The Clone Wars is one of the most fascinating and widely discussed aspects of the Star Wars Universe. Not only does the era have great representation in multiple shows and miniseries, but the idea of a galaxy-spanning conflict with large-scale battles is fascinating to fans. However, when discussing this era of the Star Wars universe, it would be difficult to make much progress without bringing up one of the main reasons people watch a show like Star Wars: The Clone Wars in the first place: the clones.

Simply put, the fans’ love for the stories set during the Clone Wars conflict would not be what it is today if not for the various clone units and divisions. The animated show Star Wars: The Clone Wars gave fans a new appreciation for the individual clones as characters. It introduced the idea that even though they're clones, they have personalities of their own, distinguishing them from each other despite their identical physical appearance. The show also dedicated individual stories to spending time with different Jedi generals and their respective clone divisions. One such clone division is the 41st Elite Corps, which served in many important conflicts under Jedi General Luminara Unduli.

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The Clone Wars

Nute Gunray Clone Wars

Distinguishable by the dark green markings on their armor, the 41st Elite Corps went into service with the Grand Army of the Republic after the first Battle of Geonosis in 22BBY. Under the leadership of Jedi General Luminara Unduli and her padawan, Barriss Offee, Clone Commander Gree was the clone in charge of the 41st Elite Corps. Distinguishable by his dyed-red double Mohawk, Commander Gree went on to be one of the most notable clones during the Clone Wars.

In the earlier days of the war, the 41st Elite Corps engaged in many important, high-stakes operations. One such mission involved rescuing Senator Padmé Amidala after she had been captured by a group of Separatists led by Nute Gunray. When a group of Separatists led by Asajj Ventress were dispatched to rescue Gunray from Republic capture, the 41st Elite Corps’ Green Company found themselves fighting alongside Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano to defend their transport ship against attackers.

The Second Battle of Geonosis

The Second Battle Of Geonosis In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

The Clone Wars began on the desert planet of Geonosis, but it would not be long before the Grand Army of the Republic returned to reclaim the planet and take a swing at key Separatist targets. After the initial offensive by the 501st and 212th Divisions, the 41st Elite Corps was sent in with Generals Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee. Their job was to assist in reclaiming further territory. This included infiltrating and destroying a major Separatist battle droid factory. This order was carried out by Offee and Ahsoka Tano.

There was much to be done in retaking the planet, 41st Elite Corps' immediate goal was the capture of Poggle the Lesser, one of the key figures in the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This made the Second Battle of Geonosis one of the most important conflicts in the Clone Wars. The Republic was successful in Poggle’s capture, in large part due to the efforts of the 41st Elite Corps. Their role in this pivotal moment marked them as one of the most important divisions.

Kashyyyk & Order 66

Yoda In Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith

In the final days of the Clone Wars, the 41st Scout Battalion, which was a subdivision of the 41st Elite Corps, was sent to Kashyyyk, the planet of the Wookiees, under the command of Jedi Grand Master Yoda. Their goal there was to aid the Wookiees in their fight against a Separatist Droid offensive on their planet. Sporting camouflaged armor that would allow them to blend in with the jungle terrainhome world, the 41st were ready for a fight.

After setting up strengthened defenses and providing key strategic aid, the Battle of Kashyyyk broke out. Thankfully, the combined Republic and Wookiee forces were able to put up a strong defense at Kachirho City. The 41st Scout Battalion provided important support in what would be their final act of heroics during the Clone Wars. For a time, the fate of the planet and the safety of the Wookiees were looking positive. With the help of the 41st, the inhabitants of Kashyyyk were able to adequately fend off their invaders.

But during the battle, The Clone Wars came to a sudden, grim conclusion. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine sent word to the clone forces to execute Order 66, activating the Republic forces to turn on their Jedi Generals. Two 41st Elite Corps members, including Commander Gree himself, attempted to execute Grand Master Yoda but were unsuccessful, as Yoda sensed their moves before they could make them. Yoda escaped Kashyyyk, and as Star Wars' Clone Wars conflict ended, the 41st Elite Corps were now under the command of the newly-formed Galactic Empire.

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