Splatoon 3 was an exciting announcement from the start because of its potential to really shake up the franchise. Some fans criticized Splatoon 2 as a fairly limited, upgraded version of the original game, but Splatoon 3 has the power to try some very different things and ultimately overhaul the franchise's presence on the Nintendo Switch. So far, Nintendo is doing well to make Splatoon 3 feel different from its predecessors. There's lots of innovative new weapons coming to the game, and the story mode looks like it could explore the depths of Splatoon lore like no previous entry ever has.

The Splatoon 3 story mode could leave a major mark on the franchise, as a matter of fact. Nintendo hasn't been shy about advertising the Splatoon 3 campaign as the "Return of the Mammalians". Aside from a couple of cats, there haven't been mammals in Splatoon's world for a very long time, so the campaign could cause a big shift in the world. What's more, though, it could mean that Splatoon 3 will give players a new species to play as. Depending on where Splatoon 3's plot goes and what exactly the Mammalians are, it's possible that Mammalians will become playable in Splatoon 3.

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Expanding Splatoon's Character Options

splatoon 3 new weapons

As of right now, it's unclear if the Mammalians are their own species, or if the term is simply meant to refer to Inklings, Octolings, and Octarians who take on mammal traits. Trailers for Splatoon 3 have put a spotlight on a few Octarians growing fur, as well as a strange ooze that temporarily covers the player in hair when touched. It's possible that these kinds of afflictions define Mammalians, but there could still be a new species of intelligent mammal waiting around the corner of Splatoon 3's story.

If that's the case, then it wouldn't be strange for Splatoon 3 to make Mammalians playable for players who complete the game's story mode. After all, Inklings aren't the only playable species in the franchise. For a long time, Octolings served as enemies for the player to fight, but after the Splatoon 2Octo Expansion DLC, many Octolings were freed from the evil DJ Octavio's control, meaning players could finally play as Octolings if they liked. Splatoon 3 will have playable Octolings by default, meaning there's a precedent for Nintendo permanently expanding the list of playable species. With that precedent in mind, a bonus playable Mammalian species would be a logical new feature for Splatoon 3.

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Playable Mammalians also wouldn't be surprising given Nintendo's implied advances in Splatoon character creation. Eagle-eyed fans noticed that Splatoon 3 doesn't seem to require a gender choice out of the player's character, and aside from that, there's no shortage of customization options in the menu. It wouldn't be surprising if Nintendo has even more detailed plans to improve Splatoon 3 character creation that include a new playable species - namely, the campaign's Mammalians. If players can redesign their character after they complete the campaign, or even if there's another DLC like Octo Expansion, then it's definitely possible that Nintendo will add some Mammalian options.

The Splatoon Universe is Growing

An Octarian covered in fur during the Return of the Mammalians story mode in Splatoon 3

Even though there's a lot left to learn about Splatoon 3's Mammalians, they're already having a major impact on the world. Only a few years ago, Splatoon was very focused on its cephalopod protagonists, and now Earth's lost mammals are potentially making a return in strange new forms. Future Splatoon games could introduce more animals, like sentient amphibians and reptiles, further diversifying Splatoon's universe. Introducing more species like these could also help Splatoon's character creation options grow rapidly, benefitting players while making the IP's character roster more diverse. Mammalians may be a mystery for now, but they already seem like a boon for the Splatoon world.

Splatoon 3 releases in 2022 for Nintendo Switch.

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