New York City is almost as much a part of Spider-Man's identity as the webbed costume and big white eyes. However, for some gamers, swinging around the same location in almost every game (in admittedly higher graphical fidelity each time) can get a little "been there, done that." Since Spidey has been dipping his sticky foot into other universes for a while now, some fans have been asking why he hasn't also been given a chance to become an international Spider-Man of mystery.

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If Far From Home taught audiences anything, it's that not only does the wall-crawler look at home swinging from building to building abroad, but that it would be pretty cool to be able to do it in the next big Spider-Man game too, whether Peter Parker, Spider Gwen, or Miles Morales. Whether it's part of a globe-trotting campaign or the focus of a triple-A recreation, the world (and the many worlds of the Spider-Verse) seems full of perfect places for Peter Parker and pals to sling around in.

10 Mumbai, Through The Hustle And Bustle


Having Miles Morales appear as a new Spider-Man is great, and while the snowy NYC looked great, it would be nice to swing from other rooftops. Audiences already had a taste of what swinging around Mumbai, India, might feel like in Across The Spider-Verse: high traffic, rickshaw structures, iconic temples, and vibrant markets all flying by underfoot as Spider-Man swings from street to street.

A potential Spider-Man game could star an incarnation of Pavitr Prabhakar, who may or may not have an American Spider-Man to call on as a mentor (or long-distance pen pal). Whether delivered through an origin story with a twist or as an addition to the Marvel's Spider-Man series, a taste of Mumbai would give the fans a warm break from NYC's often-cold and rainy climate.

9 Slinging Across The Neon Skyline Of Shanghai

Battlefield 4 Art Book Shanghai Streets

While NYC seems like the only place that Spider-Man could functionally operate, there are plenty of cities with enough density to allow the blue and red web-slinger to do his slinging thing. Imagine Spider-Man zipping through China's most populated city, with its spectacularly colorful skyline and futuristic architecture (including Shanghai Tower, the third-highest building in the world).

Given that Peter has a solid grasp of Mandarin (at least according to the fact that the English-subbed Mandarin that appeared during the Demons segment of Marvel's Spider-Man), Spider-Man would have no more difficult a time navigating the densely packed and striking city of Shanghai as he would web-whipping up the iconic high-rises.

8 Doomstadt, Latveria, On The Doorstep Of Doctor Doom


Latveria, a fictional country in the Marvel universe, is where cutting-edge technology meets high-fantasy magic, especially in its capital, Doomstadt. This is, of course, because the small kingdom happens to be run by the cunning, evil, and supremely powerful Doctor Victor Von Doom. Steampunk turrets, high towers, and oppressive neon zeppelins floating high above to leap and swing from all await in a video game rendition of Doom's mysterious home turf.

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With Latveria bordering Symkaria, home of Silver Sable, there would be a chance to team up with the kick-ass leader of the Wild Pack as they attempt to stop Doom's nefarious plan to invade the mercenary's homeland (or whatever malevolent designs Doom has for the world that week).

7 Paris, The City Of Light

Spider Man Paris

While Paris has been depicted in video games before (like in the super-accurately detailed Assassin's Creed: Unity), there haven't been very many modern depictions of one of the most beautiful and romantic places in the contemporary world, at least not one that Spider-Man could swing around in: from the tip of the Eiffel Tower to the artsy, Bohemian streets of Montmartre Hill would be sure to amaze.

It's not hard to contrive a reason to get the friendly neighborhood spider into The City of Light. After Pete and Mary-Jane finally tie the knot, it's time for a honeymoon. However, as usual, Mr. & Mrs. Spider-Man find themselves in trouble with an underground (literally) faction of super-powered criminals who have dug themselves in and set up a base deep within the city's ancient catacombs.

6 A Tiny Team Up In The Microverse

Ant-Man running mid-fight with Yellow Jacket in Ant-Man movie

In a team-up so obvious it might have some in the audience wondering why it hasn't happened already, ol' Pete will have to swing, zip-line, and crawl through terrain much trickier than one made out of concrete and steel, the Microverse, thanks to a specially-designed suit courtesy of Ant-Man. Think Grounded with grappling webs and spider-sense.

Whether deep in the thickets of an unkempt backyard, stuck into some tricky security circuitry, or fending off an army of angry tardigrades, Spider-Man's super-sized neighborhood could offer fun set pieces, mind-bending traversals and an injection of pulpy, sci-fi madness as he and Ant-Man delve ever deeper into the mysterious Microverse.

5 Hong Kong

A character next to a sports car looks up at the neon lights in Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs

Hong Kong would make a great candidate for the webhead to swing around in (due to a certain portal within Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum). In terms of building density and skyscraper height, Hong Kong has The Big Apple beat with far greater denser and dizzyingly high verticality.

Gamers have seen Hong Kong virtually depicted before in games like Sleeping Dogs, but an outing with Spider-Man lost in Hong Kong would give players a new way to experience the friendly neighborhood spider's acrobatic prowess.

4 Knowhere, The Cosmic Nexus

Knowhere Cosmic Spider-Man

One of the most exciting and unexplored timelines in the Spidey-Verse is the one in which Spider-Man is imbued with the powers of Captain Universe, effectively granting him the cosmic powers of a god. In a game set in this timeline, Cosmic Spider-Man could be sent to Knowhere, a far-off spaceport built upon the severed head of an alien god, and a multi-dimensional nexus.

Zero-G web-swinging around the floating mega-structure would be a trippy experience. As Spider-Man learns to unlock more of his celestial powers, he could open hidden locations in Knowhere, including the Continuum Cortex, which would allow him to visit other cosmic realms and meet other cosmic beings along the way, including Thor, Nova, the Silver Surfer, and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

3 Tokyo, The Neon Playground

Trivia about Japanese Spider Man

Readers as old as the Vulture might recall a Japanese Spider-Man live-action TV show featuring one Takuya Yamashiro, who obtained his spider powers (and, oddly enough, a giant, summonable fighting mech) from an alien spider-being.

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A game set in Tokyo wouldn't necessarily need to include a summonable giant robot (it would, however, be awesome), as the sprawling mega-metropolis boasts some of the most impressive skylines on the planet. Battles on bullet trains, clashing with cyber-thugs in the neon-lit streets of Shinjuku: and being able to leap off Tokyo Skytree would be sure to pump fresh, radioactive blood into any Spidey-fan.

2 The Primal Expanse Of Savage Land

The Avengers in the Savage Land in Marvel Comics Cropped

Out of the concrete jungle and into a real, savage wilderness. the Savage Lands is a tropical anomaly hidden away somewhere in Antarctica. While swinging through the streets of Manhattan is truly a thrill, navigating an open-wold jungle thick with super-evolved monsters, ancient technology, and esoteric cults would be a great change of pace.

What If? Peter finds out that the arctic scientific expedition in which his parents disappeared was actually an exploration of the Savage Lands and that, shockingly, his parents may still be alive. With the help of Miles Morales, Peter packs his suit and sets out to uncover the mystery of the mysterious prehistoric reserve, fending off ambushes from dinosaurs, Kraven the Hunter, and other deadly foes.

1 Across The Pond, London

Spider Man London

Audiences everywhere already got a taste of what it would be like to see Spider-Man in the iconic British capital city. Although the buildings there aren't quite as tall as the ones in NYC, London features a landscape full of monuments, bridges, buildings, and large clocks for Spider-Man to cross the metropolis' many boroughs and heaving streets.

Many Marvel superheroes have roots in the UK, including vampire-hunting Blade and Spider-Woman. Spidey could take on a uniquely-British array of supervillains or even go up against the powers of the establishment, that is, if the anarco-arachnid himself, Spider-Punk, is willing to show up with his usual witty banter (it isn't just Spider-Gwen or Miles Morales who are fans of this guy!).

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