While many, of course, try to avoid spoilers at any cost, they aren't always easy to escape, especially for stars like Zendaya. The Spider-Man: No Way Home star called out Tom Holland for spoiling Tony Stark's/Iron Man's death in Avengers: Endgame.

Long before Avengers: Endgame premiered in theaters, Holland had become well-known for spoiling Marvel Studios' films. While it had become endearing to fans who were able to stay clear of those spoilers, it turns out Holland's Spider-Man co-stars couldn't avoid the bits of information he would let slip.

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In a new interview with Tara Hitchcock as part of the Spider-Man: No Way Home press tour, Zendaya, Holland, and Jacob Batalon were asked, "Has there ever been a movie secret revealed that affected you so greatly, you actually wish you could go back to when you didn't know it?" For Zendaya, she immediately turned to Holland, staring directly at him as she responded with, "As far as spoilers I wish I didn't know, I wish I didn't know about Iron Man before that movie came out." "Who told you that?" Holland responded, pretending to be oblivious to the whole situation. "I don't know," Zendaya jokingly replied, now playing along, "I didn't get to enjoy it in the theater."

"That must have been really tough for you," Holland added. "We should find out who spoiled that for you, that's terrible." While it doesn't come as a surprise now, Tony Stark/Iron Man makes the ultimate sacrifice during the finale of Avengers: Endgame by obtaining the infinity stones and using them to disintegrate Thanos and his army. While he saved everyone around him, the power from wielding the stones proved to be too much, as it killed him in the process

While the character's death was surprising to many, Holland knew about it years prior to Endgame's release. In an interview from 2019 during Spider-Man: Far From Home's press tour, Holland admitted that he told Zendaya and Batalon about Stark's death. "I do all these interviews and I keep it to myself so the next person I talk to, I have to be like, 'Oh my god, this happens in the film,'" Holland shared at the time. While it may be tempting for him to share some spoilers from Spider-Man: No Way Home, fans can expect to get nothing out of the web-slinging star, especially considering the amount of hype surrounding the film.

Spider-Man: No Way Home has been one of the most secretive yet popular MCU projects to date, as constant rumors or minute leaks continue to be talked about or overanalyzed. With a film of this scale and knowing the number of crossovers taking place with characters like Alfred Molina's Doc Ock and Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin from previous films, Spider-Man: No Way Home has the potential to become one of the MCU's biggest to date.

Spider-Man: No Way Home swings into theatres on December 17th, 2021.

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Source: Tara Hitchcock/YouTube, Jake Hamilton/YouTube