Receiving an eerie new trailer at yesterday's Xbox Games Showcase, STALKER 2 made a huge splash when it announced that it would be making its way to Xbox Series X and Game Pass when it debuts sometime in the near future. Seeing as it was the first time in a while that GSC Game World had talked about the long-awaited sequel to its cult-classic trilogy, the game immediately drew a lot of attention online, with fans seeming elated about the series' return.

Capitalizing on the huge fan reaction to the game's re-emergence, it appears GSC Game World has decided to release some huge answers to some of its fanbase's biggest questions, with the studio posting a lengthy new FAQ on its website. The answers talk more about STALKER 2 itself and what fans can expect, as well as how it's looking to break the boundaries of modern video game storytelling and open-world gameplay.

RELATED: Stalker 2 Coming to Xbox Series X and Game Pass

The question and answer session starts with a simple query: what is STALKER 2? According to GSC, "it's a unique blend of FPS, immersive sim, and horror with a really thick atmosphere." It seems the gameplay won't deviate from previous entries in the series, which often centred around players navigating large, horror-focused open-worlds while employing a number of intricate survival techniques. On that same line of thought, the FAQ also reveals that STALKER 2 will feature "one of the biggest seamless open-worlds to date," which is undeniably a huge claim. If it's true, players can expect the most expansive and technologically proficient STALKER experience yet.

Another huge reveal is that the sequel will feature "an epic, non-linear story," with GSC promising that players' "choices will influence both short term consequences and global outcomes." Evidently, the game will put a lot of weight on the player's moral compass, which will undeniably make for a more dynamic experience overall. Alongside this, the studio reveals tons of new details, including telling fans that the sequel will once again take place inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and feature "new locations along with the old ones."

GSC also confirms that fresh mutants and artefacts will be added to the game, alongside revealing that there's a new anomaly in the trailer that fans can expect to learn more about when the game's released. It also reveals that the game will feature motion capture, run on Unreal Engine, and aim to have modding support from day one. As for a release date, it seems the team behind STALKER 2 still aren't too sure, telling fans "we are not ready to disclose the release date just yet." Here's to hoping it won't be too long.

STALKER 2 is in development for PC and Xbox Series X.

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