The ex-Borg, Seven of Nine, is one of the most beloved characters in the Star Trek universe. Seven of Nine was rescued by Captain Janeway from the Borg in the Star Trek: Voyager episode, "Scorpion", and she served as a member of the Voyager crew for many years. In the latest iteration of Star Trek, which plays of twenty years after Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant, Seven of Nine makes a return.

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Throughout Voyager and Star Trek: Picard, Seven of Nine performs quite a few heroic feats, and she saves herself and her crew through her Borg precision and ingenuity more than once. Here are a few episodes from both series where Seven of Nine saved the day.

8 Star Trek: Picard - "Broken Pieces"

Seven of Nine Interfacing with the Artifact

In this Star Trek: Picard episode, many of the events from season 1 start coming together, and it is up to Seven of Nine and Elnor to reclaim The Artifact. In an attempt to save the remaining ex-Borg on the ship, Seven risks her individuality by briefly linking herself up to the ship's systems and creating her own mini collective.

Later in this season, Seven of Nine kills Narissa, one of the Romulans behind the anti-synthetics conspiracy, and she eventually manages to reclaim The Artifact entirely. When Picard needs aid later, Seven shows up with The Artifact and provides indispensable assistance.

7 Star Trek: Picard - "Hide And Seek"

Seven of Nine and Raffi Musiker

This episode from season 2 of the Star Trek: Picard features a huge showdown between the new Borg Queen (Jurati) and a few members of Picard's crew. Seven of Nine plays a crucial role in winning this battle, as she transports Jurati's Borg army into walls of tunnels, giving her team a big advantage.

Later on, Seven is stabbed by the Borg Queen in the attempt to stop her. Jurati (who is sharing the Borg Queen's consciousness) convinces the Borg Queen to create a better version of the Borg - a version inspired by Seven if Nine, who uses her Borg parts to better serve her humanity.

6 Star Trek: Voyager - "One"

Seven of Nine With A Phaser Rifle

In the Voyager episode "One", the crew of the USS Voyager is forced to go into a prolonged period of stasis in order to avoid damage from harmful gasses released by a nebula they need to cross through. Seven of Nine seems to be the only one largely unaffected by the nebula.

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Seven is therefore tasked with maintaining the ship and its crew for over a month. However, since this is her first time being completely alone, she starts to experience hallucinations and anxiety. But Seven pulls through and saves her crew and the ship from decay.

5 Star Trek: Voyager - "The Killing Game"

Seven of Nine Singing in the Killing Game

"The Killing Game" is a classic Voyager two-parter. The Hirogen are using the holodeck to pit the crew of Voyager against each other and the Hirogen in a hunting game. The majority of the two episodes reenacts a Nazi Germany setting, and the entire crew is unaware that they are on the holodeck.

Seven of Nine is the only one that becomes aware that the Hirogen took over the ship and that they are in a holodeck program. Although it takes some necessary deception, Seven of Nine manages to free Janeway, and together they take back the ship.

4 Star Trek: Voyager - "Relativity"

Janeway and Seven of Nine in Relativity

This time travel episode features the timeship Relativity that is attempting (from the future) to stop a detonation that took place on Voyager on its way back to the Alpha Quadrant. Captain Braxton of the Relativity recruits Seven of Nine to find the saboteur, as her enhanced Borg visual sensors uniquely allow her to detect the detonation device.

Seven of Nine time travels undercover to various significant parts of Voyager's journey and eventually, after convincing Captain Janeway, catches the culprit and saves Voyager from destruction.

3 Star Trek: Voyager - "Tsunkatse"

Seven of Nine Punching in Tsunkatse

The Voyager episode "Tsunkatse" not only has Seven of Nine in a few awesome fight scenes, but it also features a guest appearance from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. In this episode, Seven of Nine and Tuvok are captured by aliens on board their shuttle craft. Tuvok is injured but denied medical treatment unless Seven takes part in the Tsunkatse tournament.

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Seven learns how to fight and stands her ground against formidable enemies in the arena until Voyager is able to swoop in and transport them all to safety.

2 Star Trek: Voyager - "Hope And Fear"

Janeway, Seven of Nine and Arturis Decoding a Message

In "Hope and Fear", Voyager picks up an alien named Arturis, who claims to be able to decrypt a message from Starfleet. The message supposedly reveals co-ordinates to Starfleet ship that has slipstream technology, which can get Voyager home much faster.

Janeway and the crew are elated, but Seven of Nine knows this is all too good to be true. Seven does not trust the alien since the Borg have not been able to assimilate his species yet. Janeway and Seven get captured by Arturis, who sets a course for Borg space, but they use Seven's ocular implant to disable the shield, allowing Voyager to transport them off.

1 Star Trek: Voyager - "Bliss"

Seven of Nine in the Astrometrics Lab

Seven of Nine's skepticism saves the day again in the episode "Bliss". In this episode, Janeway claims to find a wormhole that leads directly to the Alpha Quadrant. Seven of Nine, again believing that this is too good to be true, secretly reviews Janeway's logs and finds that she reported suspicious readings but later dismisses them. The crew become more and more excited, but eventually are all knocked unconscious.

Seven then realizes that Voyager has entered a bio-organism that is digesting Voyager's hull. She eventually works together with an alien to escape and so single-handedly saves Voyager from being eaten alive.

Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard is streaming now on Paramount Plus.

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