Star Trek characters are often staples of sci-fi television. Every member of the crew has their fans, but the captains get a special spotlight to themselves. The series has gone on for decades, allowing many characters to evolve and ascend through the ranks. William Riker is a unique exception because he spent years turning down every captain position the Starfleet tried to hand him.

There have been dozens of Starfleet captains in the mainline continuity of Star Trek. Some become integral main characters of their respective series, while others barely hold the position for a single episode. Command over an entire vessel is a lot of responsibility, so the job simply isn't for everybody.

RELATED: Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Best Riker Episodes

What Promotions Did Riker Turn Down?

Star Trek: Riker and Picard

Will Riker first appeared in the pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. He's the first officer on the USS Enterprise, serving under Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Riker's personality was messy in the first few episodes of TNG, but he gradually attained a youthful ambition and a general disregard for the chain of command. The first promotion offered to Riker came before he joined the crew of the Enterprise. Riker turned down the leadership position of the USS Drake, a position he was offered after his time on the USS Hood. That experience also drew Picard's eye, leading Will to pick the Enterprise for his posting. Riker grew to love the Enterprise, leading him to turn down multiple other command positions to stay on Picard's crew.

In TNG season 2, Riker's dad Kyle popped up to offer Riker command of the USS Aries. His old man was shocked to see him refuse since Kyle was assigned to the Aries at the time. Next, Starfleet offered him the USS Melbourne. That vessel was swiftly destroyed in the war with the Borg. Riker briefly commanded the Enterprise during Picard's absence but eagerly handed the position back to its proper owner. After Picard returned, Riker served on the Enterprise for 12 years. Q once implied that Riker might have been offered Kathryn Janeway's position on the Voyager, though it's unknown whether anyone formally extended that opportunity. Finally, in the final TNG movie, Riker accepted the command of the USS Titan, which he held for 20 years.

Why Did Riker Remain on the USS Enterprise?

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Riker is like an employee at a franchise who consistently dodges prestigious promotions because he doesn't want to be transferred. Picard picked Riker for the Enterprise after reading about his time on the Hood. He was impressed by Will's willingness to defy a captain's orders to keep the crew safe. Though they didn't get along right away, Will and Jean-Luc grew to trust each other to an almost absurd degree. Riker also bonded with Worf, despite their clashing personalities. He was so close to the Klingon that he asked Will to take part in his ritual suicide after a grievous injury. Riker became a central part of the Enterprise crew and a friend to almost everyone aboard. He loved the adventure, his position, and his fellow crew members. Riker spent years feeling that he wasn't ready to ascend to his own command, despite other officers' assurances. When they offered him the position on the Melbourne, he was ridiculed for his unwillingness to move on from the Enterprise. He could've chosen to command any ship after his victory in the war with the Borg, but he felt that Picard's ship was his home.

What Happened to Riker After Star Trek?

Star Trek troi and Riker

Riker is still an occasional presence in modern Star Trek. With the introduction of Picard, every main character with a surviving actor can stick around forever. Riker left active service and became a reserve captain after years in command of the Titan. He settled into a quiet life on a planet called Nepenthe. Riker, a lifelong womanizer, married fellow Enterprise crew member Deanna Troi and had two kids. His son tragically died of a rare disease. Riker was only out of the game for a few years before Picard brought him back in. He took another command position, this time over the USS Zheng He. Riker used that vessel to help defend Coppelius from a Romulan attack. After aiding in that mission, Riker was back to a full-time captain gig. He went on to deliver a speech for the parade on Frontier Day.

After years of passing up promotions, Riker wound up in the captain's chair of multiple vessels. He enjoyed his time on the Enterprise, but he eventually decided to follow the advice of everyone who outranked him. Riker was probably ready for a promotion before the end of his first year, but he was truly dedicated to the Enterprise. He turned down at least three command positions, possibly as many as five. Will Riker must have been the most dedicated first mate in Starfleet history.

MORE: Star Trek: What Are The Origins Of The Riker Maneuver?