It has been almost a week since Splatoon 3 launched, and the game is already getting its first official Splatfest on September 23. Splatfests are special events held in the Splatoon universe where both Splatoon and Splatoon 2 allowed players to choose between two sides (Pancakes and Waffles, for example) and compete in Turf War matches. The winner of the Splatfest would be decided on how many players picked a side as well as the number of wins those players had.

Splatoon 3 brings back Splatfests with a few twists. Being the third entry in the franchise, the game incorporates three sides with a new Tricolor Turf War mode. The theme for the first post-launch Splatfest revolves around things people would bring to a deserted island, with Gear, Grub, and Fun being the three sides to choose from. Splatfest can be daunting for first-time players, but it actually plays similarly to most of Splatoon 3's normal modes.

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Explaining Splatfests In Splatoon 3


There are three different Splatfest Turf War options in Splatoon 3: Open, Pro, and Tricolor. Both Open and Pro work similarly to Splatoon 2's Normal and Pro modes. Open mode lets players either start a game solo or join up with friends before being paired up with random teammates to fill out the empty slots. Pro does away with premade teams and puts players with three random players; forcing complete strangers to work together to win.

Tricolor is Splatoon 3's newest Splatfest Battle mode that only becomes available after the Halftime Report. The game mode places four players on the winning side of the Splatfest in the middle of the map and both opposing teams on the outskirts. The winning side's goal is to hold as much territory as possible while protecting the Ultra Signal - a device that deploys a Sprinkler of Doom, inking a large area with the color of whoever touches it. The losing teams (comprised of two players per side) have to cover the map with as much of their color as possible while also trying to get to the Ultra Signal. They need to work together to overtake the winning side of the Splatfest - a mechanic that allows for cooperation and gives the losing sides a chance to catch up.

Choosing a Side in the Splatfest

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As mentioned, the first true Splatoon 3 Splatfest will revolve around what people might bring to a deserted island. "Gear" could pertain to many things. It could mean survival gear such as rope, tents, and even the Inklings' own weapons - items that could make survival on a deserted island much easier. It could also mean communications gear like a radio or signal flares. One could even go further and say that the word refers to transportation like a boat or airplane, but whatever the case may be, it sounds like Gear is the side for those who want to be practical about staying alive.

Fun is the opposite of Gear, it's all about having a good time and making the most of the experience. Fun includes things like music players, beach toys, and swimwear. Being on a deserted island shouldn't be all doom and gloom, and those who pick Fun would enjoy the break from civilization.

Grub looks to be the middle ground between Gear and Fun. The side is pretty self-explanatory; it pertains to food and drink that will help stave off the Inklings' starvation. Not all deserted islands have an abundance of edible food and drinkable water, so having something to eat would help with survival and make the experience much more bearable. All sides have their valid points and would be most welcome on a deserted island, but no matter which side players end up choosing, it's up to them to put in the work and win Splatoon 3's upcoming Splatfest.

Splatoon 3 is available for Nintendo Switch.

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