Since the dawn of gaming, Nintendo has always pushed the boundaries of creativity in the medium. From crafting bold new worlds in the first Super Mario Bros., to experimenting with new technology with the likes of the Virtual Boy, Nintendo has always put creativity at the forefront of its business philosophy, and over the last few decades, that hasn't changed. Following the release of the Nintendo Switch in 2017, Nintendo's first-party selection became even more bright, vibrant, and creative than ever, and Splatoon 3 is just the latest example.

Set for a September 9 release, Splatoon 3 is the third installment in Nintendo's beloved competitive shooter franchise. The first Splatoon, released back in 2015, immediately set itself apart from the competition. While most competitive shooters opted to go for a drab, dark, military setting, Splatoon distinguished itself with a vibrant visual style, incorporating bright colors directly into its core gameplay. From its maps to its overall style, Splatoon is one of Nintendo's most creative series, and Splatoon 3's new weapons seem to be pushing that creativity further.

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Splatoon 3 Should Have More Creative Melee Weapons

Fighting a match in Splatoon 3

Just a few days ago, Nintendo hosted a Direct solely focused on Splatoon 3. While fans had a good idea of what to expect, based on the last few trailers, this Direct answered almost every question about the game, while also revealing some new information about every aspect of the game, from its story mode and Salmon Run to its maps and customization options. One of the more interesting segments in the Splatoon 3 Direct focused on the game's vast collection of weapons, some of which are returning from past entries, and some of which are brand-new.

One of the standout weapons from the Direct was the Splatana, a close-range weapon type modeled after the iconic Japanese katana sword. Currently, there are two confirmed variations of the Splatana: the Splatana Wiper, and the Splatana Stamper. The Splatana Wiper sends a fast wave of ink hurtling toward an enemy with each press of the trigger, while the Splatana Stamper is a bit slower but more powerful, sending out a higher volume of ink with each slash. As both of these weapons have a very limited range, it makes them the perfect close-quarters weapons.

In general, the Splatoon series doesn't really have that many melee weapons. Though paint rollers and brushes do exist, each of these weapon types is still primarily used to spread ink across the environment and not engage directly with opponents up-close. The new Splatana weapon type could open the door for more creative melee weapons in Splatoon 3, focused solely on taking out enemies at close-range. For instance, some type of front-facing, ink-spraying umbrella could be one such melee weapon, taking the creativity of the Splatana and running with it.

Based on the trailers released so far, it seems as though Splatoon 3's maps are going to be perfectly suited for close-range combat, with most of the new maps implementing a series of claustrophobic pathways and tunnels. Being covered from above, players will need to engage their opponents in these tight hallways, inevitably leading to some close-range combat scenarios. While Splatoon 3's vast arsenal equips players with the means to fight their Inkling opponents up-close, some more creative melee weapon types would go a long way in making these fights feel even more intense, all while keeping the game's vibrant and eccentric tone.

Splatoon 3 is scheduled to release on September 9 for Nintendo Switch.

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