
  • A fan of Spyro the Dragon has created impressive 3D models of the mischievous Egg Thieves, offering a nostalgic tribute to the beloved games.
  • The fan art showcases the iconic cloaked appearances of the Thieves and includes models of the stolen items they are known for, such as dragon eggs and a key.
  • While fans hope for a new installment in the Spyro franchise, the future of the game series remains uncertain, but the passion of the community continues to inspire fan creations.

An artistic fan of Spyro the Dragon has created impressive 3D models of the mischievous Egg Thieves found in the games. While many Spyro fans are waiting for a new installment in the nostalgic franchise, some have passed the time by making fan art based on the memorable characters found within the past adventures.

Among the recurring enemies found in the Spyro the Dragon games, Thieves offer an exciting challenge for players. Instead of attacking the player, these nimble characters steal dragon eggs and sometimes other items and will flee when approached. In addition to their iconic cloaked appearances, they often give away their positions due to their sinister laugh.

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These enemies from Spyro the Dragon were recently shown off in some impressive fan art by a Reddit user known as tommy935. Six thief models were seen in the Reddit image, each having different colored robes. According to the picture, the Reddit user created red, blue, purple, yellow, and two green variants. Beyond recreating the look of the enemies, the gamer made models of some of the items the thieves are known to steal, including several eggs and a key. When sharing the art on Reddit, they appropriately titled the post “Nyah na na nyah na! Heh heh heh.”

Since posting these thief models, numerous Sypro the Dragon community members on Reddit weighed in. With nearly 800 upvotes, the consensus among users was that designs translated well to the real world. Some in the comments section inquired how the creator made the models. Fortunately, tommy935 responded, explaining they made each thief and the corresponding items using a 3D printer. Each of the models was then painted to finish the designs. Besides asking how they were made, many gamers talked about the fond memories of trying to track down the characters. “I loved chasing these,” one user said.

As this Spyro the Dragon-related fan art evidences, numerous fans still want a new installment in the classic game series that started on the original PlayStation. While the developer Toys for Bob provided fans with remastered versions of the original games through the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, many hope a brand-new adventure could be in the works. It is worth mentioning that Activision updated its social media banner several months ago by including Spyro on it. This revision sparked hope that a new title could be in the works. However, nothing official has been confirmed.

While rumors about a new adventure for the iconic dragon could continue to pop up, it seems only time will tell if and when a new Spyro game will happen. Until then, it will be interesting to see what other fan art gamers like tommy935 create based on the franchise.

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