Star Wars: The Acolyte is set to be released in June 2024, and it will be the first time that the High Republic era will appear in live-action. The High Republic era is when the Jedi were at the height of their power, and it will certainly be interesting to see that on-screen. However, the era has been seen in Star Wars before and connections will inevitably be made.

The era has primarily been featured in books and comic books. Before The Acolyte, the only onscreen appearance had been through Star Wars: Young Jedi Tales, and through the flashbacks of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Indeed, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor didn't dive fully into the High Republic but offered enough of a tether for other endeavors to grasp onto.

How Star Wars: The Bad Batch Embraces The Star Wars Jedi Games

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor are seminal games, and there's one Star Wars show that embraces the games in a fascinating way.

Star Wars: The Acolyte Could Tie Into Star Wars Jedi

The Acolyte is Set During Star Wars’ High Republic Era

With Star Wars: The Acolyte taking place in the High Republic era, it leaves lots of room for the show to embrace Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and the lore that the game set up. The High Republic era played a role in the narrative by introducing High Republic characters, such as Santari Khri, ZN-A4 (also known as Zee), and Survivor's Dagan Gera. The game also introduces the planet of Tanalorr, which was a big plot device the story worked toward.

Tanalorr is a planet in which the Jedi Order of the High Republic had interest in until the Nihil Marauders invaded and forced the Jedi to abandon the planet. It would certainly be interesting to see some acknowledgment of the games' High Republic lore now in The Acolyte, especially since Santari Khri was a Jedi master within the order.

The Time Period of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’s High Republic Lore is Unknown

With Survivor introducing lots of High Republic lore, it would be a missed opportunity for The Acolyte to not reference the game or even subtly mention it. However, this all depends on what point in the High Republic era these flashbacks took place in. The Acolyte is set around 100 years before The Phantom Menace, but the period of events in the flashbacks of Survivor is unknown.

The Acolyte has many ways and opportunities to embrace the game. Santari Khri would be the perfect character to receive a mention within the show, as she served as a Jedi master during the High Republic era of Star Wars. If the events of Survivor’s flashbacks happened around the same time as The Acolyte, then it would be a great way of confirming the time period of the flashbacks, as well as providing another reference to Respawn's Star WarsJedi games.

Other Star Wars Shows Have Embraced The Star Wars Jedi Games

Over the years, most Star Wars shows have somewhat embraced the games. Players may have acknowledged major references, such as Star Wars' Bracca (a planet created for Fallen Order) appearing in The Bad Batch, or more subtle references such as passing remarks such as The Mandalorian's Greef Karga mentioning that Grogu looks like a Bogling.

Of course, The Acolyte wouldn’t be able to embrace the games as much as shows like The Bad Batch or Obi-Wan Kenobi, but it could still tie into them thanks to this loose thread. Even if it’s a blink-and-miss-it reference, or a reference viewers won’t pick up the first time; regardless of what happens, it will be interesting to see if The Acolyte does make use of Survivor’s High Republic lore or not.