
  • The AT-AT in Star Wars Battlefront offers powerful firepower but slow movement, best suited for mowing down rebel troops.
  • The Rebel Landspeeder is fast, durable, and packs a punch with missiles, laser cannons, and turrets in the Classic Collection.
  • Players should prioritize using the best vehicles like the AAT-1 tank or the AT-ST walker for maximum impact on the battlefield.

The Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection brings players back to the original fight in the galaxy far, far away, allowing players to experience some iconic battles across the Prequel and Original Trilogy, with recognizable heroes, villains, weaponry, and even vehicles, for both ground and air assaults.

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Not all the vehicles in the Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection are created equally, and some are far more powerful than others. Players should definitely check out the best vehicles in Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection in order to gain the edge over their enemies with great firepower and speed assured.

8 74-Z Speeder Bike

An Extremely Fast & Weak Vehicle With Slow Firing Weaponry

  • Maps: Endor: Bunker, Kashyyk: Beachhead, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Yavin 4: Temple, Tatooine: Dune Sea, Naboo: Plains
  • Weapons: Laser Cannon

Few vehicles in the Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection prioritize travel over weaponry, but the speeder bike does this perfectly. This vehicle is mainly found on the exclusive Galactic Civil War map, Endor, and it can be used by both Rebel soldiers and those fighting for the Empire.

Using a speeder bike is a great way to quickly move from one side of the map to the other to get hold of an enemy command post. However, the low rate of fire makes for a weak choice of combat, and the speed players will travel on this machine can be extremely dangerous, and definitely makes firing the weapon harder than it seems.


A Slow, Yet Powerful Vehicle That's Hard To Destroy & Easy To Attack In

  • Maps: Hoth: Echo Base, Rhen Var: Harbour
  • Weapons: Laser Cannon, Particle Cannon Turret

AT-ATs are some of the most recognizable vehicles in all of Star Wars. These towering walkers first appear in The Empire Strikes Back in the battle of Hoth, and the Empire can use these vehicles on this map, and a few others, in Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection. However, players will not want to use these vehicles as a mode of transport.

An AT-AT has one job in a battle, and one job only, and that's to mow down waves of rebel troops with ease thanks to the laser cannons and particle cannon turret mounted onto the vessel, providing great firepower for troops, vehicles, and structures that threaten the Empire's reign. Two players can man these huge vehicles to cause chaos, but players must understand that they will not move very fast when doing so.


Fast & Maneuverable, But With A Vulnerable Pilot

  • Maps: Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Utapau: Sinkhole, Naboo: Theed, Felucia: Marshland, Rhen Var: Harbour
  • Weapons: Laser Cannon, Mortar Cannon

The AT-RT is a great vehicle used by Clone Troopers during the Clone Wars, and easily showcases the power of weaponry in the right hands. This support walker is great, but has a glaring weakspot, as players can easily get behind the walker to shoot at the pilot, due to the fact that there is no shielding from behind.

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Despite the weakness, the vehicle itself is fast, powerful, and a clear predecessor to the AT-ST used by the Empire. Any player who wants to cause a problem for the enemy should jump into one of these imposing machines, and enjoy the arsenal of laser cannons and mortar cannons.

5 TIE Bomber

Use Guided Rockets & Proton Torpedoes To Eliminate Critical Ship Points

  • Maps: Bespin: Platforms, Kashyyyk: Islands, All Imperial Space Battle Maps
  • Weapons: Particle Cannon Turrets, Remote Rockets, Proton Bombs

The vacuum of space can be deadly, but luckily for the Empire, the TIE Bomber is going to make it deadly for Rebels, not for their own team. It's a great vehicle with a decent level of armor, and its high damage makes it a threat to space battle maps that require players to start destroying each others' ships.

One of the best parts of the TIE Bomber is how it requires a pilot and a bombardier, with one player needed to unload some heavy bombs onto the valuable targets on the main ship to cause big damage, and the other to fly. The TIE Bomber is nimble enough to engage in dog fights with other ships in defense of their own frigate.

4 Snow Speeder

Easily Destroy AT-ATs In A Nimble Vessel

snow speeder vs an at-at
  • Maps: Hoth: Echo Base
  • Weapons: Laser Cannon, Harpoon Gun, Laser Cannon (Back)

The Battle of Hoth features AT-ATs vs Snowspeeders, and the latter proves that size matters not in warfare, as the Snowspeeder can easily take out the AT-AT thanks to the Harpoon Gun, which will cause players to loop a cable around the AT-AT legs to trip it up, thus, destroying it.

Players will also find the Snowspeeder equally useful for soaring above the battlefield and reining down fire on enemy troops. Plus, these ships are hard for enemy artillery to target due to their nimble size. Players can have a pilot and a gunner in this vehicle, allowing for maximum firepower and speed.

3 Armored Assault Tank (AAT)

A Separatist Tank With A Great Range Of Firepower

Clone Wars AAT 1
  • Maps: Naboo: Theed, Naboo: Plains, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Kashyyyk: Docks, Yavin 4: Temple, Tatooine: Dune Sea
  • Weapons: Laser Cannon, Particle Cannon Turret, Concussion Missiles

One of the best land vehicles in the series is the AAT-1, which can certainly give the Clone Army a run for their money, as the Separatists get a great choice of tank for their battles. Whilst not the fastest vehicle, this floating tank has a grand arsenal of firepower used by both pilot and gunner.

This tank's main weapons are some traditional turrets and a few missiles. Plus, a smaller turret on top can be used to mow down any troops that get near it. As a result, the AAT-1 has a huge role to play in any battle featuring the droids, and it can even make quick work of the best Jedi.


An Agile & Well-Protected WalkerAt St Attacking

  • Maps: Hoth: Echo Base, Felucia: Marshland, Endor: Bunker, Kashyyyk: Docks, Tatooine: Dune Sea, Naboo: Plains, Yavin 4: Arena
  • Weapons: Laser Cannon, Particle Cannon Turret

One of the most commonly seen vehicles used by the Empire, the AT-ST is popular for a reason, and that's thanks to a variety of reasons, but most importantly, how well armored it is compared to its predecessor. This Chicken Walker is great for roaming the battlefield, and anyone who lays eyes on it best pray the Force has their back.

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For players who didn't experience the original Battlefront games in 2004 and 2005, here's everything they should know about the new remaster.

The AT-ST is the perfect balance between the AT-AT and AT-RT vehicles. It may not be the most powerful tool at the Empire's disposal, but enemy troops will flee when they see one of these coming towards them, thanks to the stomping legs, and mixture of turrets and cannons that can make short work of rebels.

1 Rebel Combat Landspeeder

Vulnerable, Yet Intenseley Fast With Great Firepower

  • Maps: Naboo: Theed, Naboo: Plains, Tatooine: Dune Sea, Yavin 4: Arena
  • Weapons: Laser Cannon, Beam Cannon, Rockets

This vehicle has a big presence in Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection due to its use as a tank for the Rebel Alliance, allowing them to reach high speeds and deal intense damage to the Empire, all whilst evading gunfire and other destructive weaponry.

As a land speeder, it's fast, but as a tank, it is also fairly durable. Add to all this the fact that this two-person vehicle has missiles, a laser canon, and turrets, and many players will find this vehicle unstoppable. This is especially true if the player uses an engineer-class troop as one of the pilots to heal any damage sustained in battle.

Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection -1
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection

March 14, 2024