Although Star Citizen utilizes its endless possibilities to create dedicated gameplay loops that can be accessed through the contracts manager, there are a few community lead careers that have been curated to fill the gaps in Star Citizen where the devs may not have integrated in-game yet.

One of these includes the Medrunner faction. These frontline heroes are on standby to help out anyone in the verse who needs immediate assistance. This guide will showcase this community-made faction and describe how to join the Medrunners and what the player will need to be as effective as possible.

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How to Report an Emergency

Star Citizen Medical

Star Citizen does feature a built-in system that can call on other players' help when in need. Unfortunately, this isn't always reliable as players are usually busy undertaking their own missions. It usually takes someone who is dedicated to helping others and not looking for a huge reward.

Head over to the Medrunner website ( and click on the "report emergency" button. A list of steps will now appear directing the player toward the community discord server. Click on the "#report-emergency" channel and type "/emergency".

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This will give the player the final steps on contacting a Medrunner team and get them back in the fight. It is good to note that once the player has the first few steps complete here, it is incredibly easy and far more time efficient to repeat the process

How to Join The Medrunners

Star Citizen Med Runners

For those looking to dedicate their time to helping others in the Star Citizen universe, the Medrunners is a great way to help others and work in a cooperative team alongside other like-minded players in the verse. Each team needs dedicated players for piloting, combat, and medical gameplay. If the player isn't particularly versed in one of these areas, they can always pick up the slack in another, for example as a weapons specialist.

Players can sign up through the website and discord. Although it does take some screening most players will have an easy time getting into the role and onto the battlefield. The Medrunners use a dedicated armor set which is fairly easy to obtain, but something to consider before jumping into your first assignment.

Alternatively, players can be good citizens and become a Medrunner for their server. Simply drop a message in chat to inform the server that there is a friendly helping hand available. Usually, someone will need help and probably pay handsomely for the player's time and resources, making this a great way to make money when in the later stages of a server wipe.

Medical Gameplay

Star Citizen Medical Gameplay

There are a few ways players can help in the medical gameplay. Whether it's the ship they're using or the equipment they bring, one way or another players can get the client back to a stable state.

The med pistol is easily the best and most versatile way of helping other players who are downed. Simply equip the pistol and insert the dedicated ammo, this can be done by pressing the R key, or dragging the ammo from the inventory into the pistol. From here, simply point it at the downed player and pull the trigger. Although this won't heal any major injuries, it will restore their health to the maximum possible. This pistol will also give extra information on the player's vitals and the injuries they may have.

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Alternatively, to fully restore a player's health they will need a medical bed. There are a few ships that feature these including the Anvil Carrack, Origin 890 Jump, and the Drake Cutlass Red. By using the Pyro Multi-tool, the player can drag the downed player to a safe location where a bed may be present.

In the future, we may see further additions to the medical gameplay with additional tools to help players who are struggling on the front line. Like other areas in Star Citizen, the developers will probably add more in-depth mechanics requiring a higher skill cap or more information/experience to become an effective field medic.

Best Ships

Star Citizen Drake Cutlass Red

Although there isn't necessarily a "best" ship in Star Citizen for medical / Medrunner gameplay, there are a few that feature some core components that make the job easier.

The Cutlass Red is a great ship that features two separate medical meds at a reasonable price. These beds are easy to access through the rear of the ship and through the side airlock entrance. For those who want to make the most of medical gameplay at a reasonable price, this is a great ship to buy.

The Anvil Carrack is a far more expensive option for players who want a more versatile and fully-fledged experience. With a dedicated med bay module, players can use this as a spawn location. For Medrunners, this can be used as a capital ship to use as a mobile base of operations. Pairing this with a smaller ship such as the Pieces makes for some awesome multi-crew gameplay. With the persistence update in 3.18, players can prepare their ships with all the equipment needed and not have to worry about restocking after each session.#

Ultimately, players can use whichever ship they see fit for the job. Each choice comes with its own pitfalls and benefits depending on the mission, meaning players can tailor their experience with the ship they settle on.

Star Citizen is available on PC.

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