Since its debut in 1987, Star Trek: The Next Generation has been a significant part of global popular culture. The character Wesley Crusher, portrayed by actor Wil Wheaton, has played a substantial role in the series' timeline. Created by Gene Roddenberry, Wesley Crusher was the son of the Enterprise's doctor Beverly Crusher. He was intended to represent youthful intelligence and optimism; someone young people could look up to for inspiration. Throughout his time on the show, he consistently demonstrated an aptitude for mathematics and engineering that sometimes surpassed even the crew members.

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Wesley Crusher is one character that many fans have come to know and love over the years, but it wasn't always this way. He was the son of the ship's doctor Beverly Crusher and held a special place in Captain Picard's heart. While most people may recognize the character, there are still plenty of interesting facts that many surprise people.

6 When He First Appeared On The Show, Fans Hated Him

Wesley Crusher Star Trek TNG

When the character of Wesley Crusher was introduced to the world of Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1987, many fans were unhappy. He was portrayed as a whiny teenager who thought he was more intelligent than everyone else, and that caused quite a bit of frustration among viewers. His character wasn't seen as very likable or relatable. It didn't help that despite only being fifteen years old, he seemed to repeatedly save the Enterprise in early show episodes, which fans found unrealistic.

Despite the initial hatred from fans, it didn't take long for them to change their minds about Wesley Crusher. As the series progressed and the show writers began to give the character a more fully fleshed-out personality, viewers began to appreciate his importance. They even recognized his value as a positive role model for kids watching at home, which is what the show's creator always wanted.

5 The Creator Of Lower Decks Wants To Bring Wesley Crusher Back

Star Trek Lower Decks

Since leaving The Next Generation, fans have wondered if they will ever see Wesley Crusher return as a character in a different Star Trek series. He made a cameo on Season 2 of Star Trek Picard but sadly was not invited back for season 3. Now, reports are surfacing that the creator of the animated spin-off Lower Decks, Mike McMahan, wants to bring back this beloved character.

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McMahan spoke recently about his interest in bringing back the iconic character and stated that he would love to include Wesley Crusher in a future episode of Lower Decks. Their main concern is to find an exciting storyline for him that won't retcon the character's past. If they can make it work, we could see an animated Wesley Crusher alongside the crew of the USS Cerritos soon.

4 Jean Luc Picard Could Be Wesley Crusher's Father

Jean Luc Picard Wesley Beverly Crusher Star Trek The Next Generation

Since the first episode of The Next Generation aired, there has been a rumor among fans that Jean Luc Picard, the captain of the Enterprise, and Wesley Crusher are father and son. The reason for this was because of the interest Captain Picard took in the wellbeing of Wesley, not to mention the mutual romantic feelings between Picard and Wesley's mother, Beverley Crusher.

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Many subtle hints throughout the show suggest a deeper connection between them. While the writers never confirmed anything on-screen, they did admit that there had been conversations surrounding this idea early on in production. Whatever the truth, it's a fan theory that persists even today.

3 Wesley Crusher Only Left The Show Because The Actor Playing Him Quit

Wil Wheaton Jim Parsons Big Bang Theory

Despite fans' less-than-favorable reception, the Next Generation creators had no intention of writing Wesley Crusher out of the show. In fact, Wil Wheaton, the actor who played Crusher, decided to leave because of his treatment by the show's producers rather than the fans.

In an interview many years after leaving, he revealed that he decided to leave mainly because it was restricting his ability to work on other projects. He was increasingly interested in working in feature films, but the producers wouldn't give him time off from the show. Wheaton felt he needed to hang up his Starfleet uniform and move on to benefit his career. Sadly, we'll never know the writers' long-term plans for him.

2 Two Different Actors Have Played Wesley Crusher

Will Wheaton As Wesley Crusher in Star Trek The Next Generation

When we think of Wesley Crusher, we immediately associate the character with the actor Wil Wheaton, who played him throughout his run. However, in the season one episode "Hide and Q," Wesley is transformed into a 25-year-old man, this time played by actor William A Wallace.

This was the only time another actor donned the infamous ugly sweater of Wesley. Strangely, nobody seemed to mention that they looked nothing like each other or that he had different colored eyes and hair!

1 There Is An Evil Version Of Wesley Crusher In Star Trek Online

Emperor Crusher of the Terran Empire Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was launched. Players can create their own characters and explore the universe as starship captains. Since the original Star Trek series, writers have used the idea of a "mirror universe" as a plot device to explore an alternative timeline where the characters are evil versions of themselves. In this "dark" timeline, humanity took a different path to the one we know from the Star Trek universe, using force instead of diplomacy to take control of space.

In the Star Trek Online mirror universe, Wesley Crusher rules the empire. In an exciting twist, Emperor Crusher rules without mercy, destroying anyone who dares to oppose him. It was a stroke of creative genius by the creators to take the goody two shoes fans got to know in The Next Generation and turn him into an evil Emperor!

MORE: Why Wesley Crusher Is Better As A Traveler Than In Starfleet