
  • Gray Jedi are those who completed Jedi training but didn't work with the Jedi Council, and they are not truly evil despite not showing blind faith in the Jedi.
  • The Jensaarai and Jal Shey are two groups of Force-sensitive individuals who follow a neutral path and seek balance without resorting to war or violence.
  • Characters like Cade Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, Quinlan Vos, Kreia, Revan, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Ahsoka Tano all demonstrate different aspects of being Gray Jedi.

Star Wars presented a battle between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. The Jedi represented the Light Side. They claimed to always be fighting for good and balance. The Sith represented the Dark Side. They often sought power and were filled with ambition beyond destroying the Jedi. But what about someone who falls in the middle?

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The gray Jedi were introduced through supplementary Star Wars materials. Gray Jedi are described as those who completed their Jedi training but didn't work with the Jedi Council. They are often considered misguided for not showing blind faith in the Jedi but are never truly evil.

10 The Jensaarai

The Jensaarai
Art by Ramón Pérez

This group, also called the Followers of the Hidden Truth, was founded by a Jedi Knight who found an ancient Sith tome and realized the Jedi stole the Sith teachings. Unable to trust the Light, but also not tempted by the Dark, the Jedi Knight created a neutral order using the teachings of both.

The Jensaarai taught its members to use the Dark Side of the Force without being corrupted by it. These warriors achieved a true balance of the Force despite the Jedi prophecy.

9 Jal Shey

Jal Shey

Much like the Jensaarai, the Jal Shey were a group of Force-sensitive people who followed neither the pure Light nor Dark Sides of the Force. However, the Jal Shey were instead a nomadic group who only viewed the Force through an intellectual perspective. Unlike the Jensaarai, the Jal Shey chose not to fight as they opposed both war and violence.

Much of the Jal Shey took up positions as scholars and diplomats. They studied the Force and tried to unlock its secrets without resorting to war like the Jedi and Sith. The Jal Shey did teach basic defense skills should they be attacked, but they always sought balance.

8 Cade Skywalker

Cade Skywalker

Descending from the famous Skywalker line, Cade Skywalker takes part in the new Galactic Civil War. Cade was a Jedi padawan who eventually became a smuggler, bounty hunter, and pirate. While talented in the Force, Cade could also be reckless and was known to dabble in the Dark Side.

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However, unlike his ancestor, Cade was able to resist the corrupting effects of the Dark Side and never succumbed to its temptations. He actually used the temptation to strengthen himself. Cade walked the line between Light and Dark almost effortlessly, making him one of the strongest of the Gray Jedi.

7 Asajj Ventress

Asajj Ventress

While it might be surprising to see someone who was introduced as evil as Ventress appear as a Gray Jedi, it must be noted not all Gray Jedi were Light Side users who sought balance with the Dark. Some were Sith who weren't necessarily seeking redemption but still needed their own sense of balance.

Ventress survived the Clone Wars but lost her purpose when the Nightsisters were destroyed. She and Quinlan Vos joined forces to try to kill Count Dooku, but the Dark Side's temptations were becoming too much for Vos. Ventress sacrificed herself to make sure he didn't fall to the point she had once been.

6 Quinlan Vos

Quinlan Vos

Speaking of Quinlan Vos, he was a Jedi who wound up assigned a dangerous mission that led to him losing his way in the Light. He was sent undercover to pretend to be a Dark Side defector, so he could find and kill Darth Sidious. Forced to commit numerous atrocities, he began to be seduced by the Dark Side of the Force.

Having fallen in love with Ventress, she gave her life to save him from his fall. While this kept him away from the Dark Side, he was still unable to find his way back to the pure Light. Vos had to find a balance, making him more of a Gray Jedi. However, he was still mostly good.

5 Kreia


Kreia is an interesting Gray Jedi as she is one of the few who was cast out by both the Jedi and the Sith rather than leaving on her own. She was Revan's instructor until his participation in the Mandalorian Wars led to her being exiled from the Jedi Order. She then joined a Sith triumvirate until she was betrayed.

This gave Kreia a unique view of the Force. She began to view it as a crutch for the weak, whether they be Jedi or Sith. She had a purpose and a mission to help galactic citizens but also found compassion made them weak. Kreia may be the most complex character ever introduced in Star Wars.

4 Revan


Kreia's Jedi padawan, Revan also followed the path of the Gray Jedi during the days of the Old Republic. When the Jedi Council refused to fight the Mandalorian invaders, Revan disobeyed the Council to fight the Mandalorians. This led to him becoming a Gray Jedi as he incorporated skills from both the Light and Dark Sides of the Force.

Unfortunately, his actions led to both he and his apprentice, Malak, falling to the Dark Side and his master, Kreia being tossed from the Council. Revan would rejoin the Light Side of the Force and hunt down Malak and other Sith, but for a short time, he was a Gray Jedi.

3 Kanan Jarrus

Kanan Jarrus

While never fully recognized as a Gray Jedi, Kanan's life demonstrates that he followed a similar path to those who became Gray Jedi. Kanan held a deep admiration and love for the Jedi and the Jedi Order. He didn't leave it willingly to pursue balance but was forced out when the clones killed his master during Order 66, and Kanan was saved by the Bad Batch.

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As a Jedi Master to Ezra Bridger, Kanan continued with the Jedi Code as best he could. However, he ignored traditions and formed attachments. Kanan followed his own spiritual path and found a purpose. Kanan also used his emotions rather than neglect them. All of this made him very important to the early days of the Rebellion and the crew of the Ghost.

2 Ezra Bridger

Ezra Bridger

Kanan's apprentice, Ezra Bridger, followed the Gray Jedi code even more than his master did. Ezra was discovered on Lothal and was quickly adopted by the crew of the Ghost when Kanan recognized his Force abilities. Kanan took it upon himself to train Ezra, but as Kanan's training was more Gray than Light, Ezra learned to be more Gray than Light as well.

Ezra dabbled in the Dark Side of the Force, especially at the urging of Darth Maul, but he would also always find his way back to the Light. Ezra was also very emotional, which would cause him to lash out against opponents at times, something the Light side vehemently opposes.

1 Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka is an example of someone who is still guided by the Jedi principles despite being disillusioned by the Jedi Order. She famously left the order and declared herself "no Jedi" after she was framed for the bombing of the Jedi Temple. Despite having her name cleared, her faith was shaken and she walked away.

However, Ahsoka continued to do good for the galaxy. She was never tempted by the Dark Side despite her struggles with her emotions and her attachments. She began wielding white lightsabers and helped anyone in need, especially the crew of the Ghost during the early days of the Rebellion. While using the Light Side more than the Dark Side, she may be the best example of a Gray Jedi.

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