
  • The upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie has sparked fan discussion and high expectations due to the enigmatic nature of the organization.
  • Some fans are unhappy with the addition of Section 31 to Star Trek canon and propose that the movie should dismantle and remove the organization from the timeline.
  • The success of the project lies in delivering a compelling end to Section 31, as trying to redeem the concept within one film would be a monumental task. Fan concern over franchise fatigue is also a factor to consider.

The Star Trek: Section 31 movie has a lot of fan expectations attached to it, and one critical social media user has an ironic request for the writers of the upcoming project that could have far-reaching consequences on the Star Trek canon.

Many in the Star Trek universe and even longtime fans don’t know what the enigmatic Section 31 is, and that’s just how the organization likes it. Featured across several episodes of Star Trek TV and in novels and comics, Section 31 is the shadowy arm of the utopian Federation that delves into dark and questionable activity to safeguard the Federation and its reputation. CBS announced a series based around the organization in 2019, which has since been reworked into a feature film made for Paramount Plus and fueled quite a lot of fan discussion.

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While Section 31 has retroactively become integral to some of the most important moments in Starfleet history, some fans aren’t happy about the addition anymore, and at least one fan on social media has a radical idea about how the upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 film can rectify the situation. Reddit user silly-er took to r/startrek to express their radical proposition for the film, boldly stating it with the post title “The Section 31 movie should take down the org and remove it from the timeline” and giving a breakdown of the issue. “Section 31 was an interesting and provocative idea when they introduced it in DS9. Since then, in Discovery and Picard, Section 31 has worn out it's welcome (for me). They very nearly eliminated it at the end of Discovery S2, but left us with "reform" that obviously didn't work.” The user then bluntly proffered a solution that the project's writers could use.

The new Section 31 movie will ideally involve the disassembly of the Section 31 organization from the inside, by our favorite agent. Maybe in the early 25th century? And then when the deed is done, we can never speak of it again

There are several ways that Star Trek has Influenced the real world, and vice versa, and the idea of Section 31 was an ambitious attempt at integrating a vaguely real-world concept into the demonstrably utopian world of Star Trek's Federation. While the idea of deconstructing the Federation’s idyllic exterior face has been done from time to time with some success and weight behind it, the existence of Section 31 might have taken it too far. Fans will be glad the feature-length project can deliver a compelling end to the organization. Moreso, it seems to be the path of least resistance, as trying to redeem the idea within the runtime of one film is bound to be a herculean task beyond the scope of a straight-to-streaming project.

Standing over the concerns with the Section 31 project is the fan concern that Star Trek might make the same mistakes as Star Wars with its massive slate of Spin-offs and projects that may not reflect fans' interests. Fatigue is a real issue with any large franchise in the streaming era, and this upcoming project might be another step toward the edge of the abyss for Star Trek if the writers don’t pull off an impressive feat.

Star Trek: Section 31 will be released on Paramount Plus.

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Source: silly-er/Reddit