The Star Wars gaming license has been in the hands of EA for almost ten years now, and in that ten years, gamers have been subjected to some exceedingly low lows, with the occasionally satisfying high. Many have expressed their dissatisfaction with the volume of Star Wars games that have come out under EA, especially considering the majority of them fall under the same genre. Games like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order have proven to be pleasant surprises, but one of the biggest hangups has been EA's treatment of the iconic Star Wars Battlefront franchise, and its recent neglect of a potential Star Wars Battlefront 3.

It's no secret among most gamers that EA's Star Wars Battlefront ventures did not go smoothly overall. The initial reboot of the series lacked many of the same features of the originals, and then when it seemed like Star Wars Battlefront 2 might expand the series to new heights, a progression system reliant on microtransactions and lootboxes soiled the game's reputation out of the gate. In recent months, it's been revealed that EA has no intention of making a Star Wars Battlefront 3 any time soon, and with the exclusivity contract coming to an end, the franchise might be better off in the hands of a different studio.

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Preserving The Legacy Of Star Wars Battlefront

Cover Art of Star Wars Battlefront 2

If EA isn't willing to give Star Wars Battlefront 3 a chance, it's imperative that the franchise isn't allowed to fall dormant once again. Many Star Wars fans are already all too familiar with the heartbreaking story of the cancelation of the original Star Wars Battlefront 3 after LucasArts was dissolved, and the fact that the franchise came back, to begin with, was a miracle in and of itself. Battlefront has become one of the tentpoles of Star Wars gaming history since the first entry, providing a unique sci-fi shooter experience that chronicled the long history of a galaxy far, far away. To lose that again would be a disservice to the franchise's legacy.

Developers That Could Make Star Wars Battlefront 3

Star Wars Developers EA Ubisoft

One of the brightest pieces of news for Star Wars fans that haven't enjoyed EA's tenure with the property is that many other developers have already been hard at work on new Star Wars projects. Ubisoft's open-world Star Wars title has been public knowledge for the better part of this year, and Quantic Dream recently revealed Star Wars Eclipse at The Game Awards 2021. With how many developers are currently getting ready for EA's contract to end, it opens up an opportunity for EA to pass on the responsibility to another studio so fans can still get the Battlefront 3 that they've been hoping for.

There are a number of different developers that could helm a Star Wars Battlefront 3 that would be of a similar scale to Battlefront 2. Considering Ubisoft is already developing its own single-player Star Wars game, it could flex its multiplayer muscles by also putting its own spin on a new Battlefront entry. Bungie would also be an excellent candidate with its experience on Halo and Destiny, but that might be wishful thinking with the commitment that Bungie has made towards expanding Destiny 2 into one of the biggest live-service games on the market.

EA's unwillingness to approach another Star Wars Battlefront is a disappointing blow to fans that have stuck with the franchise from the very beginning. When EA's contract with the property finally comes to an end, this decision will more than likely stand as a representation of the company's larger relationship with Star Wars. With all of the potential allowed to EA and all of the gamers that could have been satisfied by innovative new titles, EA instead decided to end its contract with a reputation for broken promises and missed opportunities.

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