
  • Star Trek: Voyager explored various spatial anomalies, such as the Void, Quantum Singularities, Temporal Anomalies, Subspace Sinkholes, and Graviton Ellipses.
  • These anomalies often presented challenges and dangers for the Voyager crew, but they also provided opportunities for cooperation and alliances with other species.
  • The crew's ingenuity, resilience, and ability to work together were vital in navigating these anomalies and finding ways to escape and overcome them.

Throughout its almost sixty-year history, Star Trek has introduced numerous anomalies in space that led to some of the best episodes of television. This is especially true on the series Star Trek: Voyager where the Voyager crew along with members of the Maquis are taken to the Delta quadrant.

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In a part of space that none of these officers or rebels have ever been, they had to band together to tackle these anomalies together. The series had a way of demonstrating the best of people when different species banded together to achieve a common goal.

6 The Void

The Void

This spatial anomaly trapped the Voyager in its crew in the episode aptly titled "The Void." The enclosed section of space was almost completely devoid of matter and energy. The only exceptions were ships that were pulled through the Void's funnels as they randomly opened in space.

The Voyager crew eventually escaped the Void with the help of some new allies and a mysterious species believed to be native to the Void. Voyager managed to escape the anomaly and help free other trapped ships in the process.

5 Quantum Singularities

Species 8472

While this is a broad phenomenon that has been covered multiple times in Star Trek and other science fiction franchises, a quantum singularity is essentially a black hole mixed with some other science fiction creation the writers need for the story. The Voyager crew encountered several quantum singularities during their time in the Delta Quadrant.

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Star Trek: Voyager tells the story of a Federation ship lost in the Delta quadrant. These episodes detail the crew's most compelling adventures.

Quantum singularities created severe time distortions, and mirror images of the ship even caused the crew to get stuck while investigating it. One episode revealed the singularities helped power the Hirogen relay station. In another episode, "Species 8472," one of the most dangerous Star Trek alien races was found to live in a singularity that created interdimensional space portals.

4 Temporal Anomaly

Robert Beltran as Chakotay. Kate Mulgrew as Janeway. Episode: Shattered.

In the episode titled "Shattered," the Voyager was split into thirty-seven different time periods due to an unnamed temporal anomaly. Throughout the episode, Chakotay can move between time periods because he was directly zapped by the anomaly. This also meant that different parts of his body were aging at different rates depending on what time period they were in.

Throughout the episode, he found the parts of the ship were often at some point in the series' past. The rest wound up existing in some type of alternate future depending on what decision would be made in the present. Eventually, Chakotay can get Captain Kathryn Janeway to help him resynchronize the ship.

3 Subspace Sinkholes

Tim Russ as Tuvok. Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris. Episode: Gravity

Tom Paris, Tuvok, and the Doctor get pulled into an enclosed pocket of subspace thanks to a subspace sinkhole in the episode entitled "Gravity." The shuttle wound up in an area with a star and several planets with their shuttle crashing onto one of those planets. Inside the subspace sinkhole, time advanced at an accelerated rate, meaning the crew experienced a month trapped on the planet for every day on Voyager.

The Voyager crew was able to use a multi-spatial probe as a transporter relay to save their stranded crewmates. This rescue was just in the nick of time as an alien vessel wound up closing the sinkhole not long after, crushing everything inside it.

2 Graviton Ellipses

Graviton Ellipse

Humanity first experienced a graviton ellipse in the year 2023 during a mission to Mars when a spacecraft crew was sucked into the ellipse. The Voyager crew found the spacecraft and its pilot, Lt. John Kelly, in the Delta Quadrant centuries later.

6 Underrated Star Trek: Voyager Episodes

Unlike the classic Star Trek: Voyager episodes, these underrated episodes do not get the credit they deserve.

The Voyager crew studied Kelly's logs and learned that he was able to survive for a while inside the ellipse and learned of the existence of aliens. He died knowing there was a reason to look to the stars. The Voyager crew gave Lt. Kelly a proper funeral as the anomaly disappeared again.

1 Chaotic Space

Kate Mulgrew as Captain Janeway. Robert Beltran as Chakotay.

Chaotic space is a natural phenomenon in the galaxy in which we live. It's when random sections of space experience fluctuations in the laws of physics. But in Star Trek: Voyager, chaotic space led to the crew flying in a circle rather than in a straight line in their attempt to escape the Delta Quadrant. Meanwhile, gravity distortions damaged the Voyager's hull, giving them no way to escape the anomaly.

During the episode entitled "The Fight," Chakotay starts experiencing hallucinations while in a chaotic space. Eventually, the crew figured out the hallucinations were caused by aliens native to the chaotic space who were trying to help the crew by communicating with Chakotay. The crew eventually escaped thanks to the help from the aliens and a dormant gene in Chakotay that made him predisposed to hallucinations.

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