Commander of the Army of Light.

Despite leading inferior forces from the Republic, Hoth led troops to dozens of victories during the New Sith Wars time period of the Old Republic. He would eventually sacrifice himself, and his troops, in the most noble way possible to bring peace to the galaxy.

3 Arca Jeth

Arca Jeth

Arca Jeth serves as the Watchman of the Onderon worlds, where he helped end the Beast Wars. He served as a teacher to both Nomi Sunrider and Ulic Qel-Droma, and was considered one of the wisest and most powerful Jedi during the time of the Old Republic.

Jeth was able to use the Force to disable droids, as well as mastering battle meditation. He was killed by a Krath war droid, after which his death started Qel-Droma down his path to the Dark Side.

2 Thon


Thon was a Tchuukthai who served during the Great Sith War. He was very knowledgeable in the Force and learned how to control supernatural manifestations. He was also a Weapon Master, but preferred to control the Force rather than engage in combat.

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He was prodigious at telepathy and telekinesis. Thon was also known to prefer isolation, and spent most of his time on Ambria or at the Great Jedi Library.

1 Vodo-Siosk Baas

Vodo-Siosk Baas

Vodo-Siosk Baas was one of the greatest Jedi instructors the Jedi Order has ever seen. He was an artificer and historian who served on the Jedi Assembly of Great Masters. He was an important Jedi master during the Great Sith War.

Baas preferred to not be aggressive while using the Force. He was excellent at constructing lightsabers and building telekinetic barriers. He was a beacon for the Light Side during the Old Republic.

MORE: Star Wars: Best Jedi of the High Republic