Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will introduce several new characters, including the Spot. While the latest trailer released by Sony Pictures in the US gave fans a good idea of the Spot's powers, an international trailer has provided a few more pieces of footage that emphasize how much trouble Miles and his fellow Spider-People are in.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will follow Miles as he teams back up with Peter B. Parker and Gwen Stacy to protect the multiverse. The trailers have suggested that Miles and his friends encounter trouble with Oscar Isaac's Miguel O'Hara, who leads the Spider-Society; however, the Spot will be the movie's true villain. Director Kemp Powers confirmed that the Spot will also be the main villain of the series' third installment, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, so while fans shouldn't expect to see the full range of his powers in the upcoming movie, they can expect a clear introduction to the Spot's powers and his potential.

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Although the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse trailer released by Sony Pictures in the US provides plenty of sequences of the Spot's powers in action, another official trailer includes a couple more shots. A trailer released by Sony Pictures España on YouTube shows two additional sequences featuring the Spot. The first lasts only a second and shows the Spot in a shifting, amorphous dimension that looks distinctly different from every other dimension featured in the trailer. The second is equally short and shows Miles swinging between buildings, narrowly avoiding three large white hands reaching out of portals.

Both scenes reference pieces of the Spot's comic canon. In the comics, the Spot uses a dimension called the Spotted Dimension while using his powers. While there's no way to know for sure what dimension he is in during the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse trailer, the erratic, chaotic, constantly shifting nature of it suggests that it could be the Spotted Dimension. The second clip references the Spot's most used ability: to throw voids on any surface and deliver physical attacks through those voids. What's noteworthy about the shot is that the hands reaching out of the portals appear larger than Miles' entire body; as far as the Marvel comics canon goes, the Spot doesn't have the power to make himself larger.

While the sequence that features the Spot's giant hands coming out of portals raises questions about what exactly his powers will be in the movie, the sequence showing him in the strange dimension raises equally - if not more - interesting questions. If he is in the Spotted Dimension, there's a chance that what the trailer is showing is an example of the Spot's immortality. In the comics, the Spot cannot be killed. If his physical body is fatally wounded, the Spot's body disintegrates and reforms in the Spotted Dimension. The way his form moves in the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse trailer suggests that he isn't whole - the Spider-Society may destroy the Spot only for him to reform in the Spotted Dimension. Whichever dimension he's in, he won't stay there for long.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse hits theaters June 2, 2023.

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Source: Sony Pictures España