On October 17th 2013, The Stanley Parable was released on PC - a bizarre indie title that, while just a simple walking simulator, earned itself a massive following thanks to its meta-commentary on player-choice, humorous narration and sheer craziness.

We loved it so much that it earned a place in three of our end-of-year lists in 2013, including being one of our ten favorite games of the year alongside heavy-hitters like The Last of Us and Bioshock: Infinite. However, despite many hours of gameplay, there was always one thing about the game that remained unobtainable for many years - the last achievement needed to reach 100% completion.

The final achievement, titled "Go outside," can only be unlocked by not playing The Stanley Parable for five years, meaning it was impossible for anyone to obtain it (at least legitimately). However, today marks the five year anniversary of the game's release so, as of today, players can finally 100% the game by, ironically, not playing it. It's rare that an achievement is time-gated and not built around a holiday, but this is one of the first achievements we have seen that forces players to wait half a decade to complete.

stanley parable 5 year achievement

While those who got the game on launch already have an advantage (assuming they've not touched it since that day), at least the achievement is most definitely obtainable from this point onward. The game is fairly short at first blush, but digging deeper reveals there is more than meets the eye. Successive playthroughs can unlock new endings and storylines that send the player, as Stanley, in some crazy directions.

For those who may have missed The Stanley Parable and are curious, we recorded the first 20 minutes of gameplay when it first released so anyone can check it out and get a better idea as to what it's about.

The Stanley Parable is available on PC.

Source: Reddit