Star Citizen gives players the opportunity to jump into an entirely new star system and live out the life they have always dreamed of. Whether it's bounty hunting, mining, deliveries, or security - Star Citizen has it all.

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The 890 Jump boarding mission is one of the most iconic found in the game and is one of the earliest big missions added during the game's development. This mission gives players the chance to take on space pirates aboard the iconic space yacht known as the 890 Jump. Although the objectives may seem straightforward, most players trying to complete this for the first time generally struggle with the initial level of difficulty.

This guide gives players an easy step-by-step tutorial on how to complete this mission - from activation to full reward. If players are looking to challenge their combat skills both piloting and on-foot, this is a great place to start.

Activating The Mission

Star Citizen New Babbage Microtech

To begin, players will need to find this mission in their contracts manager. Although it isn't always available, there are a few ways for players to increase the probability of gaining this mission. By traveling to or staying in one of the major worlds, players will have much higher odds of this mission spawning. Players around the community have found that this mission most commonly drops when around ArcCorp or MicroTech.

The mission can be found under the "Mercenary" missions tab in the contracts manager. Look for the "URGENT: Boarding Action in Progress" mission and hit accept. This will be on a timer so make sure to look often as it's easy to miss it when not regularly referring to the contracts manager.

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With a full reward of 45,000 aUEC, this is a great way of building up some cash for items in the game such as new ships, vehicles, weapons, and armor. Unfortunately, if players don't fully complete all the objectives they will not receive the full reward.

Traveling To The 890

Star Citizen Travelling to The 890 Jump

Once accepted, a jump point will activate allowing the player to directly travel to the boarding location found around one of the main planets. The easiest way to find this is through the star map. Mark the location and click "set route" at the top of the screen - this will give the player a direct jump route to get to their objective as fast as possible. The additional bonus of this is it will remove all the unnecessary jump points from the HUD making it far easier to travel to the correct location.

Although this will jump players directly to the mission objective, it will put some distance between the player and the ship, this is done on purpose as there are a few enemy ships surrounding the 890 Jump.

Eliminate Enemy Ships

Star Citizen Gladius Fighter

To begin, players will need to eliminate the enemy ships found guarding the 890, this is fairly difficult to do alone, but skilled pilots will have no trouble destroying these ships in something like a Gladius or Warden.

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If players are still new to Star Citizen, the Aegis Avenger Titan can be a great starter ship to use, but it will need some upgraded weaponry to be able to compete with the enemy ships as they will likely be using a Drake Cutlass Black which is well known as a solid fighter ship.

Th mission can be made far easier with a friend in a separate fighter ship to draw some of the oncoming fire from the enemy pirates as well as doubling the friendly firepower. Alternatively, if the player's ship facilitates this, this friend can jump in a turreted seat to create a deadly warship with increased firepower.

Once all these ships are eliminated, prepare to head inside by parking next to one of the airlock entry points or above the hanger.

Clear All Hostiles

Star Citizen Shipjacker Enemy

Once the external areas of the ship are cleared, players will need to enter the ship and eliminate at least 15 hostiles. It's likely the onboard security will have killed a few of these enemies making the job a little easier. Be sure not to shoot one of the guards accidentally as it will give the player a crime stat, and they may end up in prison.

Make sure to bring a decent weapon with a good amount of spare ammo as players will definitely need a lot to take out the pirates and ensure they are dead. An LMG can be good here as it eliminates the need to reload and will stop the pirates from catching the players on the back foot mid-animation.

There is also a high chance the player will receive some fire, making a Hemozal med-pen an essential part of the player's kit. This will stop any bleeding and bring the player's health back up to a good level to allow the mission to continue.

Halt Data Transmission

Star Citizen Halt Data Transmission

To fully complete the mission and receive the full reward of 45,000 aUEC the player will also need to halt a data transmission found somewhere in the ship. This may take a while as there are a few spots the data transmission can spawn - running this mission a few times and becoming familiar with the ship's layout can be handy and shorten the search time.

Players are looking for an orange wire connected to one of the onboard screens/monitors. Simply run up to the screen and interact to halt the transmission. Even if players are unable to locate this data transmission and simply eliminate the enemies aboard the 890 they will still receive half the payment.

Once completed players will receive a notification saying the mission is complete. They are then free to leave the ship and continue with other missions or take a break from the action in one of Star Citizen's main cities.

Star Citizen is available on PC.

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