A lot of things happen in the Star Wars films. Those events are even more impressive when one considers that the entire nine-movie franchise takes place in less than 70 years. Plenty of people have probably lived through all three trilogies. Unsurprisingly, there's a ton of history behind the prequels, and Star Wars: The Acolyte will soon dive into that rich background era.

The Acolyte is set to break a lot of new ground for the Star Wars franchise. It's the first story to be led by the Sith, giving it a very fresh perspective. While many of the Disney Plus series have inhabited the time between trilogies, Acolyte turns back the clock to inhabit an era long before the first prequel.

RELATED: Star Wars: The Acolyte - What We Know So Far

What Era is The Acolyte Set In?

Star Wars High Republic The Acolyte

Star Wars: The Acolyte takes place in the High Republic Era. This period lasted 418 years and ended around 50 years before the beginning of The Phantom Menace. Acolyte is said to take place near the end of the High Republic Era, meaning it'll probably start sometime around 100 BBY. The High Republic Era comes between the fall of one Republic and the fall of the next. Essentially, the Old Republic, the reigning government in the galaxy, suffered a slow downfall at the hands of the Sith. This led to a dark age that culminated in a massive war between the Jedi and Sith. As usual, the good guys won, leaving all but one Sith lord dead. The government re-emerged in the form of the modern Galactic Republic.

Why Is This Era Important in Star Wars?

Anakin standing before the Jedi Council in The Phantom Menace

Star Wars, much like real life, moves in cycles of democracy and fascism. The High Republic Era is the best recorded period of prosperity for the forces of good. The Galactic Empire spread throughout the universe, the Jedi Order kept peace across all worlds, and life expanded well beyond its early bounds. It was an era of expansion when overpopulation led species to flee the most habitable planets and settle in the Outer Rim territories. Though many of these new homeworlds were dangerous and untamed, their new inhabitants worked to create safe havens for all those that needed them. At the same time, the Galactic Republic extended its reach to cover the Outer Rim territories. It wasn't perfect, but the High Republic Era was a great time for most people in the galaxy.

One of the most notable moments in the High Republic Era was the creation of the Starlight Beacon. Launched in 232 BBY, Starlight was a towering monument that demonstrated the Republic's presence in the galaxy's farthest reaches. It was a space station that provided a navigational lighthouse in the Outer Rim territories and beyond. As people moved from their homes, they spread out toward the ends of the known universe. The Starlight Beacon served to make this difficult endeavor possible. However, the denizens of the Outer Rim Territories weren't excited to have so many new neighbors.

The defining conflict of the High Republic Era was that of the Outer Rim citizens fighting the newly established government. The Nihil, a band of anarchic brigands sought to fight off the reign of the Galactic Republic as it expanded. Though the Republic was supported by many species, those who were born into the unincorporated planets outside the rim saw their encroachment as an invasion. The Nihil was the primary force opposing Republic rule, and they did so with some success. Only a couple of years after its introduction, they destroyed the Starlight Beacon. The Nihil managed to reduce Republic power in the Outer Rim, but their time eventually came as well.

Star Wars High Republic The Nihil

The Star Wars franchise hasn't covered much of the Nihil. They're a deeply fascinating concept, a nemesis for the Jedi that didn't have the pure evil motivation of the Sith. During the High Republic Era, the Sith were caught on the back foot and struggling to return to power. Arguably, the era ended with the birth of the clone army that eventually heralded in the fall of the Republic. This period in which the big baddies are forced to hide in the shadows, the heroes are at the height of their powers, and the major battles are for expansion is deeply engaging. It's interesting in the way it differs from the main eras of the franchise. There are so many stories to be told in the High Republic Era, and The Acolyte is likely to scratch the surface.

The Acolyte is focused on the Sith aspect of the High Republic. With only one leader and a vastly reduced mass of warriors, Acolyte will depict the Sith in a similar position to that of the Jedi in the first Star Wars film. The Acolyte will break new ground for the Star Wars franchise, but there are still so many fun ideas buried in the deep history.

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