Star Trek: The Next Generation's Data is the franchise's most prominent foray into a classic science fiction concept. He's an android studying his organic friends and coworkers to learn the secrets of mortal life. His storylines and presence in other narratives were often the most thoughtful pieces of the series. Through several appearances, Data introduced his cat, Spot. That cat would come to save the Enterprise crew unexpectedly when a bizarre new danger struck.

Star Trek's episodic format often results in strange problem-solving scenarios. The writers might devise a nightmarish threat, but it typically needs to be resolved by the end of the 48-minute episode. This leads to some lesser entries pulling a solution out of the ether with little explanation. Not that most of those examples would be improved by five extra minutes of exposition, but it does lead to some funny discussions before the credits roll.

Star Trek: Data's Best Quotes

Data is one of the best characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation and his quotes showcase that despite being an android, he's extremely human.

Who is Spot?

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Spot is one of several cats who live aboard the starship Enterprise-D. Initially played by two male long-haired Somali cats, Spot later appeared as an orange tabby. Neither version of Spot had spots despite her name. Data takes care of Spot, viewing the small animal as more of a friend than a pet. She wanders the ship but spends most of her days in Data's quarters. Data feeds and plays with Spot regularly. He creates various formulations of food for her, carefully cataloging her favorites. Like most cats, she's skittish and independent. Spot cared little for most of the Enterprise crew. Data was her primary caregiver, but she also enjoyed her time with Dr. Crusher, Reginald Barclay, and Deanna Troi. Worf was allergic to Spot and found her unwillingness to follow orders frustrating, but he respected Data enough to feed her whenever he was away. Despite Data's regular attempts to train Spot, she often hopped up on his desk and distracted him from work. She once sent Riker to the sick bay after scratching his face. In short, she was an ordinary cat in a unique situation.

How Spot was used to save the Enterprise Crew

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Spot saved the Enterprise crew in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 7, episode 19, "Genesis." It's the first and only episode of the series directed by Dr. Beverly Crusher actor Gates McFadden. The episode opens as Picard and Data briefly leave the ship, and Barclay visits Dr. Crusher. Barclay, a hypochondriac, panics over a mild flu, prompting Dr. Crusher to give him a synthetic T-cell treatment that should confer immunity. Instead, the genetic cocktail causes Barclay and most of the crew to devolve into strange creatures. Picard and Data return a few days later to find Barclay morphing into a giant spider, Riker degenerating into a caveman, and Deanna Troi becoming amphibious. Worse yet, Worf became a predatory monster hunting the other crewmembers. Picard quickly experiences feral emotions, suggesting to Data that he'll soon become a primate.

As Data is the only one seemingly safe from the T-cell infection, he races to determine a cure before everyone becomes a monster or Worf kills his friends. He's pursuing Troi, intending to mate with her, prompting Picard to fight back. Data synthesizes a spray from Troi's pheromones to lure him away. Picard saves himself and Data by electrocuting Worf into unconsciousness with a power wire. Data finds Spot, who gave birth while Data and Picard were away. Spot has morphed into an iguana, but her kittens remain feline. Data concludes that the antibodies found in amniotic fluid will defeat the synthetic T-cell. He synthesizes a cure with help from pregnant Nurse Ogawa and sprays it through the ship's air ducts to cure the crew. Data may not have saved the Enterprise crew without Spot and her litter.

What happened to Spot?

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Spot lived on with Data for many years. She survived the Enterprise exploding in Star Trek: Generations, prompting Data to cry with the help of his new emotion chip. Eight years later, B-4 showed Spot some affection during his brief stay on the vessel. Spot presumably passed away sometime in the following twenty years. Altan Soong, the son of Data's creator, named an artificial cat Spot II in her honor. When Soong combined Data, B-4, and their siblings Lai and Lore into one body, Data shared Spot's memory to communicate his experience learning how to love. Data composed a poem called "Ode to Spot." These are its final words:

And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,

I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

Spot isn't an important character in the broad narrative of Star Trek, but she is critical in Data's personal journey. Spot saved the Enterprise crew through no intentional action. Everything she accomplished was coincidental. She was just a house cat doing what cats do naturally. In a way, her simplicity made her Data's perfect companion. As complex and competent as the android was, he needed a humble cat to teach him a few lessons.

Star Trek: Why Did Data Try To Kill Fajo?

Exploring a dark moment in Star Trek: The Next Generation when Data almost murdered an unarmed man, all for the greater good.