Star Citizen is set to feature over 90 star systems with around 300 planets. This is a hard figure for players to grasp, especially when it doesn't consider moons or asteroid fields. Stanton is the first of the systems available to the player and features four key planets, these being; microTech, ArcCorp, Hurston, and Crusader. The Stanton System is still governed and controlled by the UEE, however, the four planets were sold to megacorporations which makes them the only privately-owned celestial bodies in the empire.

Although this system is governed, the UEE doesn't police the area. Instead, each planet has its own planet security teams and contractors to keep the peace. As Star Citizen features an almost endless landscape, there are plenty of areas that even veterans of the game are yet to discover. This guide will give some information on each planet, and its key locations as well as the moons found in the orbit of the planets.

There are also space station hubs found above the capital of each planet, these are a crucial part of the gameplay and make it easy for players trying to stock up.

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microTech - Stanton IV

Star Citizen microTech

MicroTech is the outermost planet in the Stanton System, due to its distance from the star the planet's surface is incredibly cold. On top of this, a terraforming error left microTech with an extremely dense cloud cover, creating an icy climate that is ideal for microTech's numerous computing centers.

New Babbage - Main City

Star Citizen New Babbage Microtech

New Babbage is the main city found on microTech and acts as a landing zone for those entering atmosphere. This enclosed habitation zone protects people from the freezing cold temperatures found in the external areas. Although the city is host to the planet's flagship store, there are plenty of other businesses found within the commons area.

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Calliope - Moon

Calliope is the first of microTech's moons. Named after the goddess to remind the citizens of the planet to 'strive for pure expression of thought'. The low temperatures make it hard to settle on this moon with extreme winds creating a difficult flight down to the surface. On top of this, low clouds and fog can catch even the best pilots on the back foot.

Clio - Moon

Clio is the Greek muse of history, again symbolizing to the residents below to look above and remember that they are contributing to something larger and longer lasting than themselves. This moon feels extremely alien due to the pink and green sky alongside the liquid oceans and snowy mountains.

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Euterpe - Moon

Finally, this moon is named after the Greek muse of music. This is to remind the residents of microTech that they must be directed by the natural rhythm of the universe. Euterpe is home to a few unique locations including Bud's Growery, Devlin Scrap & Salvage, and Icebreaker.

Port Tressler - Space Station

Found floating above New Babbage, Port Tressler acts as a trade hub for those looking to restock at the shops or sell and buy commodities while trading. The EZ Hab and medical center also allow players to set their spawn here meaning they won't have to exit an atmosphere to get back in the action.

ArcCorp - Stanton III

Star Citizen ArcCorp

ArcCorp features one of the most unique landscapes in the entire gaming realm. For fans of Star Wars, this location may seem similar to the city planet of Coruscant. The surface is entirely covered by buildings and factories with no natural areas. The planet is the most industrialized world in the Human lead areas of the galaxy. The massive holograms and incredible architecture found in Area 18 create a dystopian feel that cannot be found anywhere else in Stanton.

Area 18 - Main City

Star Citizen Area 18 ArcCorp

Area 18 is the main port for traffic on the surface of ArcCorp. Due to its corporate focus, the city is great for those who are trading goods and commodities. The "Cityflight Transit" is a fantastic transport system that shows off some of the city's buildings. Unfortunately, Area 18's greatest strength is also one of its weaknesses.

At times, it can feel frustrating to look out over the endless city skyline and not have access to more areas. In the future, we will probably get our hands on more of the planet's cities, but for now, Area 18 has enough commerce to keep the players busy.

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Lyria - Moon

Lyria is an icy moon that orbits ArcCorp, it shares many similarities with other moons in the system and can easily be mistaken for other large celestial bodies such as Calliope. The moon features many surface locations such as mining facilities and security depots as well as iconic trading points such as The Orphanage.

Wala - Moon

Wala is the second and final moon of ArcCorp. Its surface shares a lot of similarities to Lyria but will play a slightly different role, especially with the addition of salvage in the 3.18 patch update. Samson & Sons Salvage Center is located on Wala and will likely become a hub for lots of salvaging quests in the future.

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Baijini Point - Space Station

Baijini Point is the geostationary Space Station that sits above the city of Area 18. Some players may find their PC hardware struggles to load the surface of ArcCorp's dense cityscape, Baijini Point provides a point of contact for those passing through the area who may not want to travel into the atmosphere of the planet for whatever reason.

Crusader - Stanton II

Star Citizen Crusader

This is the only gas giant found in the Stanton System. The inclusion of a planet like this is unique and very creative as the developers have managed to find ways of creating landing areas and playable missions on floating platforms around the planet. The organization Crusader Industries chose to settle here as the ability to build the ships in low gravity and open air reduces costs by almost 40%.

The platforms seen here are incredible to witness and feel very legitimate in the Star Citizen universe.

Orison - Main City

Star Citizen Orison Crusader

Orison is the main city in Crusader and is made up of multiple floating platforms creating a beautiful archipelago that is connected by the skyway transit system. The seraph-class thrusters help the platform to float within the orbit and can be seen on the lower side of each construction. Looking up, players can see through the awesome orange and pink clouds of Crusaders' atmosphere.

Unfortunately, there are no other locations for players to explore other than some external areas of the city. This is more than made up for by the moons and Space Stations found orbiting around the planet.

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Yela - Moon

Yela is the first moon that orbits Crusader. Its icy crust is similar to other moons found around Stanton, however, it does feature a unique asteroid belt that is host to the pirate hub of Grim Hex. This makes it dangerous for those looking to trade commodities here as many players will be looking to engage in PvP activities.

Daymar - Moon

Again, relating back to Star Wars, Daymar is akin to the planet of Tatooine (an infamous location in the Skywalker Saga). The non-breathable atmosphere and dust storms make it incredibly difficult to land on occasion. Unique locations such as Brio's Breaker Yard create an awesome aesthetic for the desert moon.

Cellin - Moon

Cellin's surface is dotted with aid shelters, family farms, and a few security posts. Although there's little to see at first, Security Post Kareah can be found orbiting this moon, creating an awesome PvP atmosphere, especially with the changes in the 3.18 patch.

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Security Post Kareah - Outpost

Security Post Kareah (also known as "SPK") is an outpost found orbiting Crusader's moon Cellin. This location serves as a location for outlaws to wipe their crime stat using a crypto key. In 3.18, this will be the only location players can wipe their record, making it a PvP hotspot and a great place for bounty hunters to catch criminals on the back foot.

Port Olisar - Space Station

Located in the trade lanes above Orison, Port Olisar is a great place for players trading commodities or restocking without having to navigate Crusader's thick atmosphere. This is the most popular Space Station due to the long entry and exit times when traveling to Orison.

Hurston - Stanton I

Star Citizen Hurston

The aristocratic weapons manufacturer, Hurston Dynamics, has bled the planet dry of its core resources giving it the deserted landscape it has today. As players fly into Lorville, they will notice the massive cloud plume hovering above the city, making for a nasty atmosphere. The rest of the planet is littered with small locations along with some interesting Flora.

Loville - Main City

Star Citizen Lorville Hurston

As one of the only towns/cities Hurston Dynamics has curated for the residents of the planet, the majority (if not all) of it's employees live here. This is known as a "Local Occupational Residency" or "LOR" and is how the town came to be known as Lorville. The main area of the town sits in the tower, symbolizing the hierarchy between the family-run business and its residents. The city has a keen no-weapons policy meaning players are unable to purchase firearms here.

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Ita- Moon

This Moon is named after "Ita Hurston" who sadly passed during the First Tevarin War. The moon is named this way as a constant reminder of why Hurston Dynamics continues to make weapons. The atmosphere is mainly nitrogen and is inhabitable to Humans with only 2 locations on the surface, these being HDMS-Woodruff and HDMS-Ryder.

Arial - Moon

Named after the 3rd CEO of Hurston Dynamics, Arial is another inhabitable moon surrounding Hurston. The primary commodity that is harvested here is Prota, a slime mold that can form in destructive environments of high pressure. The surface outposts here are also great stops for those looking to trade other commodities.

Magda - Moon

There are a few locations on Magda that make it iconic among the Star Citizen community, most notably Sketto Rock. Magda gets its name from the CEO of Hurston Dynamics who chose to purchase the planet of Hurston from the UEE. The moon features 2 main locations of HDMS-Perlman and HDMS-Hahn.

Aberdeen - Moon

Aberdeen gets its name from the scientist Aberdeen Hurston, the creator of the first antimatter wardhead that was developed by Hurston Dynamics. Aberdeen is most commonly known for the Klescher rehabilitation Facility that acts as a prison system in Star Citizen. Players can either choose to serve their time here or escape to the planetary surface where they will need extraction off-world.

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Everus Harbor - Space Station

The Space Station found orbiting Hurston is called Everus Harbor. The typical use for this station is large-scale trading and cargo, making it a great stop for those with mass amounts of commodities. There are also plenty of shops here making it a great place for players to restock before traveling elsewhere.

Lagrange Points

Stanton also features some other Space Stations and mining locations found at the Lagrange points. These are points of equilibrium in gravitational fields for small objects to sit in a stable location. In Stanton these are:

  • ARC-L1 Wide Forest Station
  • CRU-L1 Ambitious Dream Station
  • CRU-L4 Shallow Fields Station
  • CRU-L5 Beautiful Glen Station
  • HUR-L1 Green Glade Station
  • HUR-L2 Faithful Dream Station
  • HUR-L3 Thundering Express Station
  • HUR-L4 Melodic Fields Station
  • HUR-L5 High Course Station
  • MIC-L1 Shallow Frontier Station

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The first three letters of each station correspond to the planet they associate with. For example, "CRU-L1" associates with Crusader, and "HUR-L4" is tied to Hurston. Typically, the Lagrange points that are labeled "L1" have refineries and are great for those engaging in the mining gameplay loop.

Jump Points

Finally, Stanton has 3 jump points. These are locations around the system that allow players to travel to different systems in the galaxy. Although these are not currently present in the game, the release of 4.0 will bring the new system of Pyro to the game. This will have more of a "Mad Max" feel, and act as a far more lawless frontier. The 3 jump points in Stanton are:

  • Stanton - Pyro
  • Stanton - Terra
  • Stanton - Magnus

Star Citizen is available on PC.

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